That's great and all, but Chavez (and his supporters) self-identified as socialists.
So did Hitler, and then he killed the socialists.
That's great and all, but Chavez (and his supporters) self-identified as socialists.
Is there an example of a socialist country that has had long term success?
The Nordic countries have a definite socialist influence in their governments and seem to be doing alright. Full blown socialism no, and it would never work.
I would rather people work for $15/Hr then live off welfare
America??? There is so many socialist programs and laws in the country
Price controls, which are a separate thing, are worse though, in every instance I've ever seen them used
Are you not usually on here talking about how America sucks?? You were on here just 2 weeks ago talking about the fallacy of "our Freedom". You were insinuating that we really are not really "free". Now you claim we are a "success" because of socialist policy?????
While it does meet the strict definition of a price control, people don't generally treat the labor market like a free market. But if you want to count it then I guess all price controls don't fail.
Success on the government level sure. We still are the strongest in the world.
But you comparing my feelings on how America treats its citizens as sheep and Americas ability to keep its lights on and still being a presence in the world. Domestically this country has a shit ton of issues at all levels
You are going to need to elaborate because you are contradicting yourself.
How am I contradicting myself?? Please explain yourself, this country has domestic issues that no other Major civilized country deals with
Like what? Oh wait, like Ferguson? I guess Norway doesn't have that problem.
A piece of crap thug the robbed a convenience store and tried to beat up a cop. And the media that ran with a FALSE narrative to push an agenda that they thought was legitimateAnd what lead to Ferguson again?? Clearly your missing the issue. When 115 countries condemn how our police force work, the problem is bigger then Ferguson
You still think he had his hands up?Funny thing is the shop owner has continuously stated that Michael Brown wasn't the guy who robbed him. And even after he had his hands up, the cop walked over and executed him.
But keep watching Fox News
How am I contradicting myself?? Please explain yourself, this country has domestic issues that no other Major civilized country deals with
You still think he had his hands up?
That's what all the witnesses say. But you know they took evidence from a white women who wasn't even there and was proven afterwards she wasn't there
I asked you to clarify yourself. Not start going off in "misdirectionville" with more asinine broad brush statements that can be refuted in 30 seconds..... (nevertheless I cant resist pointing out your errors)
Name the issues that no other "civilized" country deals with? Do you actually believe "race" isn't an issue across Europe? LMAO. They created racism and slavery and still remain some of the most racist, clannish mindsets I've ever encountered. You think Germany doesn't have "poor" people? You think England isn't full of citizen sheep walking around (they spend more time wondering what time the queen takes a shit than they do on how to become a productive society) waiting on their next govt benefit? Do we even need to talk about Japan,Spain, Italy, Greece, and most recently China's (human rights &) economic woes??? Damn, put down the weed, come out of your (mom's) basement and look around the world. (now back to the original discussion)
Claiming overall American Govt success while at the same time pointing to the failures to it's citizens needs greater clarification on your part. IMO the points you are making in justifying your opinion are contradictory. For instance, how can you denounce "socialist" domestic type policy, but then claim international policy success, while you also (usually) bitch and moan about the US on an international basis? If what I just explained and asked in this paragraph doesn't make sense...congratulations. Nothing coming from you usually does. That's why here is a great opportunity to clarify wtf you are talking about.
The fact our government thinks people can survive and raise a family on a $20K salary
Actually ALL the witnesses didnt say that. Crawl out from your moms basement and educate yourself on what actually happened.That's what all the witnesses say. But you know they took evidence from a white women who wasn't even there and was proven afterwards she wasn't there
Flipping burgers and asking if you would like fries with that is not and should not be a career goal.People are fighting for a minimum wage of $15/hr which equals to and without overtime a little under a 30K a year salary.
I could care less what is going on in other countries. I don't live there