No, I was solely talking about you and the language in your prior post.
No, what you were doing, which so many of you ilk do, is trolling around on a MARSHALL board, even though you are a WVU (same words as on your driver's license, no actual relationship) fan. Because you are fixated upon us, your betters.
You see, USPAM fandom requires either a very low IQ, or a willingness to suspend disbelief to a point where the non-sensical idiocy that the low IQers and those who take advantage of their stupidity tin the lapdog media and USPAM management, spew out. Things these people ACTUALLY BELIEVE.
The reality, now, yesterday, and FOREVER, is that WVU is a field filler. All the spew that places WVU, and those associated with it, on the same page, heck in the same book, as true major national powers is laughable. You are laughable for believing it.
Marshall fans, most of whom, umm, actually went to Marshall, are simply too smart to buy into this. So we join the world in laughing at "your" joke of a program. The only difference is that we are closer to you, more successful, and louder about it. The rest of the world, to the extent that they think about WVU at all, agrees with us.
"Your" program is nothing, never has been anything, and NEVER will be anything.
Go back to you miserable little life and get off the MARSHALL board.