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What if this has an opposite effect and athletes actually go to finance classes to learn how all this works?
This is the ESPN dream of pay the players. "Pay the players, pay the players, pay the players" has been the ESPN (the focus of evil in the sports world) refrain for decades.

I still say, there just isn't the money in the long run. People (old men) buy pro teams because they have a bad case of NOTICE ME. There are a hundred rich old white guys that could walk down the street in any city and not be noticed, and these people are fine with it. But, there is the one short d***ed guy who wants to be not only rich, but famous. So they buy a pro team. And guess what? They actually own it. People know who they are, and they can sell out at the end of their time and get their money back.

College? It belongs to the state of Florida, in this case. You can donate all the money you want, you don't own anything. You get no return on your investment past being able to buy a t-shirt anyone can get at Wal-Mart. And, no one, well almost no one, know who the f*** you are.
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