Definitely Herd Related


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Just a reminder that you idiots ran this woman away from Marshall. She is Mark Snyder's daughter. Do you not think that dealing with a bunch of 5-7 and 6-6 seasons was worth having her in Huntington? This is why Marshall can't have nice things.

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Just a reminder that you idiots ran this woman away from Marshall. She is Mark Snyder's daughter. Do you not think that dealing with a bunch of 5-7 and 6-6 seasons was worth having her in Huntington? This is why Marshall can't have nice things.

We had great fun with the youngest from the marina that took her to the SR prom. Iirc they went in her pink HumVee. It seems that was appropriate
That gal has had a lot of "needle" inserts LOL

btw you can make a pig pretty with the right stuff
They, like they do with most of my threads, moved this here from the main board. Considering they average three active threads on that board per day, you'd think a good business mind would want to increase activity on that board. But nope. They'd rather talk about chicken and ketchup all day on that board.

The owners of Crisppi's could run that board better.
I was just searching for this thread to comment, and was going to give rifle some props for giving the handful of nerds on the main free board a little entertainment, but sadly it was moved over here on herdmans board, despite it being a football thread.