Why would john podesta be discussing Wet Works on Feb 9?

Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta used a term known to reference assassination in an email sent to a lobbyist days before Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s mysterious death.

The email, an exchange between Podesta and D.C. lobbyist Steve Elmendorf, appeared in a trove of documents dumped by the organization WikiLeaks Wednesday.

“Didn’t think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard,” Podesta says in the February 9 email under the subject line “Thanks”.

“I’m all in,” gay lobbyist and Hillary delegate Steve Elmendorf replies. “Sounds like it will be a bad nite, we all need to buckle up and double down.”

Justice Scalia was later found dead in a hotel room in Texas on the night of February 12 – three days after the email exchange took place.

The mysterious death was seen as suspicious by many, including a former US Army intelligence officer who deemed the pillow found over Scalia’s head to be a warning.
just like the 1,000's of other "events" surrounding the Clinton's this is purely coincidental...
I have to admit though, pretty ballsy to kill a stitting Justice. UnAmerican, but ballsy.
Don't be ridiculous, and learn how to comprehend what you read. I was commenting about the moxie it takes to kill a sitting Justice. They haven't killed those before, that I know of. Killing Vince Foster or some staffer that leaked emails is a lower level and lower risk.
Don't be ridiculous, and learn how to comprehend what you read. I was commenting about the moxie it takes to kill a sitting Justice. They haven't killed those before, that I know of. Killing Vince Foster or some staffer that leaked emails is a lower level and lower risk.

You really are a moron. If you're going to kill a sitting judge, 50-60 practice killings comes in handy.

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