
Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007

US Army rebukes Trump campaign for incident at Arlington National Cemetery​

Should make the oath breakers proud.
He laid a wreath at the request of a fallen service member, at the family's request.

WHY won't you tell the full story.

They will get over it.
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You are not supposed to take pictures in Arlington. The family of a fallen Marine asked Trump to meet them there and lay flowers on their deceased family members grave with them. He did. They took a picture.

Big Army can get over it. The family earned the right to do it.
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You are not supposed to take pictures in Arlington.
Incorrect. I have done a good bit of photography at National Cemeteries. You are not supposed to take photos or film anyone obviously grieving, and should always ask permission to take a photo of anyone graveside or of a burial ceremony (Jesus Christ, I would never do that). While these rules are set for media, everyone absolutely should abide by them and respect them, it's the right thing to do. 99% of the time this has never affected me, as I photograph older historical graves, there's no one there. I enjoy visiting any cemetery with older, historic graves, and make it a point to do so when I travel.

You absolutely are not supposed to do partisan political shit in National Cemeteries. That includes photos and videos for campaigning. This is all National Cemeteries, not just Arlington.
Incorrect. I have done a good bit of photography at National Cemeteries. You are not supposed to take photos or film anyone obviously grieving, and should always ask permission to take a photo of anyone graveside or of a burial ceremony (Jesus Christ, I would never do that). While these rules are set for media, everyone absolutely should abide by them and respect them, it's the right thing to do. 99% of the time this has never affected me, as I photograph older historical graves, there's no one there. I enjoy visiting any cemetery with older, historic graves, and make it a point to do so when I travel.

You absolutely are not supposed to do partisan political shit in National Cemeteries. That includes photos and videos for campaigning. This is all National Cemeteries, not just Arlington.
The family asked him to
Well I wouldn't tell a momma no.
You already have.
The rules were put in place to protect mommas from stupid lying ignorant trumptard oath breakers like you and your stupid lying traitors like your perverted and malignant orange jesus.
You already have.
The rules were put in place to protect mommas from stupid lying ignorant trumptard oath breakers like you and your stupid lying traitors like your perverted and malignant orange jesus.
Shut up. You ever talk to a fallen service members wife or mother? I have.
Shut up. You ever talk to a fallen service members wife or mother? I have.
No. I'm not shutting up, you stupid lying ignorant sorry excuse for a human trumptard oath breaking Snot.
You're orange jesus attempted to use the memorial of a fallen soldier as a campaign prop in a place where it is FORBIDDEN by FEDERAL LAW. You're a total disgrace to the uniform. Total...disgrace.
No. I'm not shutting up, you stupid lying ignorant sorry excuse for a human trumptard oath breaking Snot.
You're orange jesus attempted to use the memorial of a fallen soldier as a campaign prop in a place where it is FORBIDDEN by FEDERAL LAW. You're a total disgrace to the uniform. Total...disgrace.
His family asked him to. Show some compassion
The family asked him to
The family asked him to be there. There's no issue with that.

The second he or his campaign shares a photo with graves as a prop, it's political campaigning. Why? Because he is currently campaigning for office. And this is what they did. It's in poor taste, never mind against the rules.

Some things are better off without a goddamn campaign media apparatus tagging along. This is one of those things.

As a side note, media could cover his visit there with permission from ANC, who would assign a media liaison to make sure the rules are followed, report on it with a photo and film, and that's within the rules. He would still get good publicity. These fvckheads simply believe rules do not apply to them, and that starts with the man at the top, who has never thought any rule or law applies to him.
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The family asked him to be there. There's no issue with that.

The second he or his campaign shares a photo with graves as a prop, it's political campaigning. Why? Because he is currently campaigning for office. And this is what they did. It's in poor taste, never mind against the rules.

Some things are better off without a goddamn campaign media apparatus tagging along. This is one of those things.

As a side note, media could cover his visit there with permission from ANC, who would assign a media liaison to make sure the rules are followed, report on it with a photo and film, and that's within the rules. He would still get good publicity. These fvckheads simply believe rules do not apply to them, and that starts with the man at the top, who has never thought any rule or law applies to him.
Well it is coming out now the Biden Admin tried to block this thing in Arlington. So yehh, more to the story. So, of course there is again...another story.

It was the families of the Afghan Withdraw l debacle and Biden Admin tried to block them.

So, yehh of course there is more to the story.
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Some things are better off without a goddamn campaign media apparatus tagging along. This is one of those things.

He can't fart in his sleep without the media being around.

You know how I know you're a leftist?

You don’t share your bitching. There's no shame in being who you are, unless there is.. I'd be ashamed of backing these America haters as well.
He can't fart in his sleep without the media being around
I think you mean fart in the courthouse, as he's on trial.
You know how I know
You don't know much of anything.
You don’t share your bitching.
I not here to bitch much (unless it's about Marshall football, lots to bitch about there). I'm here to point out what idiots and liars a bunch of you bitches are.

When Kamala runs a campaign event at ANC and has goons push around a female staffer, I'll come and bitch, OK? But even though she has no goddamn business as POTUS, I don't think she's big enough of an asshole to do that, so I guess you're shit outta luck.

On a side note, I i think it is hilarious Trump keeps on mispronouncing her name. I can't say it right either, because of that wrestler. The Ugandan Giant. About the most racist thing I have ever seen lol.
I think you mean fart in the courthouse, as he's on trial.

You don't know much of anything.

I not here to bitch much (unless it's about Marshall football, lots to bitch about there). I'm here to point out what idiots and liars a bunch of you bitches are.

When Kamala runs a campaign event at ANC and has goons push around a female staffer, I'll come and bitch, OK? But even though she has no goddamn business as POTUS, I don't think she's big enough of an asshole to do that, so I guess you're shit outta luck.

On a side note, I i think it is hilarious Trump keeps on mispronouncing her name. I can't say it right either, because of that wrestler. The Ugandan Giant. About the most racist thing I have ever seen lol.
She and Biden were big enough assholes to cause the incident because they didn't want the 13 families there and didn't want Trump there. Notice the families didn't want the idiot in the White House or his idiot VP there.
Pretty sure that was the Taliban.

Are you also blaming W for 9/11? After all, you are all into the conspiracies these days.
No, I am blaming Mush for the Afghanistan withdraw and Mush for blocking what those families wanted. It would have been low key but, they went and tried to stop them. Because of Trump and the embarrassment of their withdraw.
No, I am blaming Mush for the Afghanistan withdraw and Mush for blocking what those families wanted. It would have been low key but, they went and tried to stop them. Because of Trump and the embarrassment of their withdraw.
Your orange jesus cultists broke a FEDERAL LAW, you stupid lying ignorant trumptard Godless oath breaker.
That Trump negotiated.

You really need to look to the truth. Yes. Trump negotiatiated A withdraw, but nothing resembling what Pedo-Joe did. Nothing.

Again, you're defending the America-haters and showing your hatred.
You really need to look to the truth.
The truth is without a massive show of force it was going to be risky.

And by massive show of force, I also mean doing things that are no longer kosher, like shooting anything that moved.

you're defending the America-haters
You defend the ones that attempted to erase the results of an election. You are a despicable American.
You defend the ones that attempted to erase the results of an election. You are a despicable American.

You defend the ones who cheated the American people.

You defend the ones who opened our borders.

Trump complained and rightfully so, but he didn't attempt to erase the results.

Show me otherwise.

Call me a despicable American, but I know your opinion is based on lies.

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