Our attendance is pathetic


Silver Buffalo
Dec 14, 2010
19k fans for a rivalry game, for a chance to get to 7 wins? That’s trash. Even the fans that were there sat there most of the game, they weren’t engaged. The most things they say are negative. Man, the older I get the more saddened I am that this is our fan base.

We have two issues that we’ve got to address: 1. Our fans have to change the entitled attitude. This may be completely unrealistic, but it needs to happen. 2. And this is the one where the athletic department has to get involved: we have to make the atmosphere inside of the stadium more appealing than the one outside of the stadium.

Think about it, in a. Town like Huntington, where everyone says “there’s nothing to do” we can’t draw more than 20k
19k fans for a rivalry game, for a chance to get to 7 wins? That’s trash. Even the fans that were there sat there most of the game, they weren’t engaged. The most things they say are negative. Man, the older I get the more saddened I am that this is our fan base.

We have two issues that we’ve got to address: 1. Our fans have to change the entitled attitude. This may be completely unrealistic, but it needs to happen. 2. And this is the one where the athletic department has to get involved: we have to make the atmosphere inside of the stadium more appealing than the one outside of the stadium.

Think about it, in a. Town like Huntington, where everyone says “there’s nothing to do” we can’t draw more than 20k

There's a few reasons for this.

1. People can't get out of 1999.
2. The younger and more energetic fans have moved out of state because economically WV is basically run by idiots.
3. When MU and the younger fans try to do something updated, the older fans are so against it they act insulted.
4. The older fans also don't just say, "I disagree with this" its more like, "Pathetic awful, the worst I have ever seen."
5. The generational gap between hardcore MU fans of old and younger up and coming generations, is rapidly increasing. Neither seems to be making moves to reach out to the other.
6. People complain about ticket prices being too high. If ticket prices get lowered, they complain that MU "never has any money" and "is always broke."
7. People with fragile ego's tend to dissociate with MU in general...because unless its for the CFP, they don't care.
8. We had 2 straight losses and overly-dramatic people want to quit on the season and team.
9. Anything the AD and MU do to increase enjoyable atmosphere, gets met with overly pessimistic responses...every.single.time.
10. When things do go right, sunny day, warm weather, its "the sun is too bright" "I wasn't prepared for the rain."
There's a few reasons for this.

1. People can't get out of 1999.
2. The younger and more energetic fans have moved out of state because economically WV is basically run by idiots.
3. When MU and the younger fans try to do something updated, the older fans are so against it they act insulted.
4. The older fans also don't just say, "I disagree with this" its more like, "Pathetic awful, the worst I have ever seen."
5. The generational gap between hardcore MU fans of old and younger up and coming generations, is rapidly increasing. Neither seems to be making moves to reach out to the other.
6. People complain about ticket prices being too high. If ticket prices get lowered, they complain that MU "never has any money" and "is always broke."
7. People with fragile ego's tend to dissociate with MU in general...because unless its for the CFP, they don't care.
8. We had 2 straight losses and overly-dramatic people want to quit on the season and team.
9. Anything the AD and MU do to increase enjoyable atmosphere, gets met with overly pessimistic responses...every.single.time.
10. When things do go right, sunny day, warm weather, its "the sun is too bright" "I wasn't prepared for the rain."

100% agree with you on all of these. Number 4 is probably the truest thing ever said. Heard someone sitting near me at the basketball game Friday night say: “we don’t know how to set a pick or get a rebound this season!” Literally 3 minutes and 15 seconds into the season.
redsfan Marshall is not alone in attendance. Other than the “bigs” watch other games and you see the same thing. The Miami (OH) vs Akron game last week at Miami had a nearly empty stadium. Oh I forgot- it was a week night game.
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There's a few reasons for this.

