I haven't watched enough of his games to know, Sisters. I had major, major apprehensions about his character based on his high school arrest.
Some crimes to me are more indicative of a person's character. If a kid gets arrested for weed possession, given a citation for public intox, etc., I don't think that is necessarily a reflection of his character and quality as a person. Poor choice? Yes. Immature? Yes. A substance abuse problem? Perhaps.
On the other hand, breaking into garages and cars to steal things from citizens, then selling them to pawn stores? I consider that a huge red flag of a person's character and quality. The kid didn't grow up poor, so it isn't like he was trying to get money to pay for his meals or to help his little sister get money for piano lessons. That's just a bad apple. Hearing stories from quarterbacks he went to camp with in high school just solidified my views (as have his actions while at Marshall).
I will tell you more about his football value in ten days.