Your God Executed 13 Bad Christians Yesterday

Yet, I'll be gone in a couple of months, off to lecture teenagers on the importance of taking advantage of opportunities in life, while continuing to pass them up in my own life.

Well hell, you gotta rest sometime.

Go get 'em. Yep, I'm just another geezer in the crowd these days. Rooting on the youngsters with my grave on my mind. That could be a song. Vanilla Ice Cold Dead Hands could sing it.

Damn, I'm old and lame and loving every minute of it.
What ever happened to this one?
I imagine all the people that died on 911 took safe modes of transportation to work. God punish them for going to work by executing them?

Ahh, aint' atheism grand?

Shhhhh hundreds of Muslims died during 9/11 but nobody says anything.
Greed is a cheater and has a one way ticket to some imaginary land called hell, a place that's run by a dictator who dresses in a tight red polyester suit, and walks around carrying a pitch fork. But, he can repent his many sins by getting his head dunked into a creek in order to avoid a one way ticket to hell. If that's not a viable reason to give all of your expendable income to Hubbard, I'm not sure what is.

Even Gary's Weenie couldn't come up with a ponzi scheme that rivals this one.

Just because you get baptized doesn't save you from Damnation, even the Bible says so
Who are "they"?

Many believe that Roman Emperor Constantine used Christianity to unify all of the many religions that were being practiced at the time. Many of the religions had a virgin birth and crucifixion element to their belief. But I would believe that religion prior to Christianity was born out of man's natural tendency to explain things they don't understand rather than to control the masses. Not that it wasn't used later for that purpose.

That's not the truth about Constantine at all. They was trying to kill off the Christians but we kept multiplying. So what Constantine did was combine Christianity with the Pagan traditions. He also was a devout Sun God worshipper which is the reason why the Sabbath was moved to Sunday. He established Pagan Holidays such as Christmas and Easter with have nothing to do with Christianity. And he abolished the Passover which is the ONLY WAY to receive Salvation and Eternal Life. Even Jesus spoke on how the Devil will abolished God's laws and establish his own which he did in 321 AD. The Christianity that most of you follow is nothing more than a 1600 year old Lie. I don't follow today's Sunday "Christianity" which is nothing more than the Devils religion.
That's not the truth about Constantine at all. They was trying to kill off the Christians but we kept multiplying. So what Constantine did was combine Christianity with the Pagan traditions. He also was a devout Sun God worshipper which is the reason why the Sabbath was moved to Sunday. He established Pagan Holidays such as Christmas and Easter with have nothing to do with Christianity. And he abolished the Passover which is the ONLY WAY to receive Salvation and Eternal Life. Even Jesus spoke on how the Devil will abolished God's laws and establish his own which he did in 321 AD. The Christianity that most of you follow is nothing more than a 1600 year old Lie. I don't follow today's Sunday "Christianity" which is nothing more than the Devils religion.
So you're a messianic(sp?) jew?
This shows a huge lack of education on the topic. You may want to learn about the scientific method. Atheism and evolution are not belief based. They are supported by fact and peer reviewed for decades.

And your lack of knowledge on what's in the Bible is hilarious to me.
So you're a messianic(sp?) jew?

No All Jews go to Hell unless they have repent their denial of the Son of Man.

I follow what the Bible says regarding the Laws of God. Next week is the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. How many of your are taking part in the Passover Festival next week Monday. Or Fasting next Tuesday.

I'll ask this, How many if you went to Church on the Sabbath or believe God is Father and Mother??
So, your belief in a higher power is based on what is comforting to you instead of what is logical and supported by fact? Actually, that is why many people believe; it is comforting to them.

That is why for fifteen years on here I have claimed that religion is a crutch for the weak-minded. Regardless if you need that crutch to get you through tough financial or health times while living or whether it comforts you to think that there is an afterlife, it is a crutch.

Hell, I would love to have a continued afterlife after dying. But it doesn't happen, and I can't fake my mind into believing something just because it is comforting. Being sure that there is no afterlife forces you to make the most of your time living knowing that there is nothing else . . . but take that with a grain of salt, because it is 3 pm and I am still in bed.

