Marshall Commercial

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Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
I know many of you will think this is trivial, but for an academic institution, it is embarrassing. How can our official university commercial contain a grammatical error? How are they not passed through multiple people, especially those in our English department? That's embarrassing.

The link below is the one minute version of the thirty second version shown in our national sports broadcasts. The first part in the one minute version of the commercial is also included in the thirty second version. At the beginning, the student says "I can reach new heights; go farther than I have." It should be "further." Further is used, among other uses, for metaphorical distances. Unless the speaker is talking about an actual physical distance, the correct use is "further." Clearly, since he said he was reaching new heights, he was using it metaphorically. He wasn't truly meaning his hand could reach higher in physical distance by going to Marshall.


I know many of you will think this is trivial, but for an academic institution, it is embarrassing. How can our official university commercial contain a grammatical error? How are they not passed through multiple people, especially those in our English department? That's embarrassing.

The link below is the one minute version of the thirty second version shown in our national sports broadcasts. The first part in the one minute version of the commercial is also included in the thirty second version. At the beginning, the student says "I can reach new heights; go farther than I have." It should be "further." Further is used, among other uses, for metaphorical distances. Unless the speaker is talking about an actual physical distance, the correct use is "further." Clearly, since he said he was reaching new heights, he was using it metaphorically. He wasn't truly meaning his hand could reach higher in physical distance by going to Marshall.


It was posted thirty minutes ago, before we gave up an 11-0 run to close the game. I know academics aren't important to you deplorables, but to those of us with polish, it is embarrassing and signifies a lot.
Obviously, we have someone with a God complex who thinks he should be appointed President, Dean of all colleges, Athletic Director, and Head Coach of ALL sports teams at Marshall!

That's just RYAN KOOBE being King folks should know his bullshit by now....The Pistol Pee Shooter====Aka, Rifle!

HerdZilla22 in Charlotte
Obviously, we have someone with a God complex who thinks he should be appointed President, Dean of all colleges, Athletic Director, and Head Coach of ALL sports teams at Marshall!

No, I think an academic institution that claims to be a university should have the capacity to not butcher English in their official school commercials which are aired to hundreds of thousands watching across the country. The fact that nobody gives a shit about it is a perfect representation of this board: this board is mostly comprised of people who grew up in WV, one of the poorest and worst educated states in the country. This board is mostly comprised of people who went to Marshall, a below average academic university with extremely low acceptance qualifications.

Having such low standards and accepting those low standards is part of the reason why WV and Marshall are both in those situations. It's much easier to just ignore problems instead of fixing them.
I know many of you will think this is trivial, but for an academic institution, it is embarrassing. How can our official university commercial contain a grammatical error? How are they not passed through multiple people, especially those in our English department? That's embarrassing.

The link below is the one minute version of the thirty second version shown in our national sports broadcasts. The first part in the one minute version of the commercial is also included in the thirty second version. At the beginning, the student says "I can reach new heights; go farther than I have." It should be "further." Further is used, among other uses, for metaphorical distances. Unless the speaker is talking about an actual physical distance, the correct use is "further." Clearly, since he said he was reaching new heights, he was using it metaphorically. He wasn't truly meaning his hand could reach higher in physical distance by going to Marshall.


We live in a society where 90% of the population starts every sentence with "well." If Marshall had used the correct "further," most readers would have thought it was a typo.
I know many of you will think this is trivial, but for an academic institution, it is embarrassing. How can our official university commercial contain a grammatical error? How are they not passed through multiple people, especially those in our English department? That's embarrassing.

The link below is the one minute version of the thirty second version shown in our national sports broadcasts. The first part in the one minute version of the commercial is also included in the thirty second version. At the beginning, the student says "I can reach new heights; go farther than I have." It should be "further." Further is used, among other uses, for metaphorical distances. Unless the speaker is talking about an actual physical distance, the correct use is "further." Clearly, since he said he was reaching new heights, he was using it metaphorically. He wasn't truly meaning his hand could reach higher in physical distance by going to Marshall.


