With all the talk of pedophiles on here…

Give it a few more years and the Libs and Dems will have that "normalized". He would not have faced jail time.

Weirdos who support men playing women's sports.
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Give it a few more years and the Libs and Dems will have that "normalized". He would not have faced jail time.

Weirdos who support men playing women's sports.
You didn’t denounce the guy, you just tried to turn it on Dems.

Are you secretly a pedophile, or an ally?

That’s pretty disgusting.
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you are the one searching pedophile stories, not me, sicko
It was on a news site, so the line of attack is weak.

Almost as weak as you not denouncing this guy’s actions for a second time. I guess you’re down with people looking at CP as long as it’s the GOP.
It was on a news site, so the line of attack is weak.

Almost as weak as you not denouncing this guy’s actions for a second time. I guess you’re down with people looking at CP as long as it’s the GOP.
Your party is the one who supports all the weirdos and you just happened to run across that article on Newsweek? Newsweek? Yehh sure.

Democrats are the party of the male swimmer competitng against females.
Your party is the one who supports all the weirdos and you just happened to run across that article on Newsweek? Newsweek? Yehh sure.

Democrats are the party of the male swimmer competitng against females.
Third time, still no denunciation. I thought that the over-the-top party loyalty was bad with you, but holy shit.

Giving pedophiles a pass since they’re Republican.
Third time, still no denunciation. I thought that the over-the-top party loyalty was bad with you, but holy shit.

Giving pedophiles a pass since they’re Republican.
I'll denounce him. Now how bout you denounce all the antics of the democrats and their continued support for groomers and other pedos.
I'll denounce him. Now how bout you denounce all the antics of the democrats and their continued support for groomers and other pedos.

I don’t support pedophiles in the least, and feel like they need to be locked up and kept as far away from our kids as possible. The same can be said for people that actually groom kids.

Some members of the Democratic Party are going over the top with their rage over the Florida bill. It’s as bad as some members of the Republican Party calling anything and everything “groomer”.

Should sexual-related topics be brought up to grade school kids? Hell no, and I side with the parents.

Do I think the book banning relating to this is going over the top? Definitely.
Third time, still no denunciation. I thought that the over-the-top party loyalty was bad with you, but holy shit.

Giving pedophiles a pass since they’re Republican.
All pedophiles deserve death. Are you willing to say the same thing?
Pedophiles can rot and burn.

There you go.

But as I have said before libs are on their way to normalizing it.
I’m curious as to why this story was overlooked.

Some unknown aide gets nabbed, the story gets reported on the 7th on Newsweek & this is your gotcha? Of course it’s to be condemned. But is this your standard for holding others accountable? Cause there’s quite a bit that you haven’t commented on, which by your logic, means you’re cool with.
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"Less abortion = more CP for me!"


They gonna LOVE this guy in prison.

Some unknown aide gets nabbed, the story gets reported on the 7th on Newsweek & this is your gotcha? Of course it’s to be condemned. But is this your standard for holding others accountable? Cause there’s quite a bit that you haven’t commented on, which by your logic, means you’re cool with.
It’s interesting to see you call this out, considering others on here have done the same and you haven’t said a word. How many random Twitter quotes have been an attempt at a gotcha on here?
Just FYI, but newsweek hasn't been an actual 'news' site since 1986.
Eh, showed up fine on Politico the other day.
Now how bout you denounce all the antics of the democrats and their continued support for groomers and other pedos.
Here I thought you people here were simply weirdos, but nope, turns out it's just another talking point.

Political operatives in Florida are as aware as anyone that language is a powerful tool. It’s why liberal activists have spent considerable effort unofficially rebranding the “Parental Rights in Education Bill” — a piece of legislation that limits what classrooms can discuss about sexual orientation and gender identity — as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. “Parental Rights in Education” sounds unobjectionable and benign. “Don’t Say Gay” makes the argument that the bill seems concerned mostly with the rights of parents who are squeamish about gay people.

Conservatives have responded with their own unofficial branding, and — oh boy. “The bill that liberals inaccurately call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill,” tweeted Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), last week. “If you’re against the Anti-Grooming bill you are probably a groomer or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of 4-8 year old children.”