1. People can't get out of 1999.
2. The younger and more energetic fans have moved out of state because economically WV is basically run by idiots.
3. When MU and the younger fans try to do something updated, the older fans are so against it they act insulted.
4. The older fans also don't just say, "I disagree with this" its more like, "Pathetic awful, the worst I have ever seen."
5. The generational gap between hardcore MU fans of old and younger up and coming generations, is rapidly increasing. Neither seems to be making moves to reach out to the other.
6. People complain about ticket prices being too high. If ticket prices get lowered, they complain that MU "never has any money" and "is always broke."
7. People with fragile ego's tend to dissociate with MU in general...because unless its for the CFP, they don't care.
8. We had 2 straight losses and overly-dramatic people want to quit on the season and team.
9. Anything the AD and MU do to increase enjoyable atmosphere, gets met with overly pessimistic responses...every.single.time.
10. When things do go right, sunny day, warm weather, its "the sun is too bright" "I wasn't prepared for the rain."

A lot of good points there. I enjoyed the post and sense a lot of them myself in person.

You should also add that some people can only makes excuses for when we win instead of just saying we were the better team. I have never seen a group of fans make more excuses for wins than losses.

And I am saying that not as a Herd Homer either. I can promise that and if anybody sat beside me at a game would know that. I have plenty of issues with our coaching staff. Just not being miserable.

On a side note....I went and looked at attendance of severa P5 games last night and saw one at 27k+ and a few in the lower 30s. Last night was sad in my eyes son attendance but our fans always get way high on wins and then way low on a few losses and then just don’t go. I had a blast last night because we won, our uniforms were spot on and we are moving onto the next game after a win.
A lot of good points there. I enjoyed the post and sense a lot of them myself in person.

You should also add that some people can only makes excuses for when we win instead of just saying we were the better team. I have never seen a group of fans make more excuses for wins than losses.

And I am saying that not as a Herd Homer either. I can promise that and if anybody sat beside me at a game would know that. I have plenty of issues with our coaching staff. Just not being miserable.

On a side note....I went and looked at attendance of severa P5 games last night and saw one at 27k+ and a few in the lower 30s. Last night was sad in my eyes son attendance but our fans always get way high on wins and then way low on a few losses and then just don’t go. I had a blast last night because we won, our uniforms were spot on and we are moving onto the next game after a win.

I agree and wish people had your outlook.

If you're constantly trying to nitpick the team, you will always find a flaw. No team is perfect and unless you're on the coaching staff payroll, its a total waste of time.

You don't always have to agree on coaching calls or plays, and discussion is always warranted.
But when discussion becomes complaining and discrediting a team's accomplishments, then you're doing it wrong.
I'm going to say this and I know I'll get some crap for it. One big thing that needs to be addressed is firing our O coordinator. It's time for something different. Most people I talk to say we need something new and fun to watch. And honestly I agree.
Lol and who do you guys think we can afford. Legg isn't great, we all know it, and its not helping that we don't gave a good QB. Honestly he reminds me of Skinner with a better arm. Until we have a better decision maker as a field General, this is the offense we have to live with, it sucks and is what it is.
All of you “young-super fans” don’t seem to understand the “older” fans have been fans since before many of you were off your momma’s tit.
We’ve been fans when Marshall lacked wins for decades. We’ve seen (and funded) the program as it was built from nothing to become a smaller program with national prominence.
So excuse me if some of us have a higher standard and expectation for championship level outcomes and are not satisfied with a winning record against sub par teams.
Ive been a fan since 97, I am 37 after all. Ive seen the good and the bad in that time span. The Snyder era taught me to appreciate success where you can find it. Things aren't super right now, but we aren't a snyder team either. I can appreciate that much. The turn around from last year I can appreciate as well. Things arent as good as they can be, they arent as bad as they can be. We "can" win the next 2, I'm not impressed with either opponent so we will get to see if we can rebuild on yesterday or if we fall again. These kids can do it, it starts and ends with Legg and Litton.
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There's a few reasons for this.