Tomato tomoto it’s all the same.. Kleenex is hiring a tester up once Chillicothe..
No, I think an academic institution that claims to be a university should have the capacity to not butcher English in their official school commercials which are aired to hundreds of thousands watching across the country. The fact that nobody gives a shit about it is a perfect representation of this board: this board is mostly comprised of people who grew up in WV, one of the poorest and worst educated states in the country. This board is mostly comprised of people who went to Marshall, a below average academic university with extremely low acceptance qualifications.

Having such low standards and accepting those low standards is part of the reason why WV and Marshall are both in those situations. It's much easier to just ignore problems instead of fixing them.

Bottom line Ryan is right because it is unfortunate. With that said, it's just more evidence that we don't have first tier folks in charge. I understand we can't afford proven, first tier folks. Perhaps he is right that non WV folks have a different perspective but I also understand it is a time to celebrate! Go Herd
No, I think an academic institution that claims to be a university should have the capacity to not butcher English in their official school commercials which are aired to hundreds of thousands watching across the country. The fact that nobody gives a shit about it is a perfect representation of this board: this board is mostly comprised of people who grew up in WV, one of the poorest and worst educated states in the country. This board is mostly comprised of people who went to Marshall, a below average academic university with extremely low acceptance qualifications.

Having such low standards and accepting those low standards is part of the reason why WV and Marshall are both in those situations. It's much easier to just ignore problems instead of fixing them.
Who cares we dont
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We live in a society where 90% of the population starts every sentence with "well." If Marshall had used the correct "further," most readers would have thought it was a typo.

"Well," it's a television commercial, so most of the audience isn't reading anything unless they are deaf.

Tomato tomoto it’s all the same.. Kleenex is hiring a tester up once Chillicothe..

It's not all the same. This is an institution that supposedly prides itself on educating people. There is a right way and a wrong way to use those two words. Marshall used the incorrect way grammatically. It's reflective of the university, the city, and the state as a whole.

When you accept failure and have low standards, you will mostly get failure and low results.

This isn't a press release that leaked out and only had one person quickly reviewing it for any errors. This is a nationally televised commercial shown all year that hundreds of thousands of viewers see each time. It had to have been reviewed and approved through multiple levels, I am assuming, all the way to the top. This is as bad as the local advertising agency Marshall paid for many years that ripped off commercials from other schools in the recent past and passed them off as their own.
Me neither ......... Ryan is full of shit and an @sshole to boot.
hE Cain’t seam two udderstan whi wee r sew eggssightid abowt Marshall mayken thu squar dance!
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I'm excited, too. It doesn't change the fact that the university looks like the below average institution it is when it butchers grammar in their national commercials. There is no excuse for it. The reason the state and university are at the level they are at is the same reason why so many of you don't have an issue with it.

Raise your standards; expect better . . . or you can accept another 31 years before the next bid.
We live in a society where 90% of the population starts every sentence with "well." If Marshall had used the correct "further," most readers would have thought it was a typo.
I'm excited, too. It doesn't change the fact that the university looks like the below average institution it is when it butchers grammar in their national commercials. There is no excuse for it. The reason the state and university are at the level they are at is the same reason why so many of you don't have an issue with it.

Raise your standards; expect better . . . or you can accept another 31 years before the next bid.
Wow! I thought you were a famous rap, hip/hop promoter. I commend you for being in that field, if true, and being a grammar connoisseur at the same time.
I, too, noticed the glitch in the commercial the first time I heard it. Unfortunate, but I saw it as inconsequential. YAG, you're right that in a case of a nationally televised commercial it should have been caught, but I don't agree that it rises to the level of "butchering" the English language. Just an unfortunate mistake that should have been edited. And just because someone doesn't see this small mistake as an incitement on Marshall University's integrity doesn't mean it is an indictment on the entire WV educational system. It's just that someone disagrees with your opinion on the matter.
I know many of you will think this is trivial, but for an academic institution, it is embarrassing. How can our official university commercial contain a grammatical error? How are they not passed through multiple people, especially those in our English department? That's embarrassing.

The link below is the one minute version of the thirty second version shown in our national sports broadcasts. The first part in the one minute version of the commercial is also included in the thirty second version. At the beginning, the student says "I can reach new heights; go farther than I have." It should be "further." Further is used, among other uses, for metaphorical distances. Unless the speaker is talking about an actual physical distance, the correct use is "further." Clearly, since he said he was reaching new heights, he was using it metaphorically. He wasn't truly meaning his hand could reach higher in physical distance by going to Marshall.


