Your typical view of 2024 San Francisco.

I plan to share a lengthy post in a few days, but I was just in San Francisco (as part of a larger trip) about 5 days ago. China Town…the whole nine yards. It’s definitely as advertised.
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I plan to share a lengthy post in a few days, but I was just in San Francisco (as part of a larger trip) about 5 days ago. China Town…the whole nine yards. It’s definitely as advertised.
Yeah, but did you walk around the Oracle?? We heard a story on here a while back how none of what is advertised was seen during a stay. The “shithole” claims were all blown out of proportion.
No, no, no. I've been assured by a poster on this very site that this is all a bunch of right-wing bullshit and California is a wonderful place.
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Your proof that San Fran is some sort of shithole is by showing three people high on a city sidewalk? It sure is easy to see which people on here are sheltered and never leave their podunk town.

I have video on a sunny Sunday afternoon that I took of a guy shooting up on a downtown Salt Lake City sidewalk. I could walk across the street from the development where I own two properties in SLC most evenings and see the same. I could bike three miles away from my place in Florida to the neighboring city and see that. I could see it any morning of my commute in DC if I drove a certain route. I could definitely see it on a few streets/alleys in Huntington. I could see it directly outside of the Austin police department where so many homeless slept each night.

You can see that exact same thing in any major (and a few minor shitholes, like Huntington) city in the country throughout the day. Want to know one place that I can drive 30 miles north, south, or east and not see that? Where I live most of the time now, California, which you inbreds have no experience with yet try acting like it's normal.
West Virginians: OMG, Democrat California agenda look at the addicts.

Also West Virginians: have a higher overdose death rate than California (actually higher than any other state, but who's counting), and vote for a guy that was an attorney and lobbyist for the goddamn pill pushers because no way Republicans support drugs, that's for liberals, right?

The cognitive dissonance is shocking, but then again, a "Christian" using images of abject despair to score cheap political points is also shocking....or should be, if one has a soul. I will say Mr. Kitty you are not as bad as the cocksucker monetizing the video, but then again you sharing it is putting more money in his pocket.

I personally believe opioids is an American epidemic. I personally believe if there is anyone that should hang for it, it's the Sacklers. I could score some cheap points myself and link to filings showing they donated to more Republicans than Democrats, but instead I realize it's both parties these rich assholes give to and lobby. I could possibly be convinced it's all been a grand conspiracy: off-shore jobs, kill industry, push synthetic dope in the areas they economically destroyed, and then really take over the country, but I'll be OK with just chalking it all up to GREED.... Occam's Razor and all that.
Not nearly as bad as Shithole, USA (California) and you know it.

You're trying to argue that Huntington is better than California in anything? I would, even with the huge cost-of-living difference, choose to live in the two worst California cities (Stockton and Oakland) over Huntington every single day of the week.
You're trying to argue that Huntington is better than California in anything? I would, even with the huge cost-of-living difference, choose to live in the two worst California cities (Stockton and Oakland) over Huntington every single day of the week.

I respect your opinion and absolutely believe you.

I would live anywhere in West Virginia over anywhere in California.

That said, California certainly doesn't top my personal "Worst States To Live In."
How much have California have you personally been to?

None. The furthest West I've been is Phoenix.

The policies in California is really all I need to know, as far as living there.

I plan on going to San Francisco to tour Alcatraz. I had a trip planned and had to cancel last minute. I want to see the Redwood Forest. Of course the beach and endless things to do.

I've been to Chicago and NYC and have zero desire to return to either. Not saying I didn't have a good time, they're just not my cup of tea.
None. The furthest West I've been is Phoenix.

The policies in California is really all I need to know, as far as living there.

I plan on going to San Francisco to tour Alcatraz. I had a trip planned and had to cancel last minute. I want to see the Redwood Forest. Of course the beach and endless things to do.

I've been to Chicago and NYC and have zero desire to return to either. Not saying I didn't have a good time, they're just not my cup of tea.
And that's your problem.

Not only are you judging something you've never experienced, but you also will judge something huge based on a very small part of it. Brilliant.

That would be like looking only at the second toe on Margot Robbie's left foot, deciding you don't like it, and then thinking she is unattractive.
None. The furthest West I've been is Phoenix.

The policies in California is really all I need to know, as far as living there.

I plan on going to San Francisco to tour Alcatraz. I had a trip planned and had to cancel last minute. I want to see the Redwood Forest. Of course the beach and endless things to do.

