BCS National Championship: Alabama vs Florida State


Gold Buffalo
Jan 14, 2006
Ok, so the playoff determined which teams were better, but excluded TCU and Baylor. The G5 representative handled it's own versus a team that beat the team that will be favored going to the title game.

I guess it's just a matter of time now before the playoff is 8 teams. So I guess you take the P5 champs, the G5 and two at large? The G5 will never get any more represention than that.

The Big 12 will probably take two teams to have a championship game before the playoff expands.

Can the American conference ever earn back its old Big East status? I think they could accomplish this if they could get Boise, CSU, Air Force, BYU and Marshall in there for a 16 team super conference. They'll probably lose two teams to the Big 12 before expanding. Sure, that conference would beat on each other like the SEC but like the SEC you wouldn't be able to say the team coming out on top wasn't deserving for an 8 team playoff either.

Oh, and the SEC got BEAT down this bowl season...

What do you think is the future of the playoff, and re-alignment?
8 teams within 5 years. G5 won't get an automatic bid. Included in a chance to get in but not automatically. 5 p5 conferences get auto bids. That is the only way the college presidents will approve it.

Long term the p5 split off and g5 becomes the modern day D1AA.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
herdman I hope you are wrong when you posted "Long term the p5 split off and g5 becomes the modern day D1AA" but in reality in today's world of college football you will probably be right. Oh the have's and have nots!