Women's March Intelligence

They don't even know what they stand for. Rather repulsive behavior.
These are all the anti semits that the Democrat party was buddies with until it became public knowledge. Racists
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here is a thought. I saw this idea on FB. If the left now wants everyone to be gender neutral or whatever why are they having a womens rights march?
Why do they automatically hand me the check at the restaurant?

What rights are they marching for, exactly? They keep claiming the need for equal right and equality, but I don't see their examples.

Women get a lot of 'rights' men don't have. They can abort a baby, regardless of the fathers opinion. If the woman decides to give birth, the father is financially responsible, again not having a voice. If a ship is sinking, it's women and children first. Women love EO in the military but don't ask them to be required to sign up for Selective Service.

The women's march is nothing but victim mentality based on nit-picked data. They view themselves as the badass women on Wonder Woman's homeland, but they're really just fat cat moms who's apartment smells like a litter box.
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