1. People can't get out of 1999.
2. The younger and more energetic fans have moved out of state because economically WV is basically run by idiots.
3. When MU and the younger fans try to do something updated, the older fans are so against it they act insulted.
4. The older fans also don't just say, "I disagree with this" its more like, "Pathetic awful, the worst I have ever seen."
5. The generational gap between hardcore MU fans of old and younger up and coming generations, is rapidly increasing. Neither seems to be making moves to reach out to the other.
6. People complain about ticket prices being too high. If ticket prices get lowered, they complain that MU "never has any money" and "is always broke."
7. People with fragile ego's tend to dissociate with MU in general...because unless its for the CFP, they don't care.
8. We had 2 straight losses and overly-dramatic people want to quit on the season and team.
9. Anything the AD and MU do to increase enjoyable atmosphere, gets met with overly pessimistic responses...every.single.time.
10. When things do go right, sunny day, warm weather, its "the sun is too bright" "I wasn't prepared for the rain."
The younger fans. There is your problem. Old timers on canes are the best
Tickets are to high for this area let's be honest and most people still remember the 250k that was raised to make changes in the staff last season to just get a big middle finger from the AD. So next game you'll see less butt's in the stands and until Legg is gone you will see less and less people showing up to games. People are done with the bullshit Marshall pumps out time after time. If Marshall is so broke WHY is Marshall in C-USA after all Marshall is a business if your loseing cash then that is bad business. Marshall has cash but they want to hold onto it and that is why they say there broke because that allows them to not go out and spend some of that cash to get a better coach or coaches for said sport. And that's the lazy way out.
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Truly can any one tell me you have really stayed excited most of the home games this year. Two games even though I stayed for the complete game was bored to death and we won these. I get really upset when not only myself but others around call the plays even before we run the play. When is the play calling ever changed. As for marketing the game, when have you ever seen any attention made to the fans that have paid year after year and pay the extra fees as everyone behind the team on the other side given recognized. A good example of our marketing techniques if you attended the basketball game Friday night. Everyone down stairs received tee shirts, but when they gave out additional tee shirts did they they go to the second lever and give those people shirts, no they gave them to the same people below. MU's Marketing department sucks as for getting people in the seats and this is shown year after year for they have no imagination. It time for a complete overhaul top to bottom.
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I empathize with just about every post on this thread.
The real challenge is that the P5/CFP set up is draining interest for the G5, in an environment where access to game viewing is readily available outside the stadium, where economics have driven up ticket prices, where across the board digital entertainment is becoming or has become preferred over live events.
The trade off for TV money for attendance is being felt everywhere.
Because I am in SWFL, and a comcast customer, I asked myself last night what would I be willing to pay to watch the game rather than follow through gametracker. But I would guess that the issue isn't how much, but how many. With so many free games on, I would think many casual fans would just watch those events.
So, I think we may just need to admit that the old models of attendance may never work again. Increase the value of the best seats and biggest givers, then offer economy models to everyone else. Or, just figure that 20-25K is the best we will ever do again in the future and plan accordingly.
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Dam dude you act like Marshall is God or something I understand they pay some of your bills but you need to open your eyes up. Marshall has no marketing outside of a 10mile area. Marshall will not allow anyone to print or market anything Marshall outside of the Marshall store or the one store on rt60 in Barboursville or maybe the few hats seen at the mall. Yet you sir think Marshall is swimming in cash. The facts is if Marshall had cash they could pay there coaches more (they don't) Marshall could build a new much needed baseball field ( they haven't) and many will say there is no land ok then tell me how did Marshall get land for a new softball field? Marshall needs to do major upgrades to the CAM( not just some paint and speakers) and they haven't. But yet you Josh keep sucking them nuts sir.
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Yet you sir think Marshall is swimming in cash. The facts is if Marshall had cash they could pay there coaches more (they don't)

1) You just contradicted your original post

2) I actually know the complete opposite of what you said. I know Marshall is challenged day in, day out financially

3) Thanks for not answering my question
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All of you “young-super fans” don’t seem to understand the “older” fans have been fans since before many of you were off your momma’s tit.
We’ve been fans when Marshall lacked wins for decades. We’ve seen (and funded) the program as it was built from nothing to become a smaller program with national prominence.
So excuse me if some of us have a higher standard and expectation for championship level outcomes and are not satisfied with a winning record against sub par teams.

