Donald Trump

Have you paid attention to the state of the middle east over the last couple years? What exactly has been "accomplished"? Other than a leadership vacuum following our systematic unabated quitting. The chaos and political uncertainty is far greater now than 8 years ago.

How did ISIS come to be exactly? How did their power and influence become prominent in the region? Not surprising after we cut and run. The President that called ISIS the "B" team (Obummer) now apparently cant be beaten with American forces. We need "Al-Queda" to do it after they were apparently wiped out (also according to Bummer)? This is "success" I guess to some. To others its just embarrassingly incompetent.

I guess its our fault, INDEPENDANT countries cant develop on their own. Another Ignorant Republican, always feeling like its our responsibility to control independant countries. If we would have minded our own business and not take out Suddam Hussain, there probably wouldnt even be a power vacuum. The middle East is not our responsibility, but sucking up all of the oil while allowing our allies in the region to continue their Human rights violation is our responsibility
I guess its our fault, INDEPENDANT countries cant develop on their own. Another Ignorant Republican, always feeling like its our responsibility to control independant countries. If we would have minded our own business and not take out Suddam Hussain, there probably wouldnt even be a power vacuum. The middle East is not our responsibility, but sucking up all of the oil while allowing our allies in the region to continue their Human rights violation is our responsibility

bolded for emphasis
thanks for pointing out that i never capitalize words out of choice (or being on mobile most of the time), not that i don't understand basic spelling and grammar.
I guess its our fault, INDEPENDANT countries cant develop on their own. Another Ignorant Republican, always feeling like its our responsibility to control independant countries. If we would have minded our own business and not take out Suddam Hussain, there probably wouldnt even be a power vacuum. The middle East is not our responsibility, but sucking up all of the oil while allowing our allies in the region to continue their Human rights violation is our responsibility

What can I tell you. This is bigger than Saddam Hussein. When you are the world's leader, certain responsibilities naturally occur. I too would like to be independent from Arab oil completely, but then that means turning the entire region over to the Chicoms and Ruskies who would quickly take it over. You want unmitigated disaster? Allow that to happen. If we are not there, they will be and I really don't want that. Idiots I guess seem to think that's no big deal.

I dont simply look at this through ideological eyes. World economies and negotiations are a little more complicated than "not our responsibility, we quit. You deal with it." You have no idea what real consequences would occur by doing what you are suggesting. Just looking at the cost of everyday living and complete financial turmoil......You think gasoline, plastics, rubber products, paints, chemical related products (I.E. Everything you buy) is expensive now??? You think people bitch, moan, and riot over "unfairness" now... Turn the Saudis and their oil over to the China and Russia govts by simply walking away and see what "inequalities" end up falling on this country in short order. Morons like you are what scare the living hell out me when thinking about my kids future. You are truly clueless.
What can I tell you. This is bigger than Saddam Hussein. When you are the world's leader, certain responsibilities naturally occur. I too would like to be independent from Arab oil completely, but then that means turning the entire region over to the Chicoms and Ruskies who would quickly take it over. You want unmitigated disaster? Allow that to happen. If we are not there, they will be and I really don't want that. Idiots I guess seem to think that's no big deal.

I dont simply look at this through ideological eyes. World economies and negotiations are a little more complicated than "not our responsibility, we quit. You deal with it." You have no idea what real consequences would occur by doing what you are suggesting. Just looking at the cost of everyday living and complete financial turmoil......You think gasoline, plastics, rubber products, paints, chemical related products (I.E. Everything you buy) is expensive now??? You think people bitch, moan, and riot over "unfairness" now... Turn the Saudis and their oil over to the China and Russia govts by simply walking away and see what "inequalities" end up falling on this country in short order. Morons like you are what scare the living hell out me when thinking about my kids future. You are truly clueless.

With all these commercials about USA being the worlds leader in Oil and Natural fuels, I would love to hear your reasons and list factual evidence that supports your claim.

And its morons like you that make me scared to even have kids in the first place
Yes because our reputation in the world went to shit the previous 8 years and fell to the point only our Puppet Great Britain was the only one who trust us.
You really believe that crap we are the worlds leader dont you??

Name a country besides Russia and China that doesn't look to the US for help when shit hits the fan? The counter point you attempt to make (that everyone-supposedly- dislikes us) actually tells you who is at the top hill. What military would you want backing you up? What financial system still leads the world? What currency leads the world in trade (for now). Where would you want to start a business? Why exactly do the Mexicans still want to come here? As a black man would you rather live in the US or Nigeria when claiming your Christianity? Name another country that gives more aide or assistance to other countries during humanitarian cant, because the US does.

I have no dreams that what the US does in every instance is perfect in all ways, but to suggest that the US still isn't the go to country when the world needs something important done is absurd. You may be the single best example of the further dumbing down this current administration seems to desire in many of its speeches and policy decisions over the last seven years. One moment you demand we "move out" of issues that don't require our responsibility, the next you claim we are not the leading country on those issues. Sounds like you simply don't want us leading. Not surprised some people clearly prefer to be losers. You must prefer the view from behind the lead dog.

