Wvians have broken the chains of bondage of the democratic party

In the short amount of time since I moved back, Marshall's football team & the state's political leanings have done a complete 180. I don't want to say that this all happened because of me, but I think we're all smart enough to connect the dots.
Originally posted by wisemaniac:
In the short amount of time since I moved back, Marshall's football team & the state's political leanings have done a complete 180. I don't want to say that this all happened because of me, but I think we're all smart enough to connect the dots.
Seems pretty cut and dried to me.
Originally posted by HerdFan73:
Originally posted by wisemaniac:
In the short amount of time since I moved back, Marshall's football team & the state's political leanings have done a complete 180. I don't want to say that this all happened because of me, but I think we're all smart enough to connect the dots.
Seems pretty cut and dried to me.
agreed. you dont get the moniker "wise" for nothing....
And they nearly took the senate too! Republicans gained an amazing 7 seats in winning 11 out of 17 races. I honestly never thought I'd see the day that happened in WV.
Originally posted by Jule Huffman is my real father:
And they nearly took the senate too! Republicans gained an amazing 7 seats in winning 11 out of 17 races. I honestly never thought I'd see the day that happened in WV.
No kidding. When I got involved in 2000, I never dreamed this would happen. I just wanted to help make it a little closer.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
I pray one day WV truly moves forward.
They will. The TV and school will continue to brainwash them out of their way of life. The way I still hold dear. They're already way too modern for me. That's why it would be of no benefit for me to go back. The women there are just as bullish and bossy as everywhere else. Worse yet, back there they're all fat, on welfare and smell like cigarette smoke.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
My hope for WV is to become a place where people who value nature and a slower pace of life can locate to work from home or work for small tech start-ups associated with MU and WVU.

The life long welfarers can move to Ohio.
Bigtime pie in the sky, will never happen.

The people who work those kind of jobs are yuppies and hippies. They would want to live close to Huntington and Charleston for one, since that's the only place they can get Starbucks and go to the mall. Not only that, but they aren't into redneck culture.
The welfarers won't move anywhere. They get paid enough to stay put. People who ever want to do anything in life are the ones who have to move. That's how it'll stay.
What kind of businesses, raft and trout fly outfits? I doubt those make any money. Dreamers. I've had dumb dreams of living in the mountains and writing. Very stupid. My writing sucks and depending on somebody to like it enough to buy it would be a horrible position to be in.

Hell, I've got more quiet and serenity right here in Dayton, Ohio than I ever had in Lesage, WV. Nothing but idiotic bums aggravating the hell out of me there. Here, I might as well be dead. They've even got a real nice cemetery overlooking the downtown.

These days I find myself wondering where I should go on the weekends, only to end up just staying here where I've got everything I need already. Still, after football's over I'd like to go back to Kentucky or Tennessee to listen to southerners talk.
Check out Lewisburg and Davis/Thomas.......Quite a few "hippies - Yuppies" opening cafes and shops there.
"Quite a few" and "I know a few" amounts to what, 10-20 people total? Against all the welfare, disability and social security check recipients? Yeah, some takeover that's gonna be. Should be complete in about the year 9000.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:
My hope for WV is to become a place where people who value nature and a slower pace of life can locate to work from home or work for small tech start-ups associated with MU and WVU.

The life long welfarers can move to Ohio.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I work from a home office, bought and old house and am returning it to its former glory. I think these little river communities and old log towns are perfect for stuff like you say. All you need is access to the interwebs.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
"Quite a few" and "I know a few" amounts to what, 10-20 people total? Against all the welfare, disability and social security check recipients? Yeah, some takeover that's gonna be. Should be complete in about the year 9000.
I don't think there are large welfare populations in Lewisburg and Davis/Thomas. Hell, Murox would be middle class in Lewisburg
Originally posted by GeauxHerd:

I work from a home office, bought and old house and am returning it to its former glory. I think these little river communities and old log towns are perfect for stuff like you say. All you need is access to the interwebs.
That is awesome. Yes, these little towns are great for that. WV needs to push this for all its worth. Bring in crazy internet speeds, offer seriously fat tax breaks for building rehabilitation, etc.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:

Originally posted by GeauxHerd:

I work from a home office, bought and old house and am returning it to its former glory. I think these little river communities and old log towns are perfect for stuff like you say. All you need is access to the interwebs.
That is awesome. Yes, these little towns are great for that. WV needs to push this for all its worth. Bring in crazy internet speeds, offer seriously fat tax breaks for building rehabilitation, etc.
Low cost of living.
Slow paced lifestyle.
Beautiful scenery.
Low crime.

If we could get our education up to par and realize that the energy sector is a huge part of what we are but something we can't live or die by, what you guys talk about would truly be an amazing "Wild & Wonderful West Virginia."
For the record, Ducky: your writing doesn't suck. It's like reading the ongoing adventures of Holden Caulfield.

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