Lot to unpack here, but let’s start with terminology: “Grooming,” as defined by the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), is “manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught.” As examples, RAINN lists adults encouraging children to keep secrets, or escalating nonsexual contact, like hugging or wrestling into sexual contact. Grooming does not have anything to do with sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s molesters who groom, regardless of whether they’re gay or straight....

....“Pete Buttigieg’s husband is a groomer,” tweeted Sara Gonzales, a television host with Blaze TV, in response to a viral video of the transportation secretary’s spouse addressing children at an LGBTQ summer camp. In the video, campers repeat after Chasten as he recites a playful “pledge” to the rainbow flag, ending with, “affirmation and equal rights for all.”

In conservative circles online, the clip is presented as if it’s bombshell footage of a secret cult ritual. In actuality the clip is part of a documentary about Pete Buttigieg’s improbable presidential candidacy and his wholesome marriage. Chasten performed no grooming at this camp, unless at some point he and the campers currycombed a horse.

Or unless you presume, as Gonzales apparently does, that teaching children equality and self-acceptance is grooming them for anything other than a well-adjusted adulthood. Would she prefer they take a pledge of self-hatred?

I am open to the idea that the Florida bill is not itself inherently bad (a solution looking for a problem, perhaps), but when DeSantis' press sec is saying shit like that I start to think there is much more here than appears to the eye...
It’s interesting to see you call this out, considering others on here have done the same and you haven’t said a word. How many random Twitter quotes have been an attempt at a gotcha on here?
Considering I posted "Of course it's to be condemned" and you quoted the post, seems like I did say something.
Eh, showed up fine on Politico the other day.

Here I thought you people here were simply weirdos, but nope, turns out it's just another talking point.

Political operatives in Florida are as aware as anyone that language is a powerful tool. It’s why liberal activists have spent considerable effort unofficially rebranding the “Parental Rights in Education Bill” — a piece of legislation that limits what classrooms can discuss about sexual orientation and gender identity — as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. “Parental Rights in Education” sounds unobjectionable and benign. “Don’t Say Gay” makes the argument that the bill seems concerned mostly with the rights of parents who are squeamish about gay people.

Conservatives have responded with their own unofficial branding, and — oh boy. “The bill that liberals inaccurately call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill,” tweeted Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), last week. “If you’re against the Anti-Grooming bill you are probably a groomer or at least you don’t denounce the grooming of 4-8 year old children.”

Lot to unpack here, but let’s start with terminology: “Grooming,” as defined by the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), is “manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught.” As examples, RAINN lists adults encouraging children to keep secrets, or escalating nonsexual contact, like hugging or wrestling into sexual contact. Grooming does not have anything to do with sexual orientation or gender identity. It’s molesters who groom, regardless of whether they’re gay or straight....

....“Pete Buttigieg’s husband is a groomer,” tweeted Sara Gonzales, a television host with Blaze TV, in response to a viral video of the transportation secretary’s spouse addressing children at an LGBTQ summer camp. In the video, campers repeat after Chasten as he recites a playful “pledge” to the rainbow flag, ending with, “affirmation and equal rights for all.”

In conservative circles online, the clip is presented as if it’s bombshell footage of a secret cult ritual. In actuality the clip is part of a documentary about Pete Buttigieg’s improbable presidential candidacy and his wholesome marriage. Chasten performed no grooming at this camp, unless at some point he and the campers currycombed a horse.

Or unless you presume, as Gonzales apparently does, that teaching children equality and self-acceptance is grooming them for anything other than a well-adjusted adulthood. Would she prefer they take a pledge of self-hatred?

I am open to the idea that the Florida bill is not itself inherently bad (a solution looking for a problem, perhaps), but when DeSantis' press sec is saying shit like that I start to think there is much more here than appears to the eye...
At the end of the day kids are much more likely to get groomed and abused if they don’t understand things like bodily autonomy, inappropriate touch, etc because no one’s ever told them than if they do.