Sure we are the world leader in Oil and Nat fuels.......(didn't you just try and say we were not the world's leader?)...we consume, refine, import (and now) export more than any other modern world country currently (when was all that domestic drilling and technology established by the way---for the record, the GB years). The price per barrel is also established in US$ on the world market (for now). That alone makes us the leader in this commodity (and others). This may be the single best reason why we need to be involved with what goes on in Saudi.
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When we get 5 years down the road, Obama will go down as perhaps the president has weakened us internationally the our nation's history. He may surpass Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter meant well, just misguided. Obama is a dangerous SOB with ill intentions.
When we get 5 years down the road, Obama will go down as perhaps the president has weakened us internationally the our nation's history. He may surpass Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter meant well, just misguided. Obama is a dangerous SOB with ill intentions.

When we get 5 years down the road, Obama will go down as perhaps the president has weakened us internationally the our nation's history. He may surpass Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter meant well, just misguided. Obama is a dangerous SOB with ill intentions.

Says the guy who once claimed that history will eventually show Georgie Bush as one of our best presidents.
Says the guy who once claimed that history will eventually show Georgie Bush as one of our best presidents.

I did? I said he would go down better in history than the way he was perceived when he was in and left office.

Stop making shit up.
your vag gettin wet for da Trumper, eh?

At least he has balls and is tough. Americans don't like that anymore. Democrats even used to have balls back in the day. Truman, Roosevelt, etc.

Now people want hip token feel good leaders.
great stats, let's see in about 6 yrs

Yep. That's also what we heard said 7 years ago when he left office. Facts are as time passes, history will be more friendly to Bush. It happens for most Presidents no matter how "bad" they were or were not perceived.

Jimmy Carter had to work a little harder than most to regain some cred. If it wasn't for his participation in building new low income housing he would still be mocked by many in his own party for being a simple peanut "salesman". Hell, the libs hated Reagan to the core, but even Obummer now tries to claim he is like Reagan in multiple speeches.

Obummer will no doubt have his accomplishments to tout in a decade or so. More people on public assistance (food stamps, welfare) than any other President in history. More than likely a healthcare system that slowing descended into chaos as more and more regulations related to Obummercare were implemented over the years. Unprecedented Federal Govt involvement in everything following countless executive orders most don't realize are occurring now. Clearly he will ride the first minority in the WH as far as it will take him. That will be worth a few hundred million $ to his bank account alone.
No doubt, some do, and those are the folks bringing down our country. Others, like myself, consider him to be a coward whose not capable of leading the country.

Yeah, cause apologizing weakens the military, economy, and everything else. :rolleyes:
At least he has balls and is tough. Americans don't like that anymore. Democrats even used to have balls back in the day. Truman, Roosevelt, etc.

Now people want hip token feel good leaders.

Some people just want a loud mouth, even when they know that mouth can't back up what it's saying.
I did? I said he would go down better in history than the way he was perceived when he was in and left office.

Stop making shit up.

It's what you said more than once.

Almost every president with a bad approval rating when leaving office ends up being perceived as better decades letter. So, if you had just made that comment, it wouldn't have been notable.
Yeah, cause apologizing weakens the military, economy, and everything else. :rolleyes:

What would it do for the morale of your employees if you went out publicly to all your customers and apologized for their actions after doing what you asked them to do?
It's what you said more than once.

Almost every president with a bad approval rating when leaving office ends up being perceived as better decades letter. So, if you had just made that comment, it wouldn't have been notable.

I am sure I did.
This nation is in much better shape now than what was inherited in Jan 09.

Sure is. Other than the racial tensions, mass shootings, stagnant wages, weakened national defense, ISIS taking over the middle east, shrinking middle class, then we are doing damn fine.
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Racial Tensions LOL!!! I love it when white people says that. Its you guys who continue the racial divide. I guess you dont like it that us black people dont just shuck and jive and dont walk off the sidewalk when 5 year old Jimmy is walking down the street. I guess its black people fault that the kid walked into a church and killed 9 people last night. And I guess its our fault that unarmed black people are continuing to be killed by the police on a daily basis.

The middle class was shrinking long before Obama came into office, I guess it is his fault for stagnant wages when it you republicans that fight so hard against raising the minimum wage in America and equal pay.

Anyone notice all the Mass shootings are committed by White people?

And its not our fault the damn Iraqis cant defend their OWN friggin country
White Surpremacy is at an all-time high and Obama has received more death threats then ANY president in US history but its his fault for the racial divide.

The only fault of his is the fact he is the first black president and the closet racist like yourself dont and still dont like it. But keep watching Fox News buddy, I see you love watching garbage rhetoric that speaks to racist like yourself
Even the day Obama started his twitter account, he received nothing but racist tweets from White people but it is his fault for the racial divide
Standard of living is rising in America but Rich republicans feel you can still survive in America making $9/hr. Unless you want to live in a trailor park or Public Housing, $9/hr cant even afford you a studio apartment in America. And what if you have kids, your back in public housing or a trailor park.

I am herdman, go back to hole you crawled out off and continue to take in that Fox News garbage

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