Indeed we DO win the next 2 and go to the championship! I'm firmly still in the camp that we can do and will do just that. Had some kinks showing yesterday. Let's face it we don't play well away when it's:
A. An empty stadium
B. Their superbow ( we get every team's best game now folks, much like Notre Dame every G5 is UP for us)
C. Our QB is having accuracy problems ( birdsong Ahia , littlon mtsu)
Do we bounce back or do we fold? I say this is a young team, it bounces back, plays sharp v FIU and rolls into WKY with an attitude.
As for the 19,000 in attendance , well I guess I'll be one of them, driving 9 hours from the ATL to be loud and proud in the house!
Maybe we should go to Walmart and recruit WVU fans to come that never set foot on a college campus?