Nobody ever wants to have that conversation because it’s awkward and difficult and they want to think it could never happen to their kids but that’s exactly who it happens to. The idea that sex Ed is grooming is at best disastrously misinformed, at worst a direct attempt and making it easier to groom children.

I still haven’t seen a single example happening in Florida of something this bill is supposed to address.
At the end of the day kids are much more likely to get groomed and abused if they don’t understand things like bodily autonomy, inappropriate touch, etc because no one’s ever told them than if they do.
This is absolutely true, and probably why churches have an issue with this, kids raised in homes where sex is taboo and they are taught nothing.
At the end of the day kids are much more likely to get groomed and abused if they don’t understand things like bodily autonomy, inappropriate touch, etc because no one’s ever told them than if they do.

Nobody ever wants to have that conversation because it’s awkward and difficult and they want to think it could never happen to their kids but that’s exactly who it happens to. The idea that sex Ed is grooming is at best disastrously misinformed, at worst a direct attempt and making it easier to groom children.

I still haven’t seen a single example happening in Florida of something this bill is supposed to address.
Not in my damn house it didn't. Old man told me early on if a pervert ever tried any shit on me, let him know, and he'd take a tire tool to their skull.
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We already realize H&H is a proponent of showing porn to 2nd graders. No need to relive that one.

Seriously. What is the damn fascination with liberal's thinking a young child should be exposed to anything related to sex?
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We already realize H&H is a proponent of showing porn to 2nd graders. No need to relive that one.

Seriously. What is the damn fascination with liberal's thinking a young child should be exposed to anything related to sex?
A vested interest in my kids not being molested.

edit: and lmao I never for a second said I thought 2nd graders should see porn. Some 2nd graders will see porn. The average age is 11. Welcome to the ****ed up world we live in.
You can have a vested interest in your kids not being molested without trying to explain the birds and the bees fully and that "Sally" is actually "Steve".
There are different times that different conversations are appropriate. You don’t need “tab A, slot B” conversations with a kindergartener and I don’t know anyone who argued otherwise.

You also don’t have to even mention genitalia to explain that a person was a girl, but that didn’t feel right to them, and now they’re a boy. Sex isn’t really involved in that at all.
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You also don’t have to even mention genitalia to explain that a person was a girl, but that didn’t feel right to them, and now they’re a boy. Sex isn’t really involved in that at all.
Ok, so now you're advocating lying to children. Makes sense... :rolleyes:

They're not a boy. They are a girl who wants to be a boy...but will never fully be because genetically she's a girl. She'll take hormones, she'll grow facial hair....thats her wish. But she's still a girl.
For such a minute segment of the population we sure do have to cater to their every need. And no I’m not talking about the pedos I’m talking about the “trans kindergartners”
There are different times that different conversations are appropriate. You don’t need “tab A, slot B” conversations with a kindergartener and I don’t know anyone who argued otherwise.

You also don’t have to even mention genitalia to explain that a person was a girl, but that didn’t feel right to them, and now they’re a boy. Sex isn’t really involved in that at all.

Facts don’t care about feelings. Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina. Didn’t Kindergarten Cop teach you anything?
We already realize H&H is a proponent of showing porn to 2nd graders. No need to relive that one.

Seriously. What is the damn fascination with liberal's thinking a young child should be exposed to anything related to sex?
They are going to try to normalize this stuff. Just wait they will say the Pedo was born that way or suffered something growing up.
A vested interest in my kids not being molested.

edit: and lmao I never for a second said I thought 2nd graders should see porn. Some 2nd graders will see porn. The average age is 11. Welcome to the ****ed up world we live in.
so you want some public school teacher telling your kids in early elementary years about transgenders, sex changes, and that kind of crap? That ain't the school's damn job. Nor should you want it to be.

I know I used ain't but that was to make a point.
There are different times that different conversations are appropriate. You don’t need “tab A, slot B” conversations with a kindergartener and I don’t know anyone who argued otherwise.

You also don’t have to even mention genitalia to explain that a person was a girl, but that didn’t feel right to them, and now they’re a boy. Sex isn’t really involved in that at all.
Keep that Hollyweird stuff in California. I am sorry but that has no place in school, especially at young ages.
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