you can't lecture or go at the Chinese(others) when all you do is bad mouth your own country.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
And, that is what Democrats do. If you are the Chinese or Russians or Iranians or whoever you are going who are these fools to try to come at us from a position of strength when all they do is bad mouth their own country, including the VP and President along with the Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House.

Damn, can you imagine being a kid now. Kids here must think they live in the worst place ever.

Why do Democrats hate their own country? The Chinese recently called out the current administration on this. Hey you are lecturing us on human rights but your own President talks about systemic racism and cop killing people all the time. They have also brainwashed the youth and minorities. How many unarmed or innocent people are killed by cops each year? I have heard from 18 to 27.
Hey you are lecturing us on human rights but your own President talks about systemic racism and cop killing people all the time.
A great example of Soviet style "whataboutism" propaganda. Which is WHY it is good to be honest about our problems and stress that we are trying to fix them....verses locking people up in goddamn concentration camps. In the end we ARE better than them. Their government, not their people. Chinese people are like people everywhere, they just want a decent life for their family.
A great example of Soviet style "whataboutism" propaganda. Which is WHY it is good to be honest about our problems and stress that we are trying to fix them....verses locking people up in goddamn concentration camps. In the end we ARE better than them. Their government, not their people. Chinese people are like people everywhere, they just want a decent life for their family.
Bull shit. The whole democrat platform is now built on racial division. They have nothing else and they know they particularly do it to win and major metro areas. They are going to continue to race bait. They have to.
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Bull shit. The whole democrat platform is now built on racial division. They have nothing else and they know they particularly do it to win and controajor metro areas. They are going to continue to race bait. They have to.
Bull shit. The whole Republican platform is now built on racial division. They have nothing else and they know they particularly do it to win white and rural areas. They are going to continue to race bait. They have to.

You want to reply to my description of the Chinese Commie Party remarks as propaganda or not? It's the same propaganda the Soviets used against Russia when Ronnie Raygun was POTUS: "But the blacks in America are poor!"
Bull shit. The whole Republican platform is now built on racial division. They have nothing else and they know they particularly do it to win white and rural areas. They are going to continue to race bait. They have to.
Not true. Dems need the racial division. What would they have without it? Where do they create it? Major metro areas? You know, look at last election. They can't win without those areas. By whatever means necessary.
Not true. Dems need the racial division. What would they have without it? Where do they create it? Major metro areas? You know, look at last election. They can't win without those areas. By whatever means necessary.
Not true. Repubs need the racial division. What would they be without it? Where do they create it? Where the whites live? You know, look at the 2016 election. They can't win without those areas. By whatever means necessary.
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At least some are starting to see through the democrats' plantation mentality:

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you can't lecture or go at the Chinese(others) when all you do is bad mouth your own country.​

And, that is what Republicans do.
Why do Republicans hate their own country?

Republicans are ripping on their country by stating the US government is :

Taking our guns
Allowing racist and murderous illegal immigrant Mexicans into our country
Allowing fraudulent elections
Ruining education
Allowing mainstream media bias to sway elections
Shutting the economy down to control us while blaming it on the covid hoax
The US is being run by the deep state
The 2020 presidency was stolen
Has brainwashed the youth and minorities
Has allowed the weakening of our entire military
Manipulate science

I have to ask again, why do republicans hate their own country?
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you can't lecture or go at the Chinese(others) when all you do is bad mouth your own country.​

And, that is what Republicans do.
Why do Republicans hate their own country?

Republicans are ripping on their country by stating the US government is :

Taking our guns
Allowing racist and murderous illegal immigrant Mexicans into our country
Allowing fraudulent elections
Ruining education
Allowing mainstream media bias to sway elections
Shutting the economy down to control us while blaming it on the covid hoax
The US is being run by the deep state
The 2020 presidency was stolen
Has brainwashed the youth and minorities
Has allowed the weakening of our entire military

I have to ask again, why do republicans hate their own country?
Because Democrats are hell bent on oower