You're no Jamal Wallace.
Wow! I thought you were a famous rap, hip/hop promoter. I commend you for being in that field, if true, and being a grammar connoisseur at the same time.

Producer, not promoter. And I am a connoisseur at many things. I was Dos Equis' first choice for their "most interesting man in the world" theme, but they thought I was too good looking, and I didn't want to be an overnight sex symbol.

And just because someone doesn't see this small mistake as an incitement on Marshall University's integrity doesn't mean it is an indictment on the entire WV educational system. It's just that someone disagrees with your opinion on the matter.

The overwhelming people in the thread couldn't care less about it. That is representative of the entire state and is symbolic of its atrocious educational system which includes Marshall. It encompasses the overall attitude and values of those from the state.

Accepting these things and not caring about them shows their priorities. Unfortunately, it also shows the values of the university when their graduates (most on this board) are deplorables who find incorrect grammar meaningless for a school's national commercials.

It reminds me of another incident a couple of months ago. Below is an official university approved email from an HBCU that I received. It was pre-approved and then accepted to be sent to all faculty and students of the university. Look at the spelling of "sophomore" both in the subject of the email and the actual university issued email address. Not only did the person who approves the official emails not notice it, but the person who clears and sets up the university's email accounts also approved it in the e-mail name. Look at the wrong use of "to" instead of "too," the lack of sentence structure, and everything else. Then, after responding to the chastising, this person used another incorrect variation of "sophomore."

Marshall: in line with HBCUs.
Ryan reminds me of the holier than thou upperclassman who encounters the country freshman newly on campus. The bumpkin inquired of the senior man: “ ‘scuse me sir, can you tell me where the library’s at?” The blue blood scoffs and replies: “You poor dimwit, you cannot end a sentence with a preposition!” The bumpkin absorbs the scolding, and thinking quickly responds: “Sorry......can you tell me where the library’s at, asshole?” That about sums it up Ryan.

Nobody cares what you think. Now run on over to your antifa meeting. We have a basketball game to ponder!
Go Herd!!!
Ryan - you began a sentence with And

How many years have you been on this board? It's been a long time, yet you still haven't learned to not question me or attempt to correct me, as it always blows up in your face.

First, I'll play along and incorrectly think that you can't start a sentence with "and." At that point, there would be a huge difference between informal writing on a sports message board compared with an official university commercial that is being televised in front of hundreds of thousands of people numerous times.

But that is irrelevant. Why? It's irrelevant because you absolutely can being sentences with conjunctions such as "and," "but," etc. I know - your seventh grade teacher insisted otherwise, but she was almost assuredly a moron . . . and if you were educated in WV, she definitely was a moron.

Don't take my word for it. Feel free to browse any of these sources in which they insist that starting sentences with "and" is entirely grammatically correct:

"There is a widespread belief—one with no historical or grammatical foundation—that it is an error to begin a sentence with a conjunction such as and, but or so. In fact, a substantial percentage (often as many as 10 percent) of the sentences in first-rate writing beginwith conjunctions.May 29, 2014"“and”-and-“but”/

Ryan reminds me of the holier than thou upperclassman who encounters the country freshman newly on campus. The bumpkin inquired of the senior man: “ ‘scuse me sir, can you tell me where the library’s at?” The blue blood scoffs and replies: “You poor dimwit, you cannot end a sentence with a preposition!” The bumpkin absorbs the scolding, and thinking quickly responds: “Sorry......can you tell me where the library’s at, asshole?” That about sums it up Ryan.

Nobody cares what you think. Now run on over to your antifa meeting. We have a basketball game to ponder!
Go Herd!!!

Never heard that one before (and I purposely ended in a preposition to show that even your story is incorrect, because in many cases, it is entirely grammatically correct to end sentences in prepositions).

Let me guess, you were educated in West Virginia as well, and you also have no problem with our university using improper grammar in their nationally televised commercials? Shocker (except I bet the Shockers wouldn't make such embarrassing gaffes)!
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