I've been to Chicago and NYC and have zero desire to return to either. Not saying I didn't have a good time, they're just not my cup of tea.
There is a Red woods state park in Northern California with a great name that you should visit…
Not only are you judging something you've never experienced, but you also will judge something huge based on a very small part of it. Brilliant.

No. Oh no. I didn't say California isn't beautiful. I said I wouldn't want to live there. I'm basing that solely on Democrat policies there. California is a cancer to our country. A stunningly beautiful state being ruined by progressive policies.

That's not from looking at the toe. That's seeing years and years of policies and what they are doing.
You're trying to argue that Huntington is better than California in anything? I would, even with the huge cost-of-living difference, choose to live in the two worst California cities (Stockton and Oakland) over Huntington every single day of the week.
You wouldn’t live in Slab City? I think Kitty cat would thrive in Slab city.
No. Oh no. I didn't say California isn't beautiful. I said I wouldn't want to live there. I'm basing that solely on Democrat policies there. California is a cancer to our country. A stunningly beautiful state being ruined by progressive policies.

That's not from looking at the toe. That's seeing years and years of policies and what they are doing.
What policies could be so impactful on your life that would want you to choose anywhere in west virginia over everywhere in California?
What policies could be so impactful on your life that would want you to choose anywhere in west virginia over everywhere in California?

Green. Taxes. Sanctuary. Soft on crime. Homelessness. Open border. Etcetera. Etcetera.
Green like environment, like in cost, or like in weed?
. Sanctuary.
How does that impact your life if you were to live in California?

Soft on crime.
You act like it's some lawless state. What you see on the news is a tiny, tiny fraction of a huge state. Things like "sanctuary" or "soft on crime" haven't even slightly impacted me over three years.

I don't travel much anymore, even within the state, but I can't remember the last time I saw a homeless person. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Hollywoood Bowl for a concert and walked about a mile through Hollywood around midnight. I had an hour drive home. I didn't see a single homeless person on my walk nor my drive. Today, I drove 35 minutes to Irvine and back. Again, not a single homeless person. If you're driving in a major city - anywhere in the country - then sure, you'll see homeless people. But your belief that homeless people are everywhere - even in just one city - is completely incorrect.

But let's say that wasn't the case. Let's pretend that there are homeless people on every corner of every urban area, suburban area, and rural area. How does that impact you? As a Christian, how does that impact you negatively? If anything, you should be open, receptive, empathetic, and wanting to help those people.

Open border.

Again, that has no impact on me at all.

So try answering what policies in the state are so impactful to you that you wouldn't want to live here.
Again, that has no impact on me at all.

So try answering what policies in the state are so impactful to you that you wouldn't want to live here.

No impact? Tell that to the folks who have been impacted. Also, you pay higher taxes for it.

Last year in New York, a $2.1 billion state fund paying unemployment and stimulus benefits to illegal aliens was exhausted in just three months.

No impact? Wake the hell up. It's not that it doesn't impact you, because it does. The fact is, you don’t care nor do you care how it impacts others and our country.
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Green like environment, like in cost, or like in weed?

How does that impact your life if you were to live in California?

You act like it's some lawless state. What you see on the news is a tiny, tiny fraction of a huge state. Things like "sanctuary" or "soft on crime" haven't even slightly impacted me over three years.

I don't travel much anymore, even within the state, but I can't remember the last time I saw a homeless person. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the Hollywoood Bowl for a concert and walked about a mile through Hollywood around midnight. I had an hour drive home. I didn't see a single homeless person on my walk nor my drive. Today, I drove 35 minutes to Irvine and back. Again, not a single homeless person. If you're driving in a major city - anywhere in the country - then sure, you'll see homeless people. But your belief that homeless people are everywhere - even in just one city - is completely incorrect.

But let's say that wasn't the case. Let's pretend that there are homeless people on every corner of every urban area, suburban area, and rural area. How does that impact you? As a Christian, how does that impact you negatively? If anything, you should be open, receptive, empathetic, and wanting to help those people.

Again, that has no impact on me at all.

So try answering what policies in the state are so impactful to you that you wouldn't want to live here.
Gun laws. Count Me out.

Overzealous green energy initiatives.

What they did during covid. Totally count me out. Nc under our Demcorat goofball governor was bad enough. Can't imagine California.

High taxation.
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