Worth 7 minutes of your time, especially you Libs

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
He hits the nail on the head. Listen if you dare. You want us to listen things like CRT and why people on the other side feel the way the do. Maybe our polticial generals should listen to this 7 minutues to see where we got to where we are at.

Warning, libs, it may be painful but I suggest you listen to it.

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Whatever he said, he was just paid to say it by somebody else. What was it? Chinese coming to get us? Mexicans? ISIS?

The GOP needs to rebrand and redevelop itself as a party of bravery. We're going to need a real brave leader someday. Maybe not, but I'd like to think so. I wish I could get some bravery back. Logically, I can. But my nerves are still shot.

Logically, I know that all these boogey men are bullshit. Not only that, but even if they're real I'm so close to the damn grave anyway that it doesn't even matter. Go on and kill me, but they probably won't.

That's why I'm all for open borders and everything. Take in all comers, because most of them won't make it, they'll suck and fail, whatever. Some of them won't. Those will be great stories of success. But I'm not going to worry about a bunch of damn people flocking in here who don't have sense to tie their shoes.

Let 'em come. Hell, what can they do? And these other countries are even dumber than we were on the fake bird flu. The boogey men are all fake. Time to get rid of these damn hallucinations and celebrate with a chew and spit smorgasbord of candy bars.
I enjoyed Greenwald and Matt Taibbi on substack over the past year. I don’t watch Tucker Carlson (or have cable TV).

From the Greenwald substack guest article:

Trump supporters were led down some rabbit holes. But they are absolutely right that the institutions and power centers of this country have been monopolized by a Regime that believes they are beneath representation, and will observe no limits to prevent them getting it. I encourage people on the Left to recognize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in front of them. You’re not going to agree with the conservatives on everything. But if in 2004 I had told you that the majority of the GOP voter base would soon be seeing the folly of the Iraq War, becoming skeptical of state surveillance, and beginning to see the need for action to help the poor and working classes, you’d have told me such a thing would transform the country. Take the opportunity. These people are not demons, and they are ready to listen in a way they haven’t in a long, long time.