This is spoken by someone who never learned the difference of the Phsyical World and the Spiritual World.
And he abolished the Passover which is the ONLY WAY to receive Salvation and Eternal Life.

We live under the New Testament covenant. In this new covenant, Christ IS our passover.
1 Corinthians 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
So, celebrating the birth of Christ and his resurrection have nothing to do with Christianity?

And Easter is another Pagan Holiday. I don't celebrate or recognize either Holiday. When your ready to do a real bible study, let me know.
We live under the New Testament covenant. In this new covenant, Christ IS our passover.
1 Corinthians 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:

Yes, Christ is the New Passover, but we must still do what Christ did.

Read Matthew Chapter 26 Verse 17-30, Luke 22 7-38 the key Verse in Luke Chapter 22 is verse 17.

Also read Matthew Chapter 7 21-23
If you have any other question on the New Covenant Passover and the feasts of Passover, I'll gladly provide you more verses.
Passover is next Monday at 6pm, will you be getting your feet washed at 7pm. Will you fast from 12am to 2:30pm next Tuesday. I'm sure you will take in bread that has Yeast which is against the Bible and the Law of God.
Wow your pathetic for even blaming this on God.

But then again, they was probably Sunday Worshippers who follow the decrees of Constantine and not the Laws of God. So maybe God was actually doing the right thing here.
Do you hold an English Degree from WVU?
Yes, Christ is the New Passover, but we must still do what Christ did.

Read Matthew Chapter 26 Verse 17-30, Luke 22 7-38 the key Verse in Luke Chapter 22 is verse 17.

Also read Matthew Chapter 7 21-23

This appears to be what my church calls a communion service, when we eat the bread, drink the unfermented wine, and wash feet.
This appears to be what my church calls a communion service, when we eat the bread, drink the unfermented wine, and wash feet.

Do you eat bread without Yeast?

And also does your church only does this once a year on the same date and time? If not then what your doing is still not what Jesus and the Bible says.
You think Jesus cares when we celebrate his birth and resurrection? If you do, I'd like book, chapter, verse, that says so.

It's clear you attend a Sunday church that's nothing more than a prostitute of the Catholic Church.
The fact that your Church even calls it communion proves they still aren't doing it right. The bible says in Delegations do not add or subtract from this book.

If your church is not upholding the true Passover then your not receiving Salvation. Next time you go to Church, ask your pastor why does he hold Sunday Service if God specifically says to keep the 7th day Holy.

Matter fact ask your Pastor what is the imagine of God and if he believes God is Man and a Woman?

When you get those answers, I'll teach you some more.
When you get those answers, I'll teach you some more.

Moron, you aren't teaching anything to anyone. Very few people even communicate with you because you are too stupid to have a basic conversation. The only reason people respond to you is for sheer entertainment purposes; you are an easy and cheap laugh.

Do you think these guys didn't know that Christmas isn't the actual historical date of the birth of Jesus? Do you think any of them didn't already know that he was born in warmer months?

Most dumb people know they aren't bright and know their role in life. You, on the other hand, truly think you are intelligent and truly think you are teaching things to people. You are the worst kind of dumb person - you are too stupid to even realize how stupid you are.
Do you eat bread without Yeast?

And also does your church only does this once a year on the same date and time? If not then what your doing is still not what Jesus and the Bible says.

I don't know if the bread has yeast or not. It has almost no taste. I know we sometimes have this service more than once per year.
It can't be on the same date if we do it more than once per year.
I tend to agree, depending on what you actually mean. So, simplify it for us........
You all are arguing over ceremonial events.
I always thought the plan of salvation was pretty simple. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Not specific ceremonial issues or customs.

Didn't the savior save the man on the cross beside him? I don't think what type of bread they used for communion was the issue.
You all are arguing over ceremonial events.
I always thought the plan of salvation was pretty simple. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

Not specific ceremonial issues or customs.

Didn't the savior save the man on the cross beside him? I don't think what type of bread they used for communion was the issue.

I agree, but there's more than just believing.

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