Any realistic person with a shred of intelligence understood why Covington Catholic rushed that initial apology out. In today's "I'm slightly offended so I must destroy you on the internet culture" you have to try & stay in front of the avalanche of stupidity.
From the Cincinnati Inquirer, this is from a statement issued by the bishop who oversees Covington Catholic:
From the Cincinnati Inquirer, this is from a statement issued by the bishop who oversees Covington Catholic:
"We apologize to anyone who has been offended in any way by either of our statements which were made with good will based on the information we had," wrote the Most Rev. Roger Foys. "We should not have allowed ourselves to be bullied and pressured into making a statement prematurely, and we take full responsibility for it.
"I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family as well as to all CovCath families who have felt abandoned during this ordeal."
Foys made his apology Thursday in a letter to Covington Catholic parents.
He wrote that after video surfaced Saturday "purportedly" showing CovCath students "being disrespectful to Native American Elder Nathan Phillips," and that after "being pressured from all sides to make a statement," the Diocese of Covington and the school did so.
"Based on what the video clip showed we condemned the actions of students who engaged in the alleged disrespect and promised to investigate the matter," he wrote.
When longer clips of the incident surfaced, "some of the very same people who had put tremendous pressure on us to condemn the actions of the students now wanted a retraction..." he wrote.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore also issued a statement expressing regret for "speaking too hastily"."I especially apologize to Nicholas Sandmann and his family as well as to all CovCath families who have felt abandoned during this ordeal."
Foys made his apology Thursday in a letter to Covington Catholic parents.
He wrote that after video surfaced Saturday "purportedly" showing CovCath students "being disrespectful to Native American Elder Nathan Phillips," and that after "being pressured from all sides to make a statement," the Diocese of Covington and the school did so.
"Based on what the video clip showed we condemned the actions of students who engaged in the alleged disrespect and promised to investigate the matter," he wrote.
When longer clips of the incident surfaced, "some of the very same people who had put tremendous pressure on us to condemn the actions of the students now wanted a retraction..." he wrote.
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