You saw Marshall lack wins for decades so now you are complaining and finding no joy in a 7-3 season where you’re a game (that your QB, not Offensive Coordinator, threw 4 picks) out of the drivers seat for the championship game?
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I love how it's always the fans fault. Yet, Marshall holds no responsibility for making game night an event. Making the average fan want to come back.
Those tweets and facbook posts are drawing them like flies. Lol!

It's a damn business and until those in the Schewey get their heads out of their ass and come down from their golden perch, things will continue to dwindle and these posts will continue to appear for years to come.
I love how it's always the fans fault. Yet, Marshall holds no responsibility for making game night an event. Making the average fan want to come back.
Those tweets and facbook posts are drawing them like flies. Lol!

It's a damn business and until those in the Schewey get their heads out of their ass and come down from their golden perch, things will continue to dwindle and these posts will continue to appear for years to come.

Once more...nobody offers a solution that is reasonable.
Once more...nobody offers a solution that is reasonable.

But it's OK to blame the fans?

There may be no solution other than winning big and having an exciting offense. But I do know attendance has been hurt by AD's perceived lack of appreciation for the fan base.

Would you not agree that it's Marshall's job to create an enjoyable environment for the fans and in doing so, make them want to return?

In an area with little discretionary income, it's a challenge for sure. But a lack of effort or workable plan on Marshall's part will only lead to further declines in attendance.

It is a business and the fans are customers. It's not a privilege to attend a game as some at MU seem to believe.

Have we been spoiled to a degree, likely so. But fans are fans regardless of the school they cheer for, and we are sure as hell no different.

I have been coming to MU games since I was a kid. Been a season ticket holder since 87. I have never seen the lack of excitement this bad. It's a sad situation.
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You saw Marshall lack wins for decades so now you are complaining and finding no joy in a 7-3 season where you’re a game (that your QB, not Offensive Coordinator, threw 4 picks) out of the drivers seat for the championship game?

Come on SuperFan. With your logic, at what point does this coaching staff take responsibility for playing a QB that hasn’t seemed to progress in skill over 3 seasons. With a recruiting genius on the sidelines how is this the only QB we have?

So...Our coaches play scared in the 4 th qtr (13 mins left) because they don’t want our starting QB “risk” giving the game away??? Are you freaking kidding me???

Yes sir. “Championship” quality right there. With that strategy It’s plain to see why we are not in the drivers seat and why it’s always up to someone else in the league to blow it in order for us to take advantage.
When the fans stop blaming the weather or everything else and admit they should just be happy we aren't terrible like last season, then they won't be blamed.

Lol! So you and the AD get your feelings hurt over a bunch of message board posters who feel our team should be playing better despite being 7-3?
Please if Mike and those in the Schewey are that thin skinned, they may need to make a career change.

If you find a fan base that isn't affected by the weather or other conditions, let me know.

Do you or anyone in the Schewey actually watch college football? I watched FSU last week play a home game in an allmost half empty stadium. Why? They are having a bad year. You all think our fan base is pathetic when it's no different for any other.
Lol! So you and the AD get your feelings hurt over a bunch of message board posters who feel our team should be playing better despite being 7-3?
Please if Mike and those in the Schewey are that thin skinned, they may need to make a career change.

If you find a fan base that isn't affected by the weather or other conditions, let me know.

Do you or anyone in the Schewey actually watch college football? I watched FSU last week play a home game in an allmost half empty stadium. Why? They are having a bad year. You all think our fan base is pathetic when it's no different for any other.

My feelings aren't hurt at all...but you are complaining at 7-3, so I imagine your feelings are hurt...since I can't come up with any other reason why you would complain.

Fans do get affected by the weather, but when the team is doing well, they show up regardless. The fans use it to explain why they aren't at the game. This happens when your team is in 1st in the division...which is where we were...when people didn't show up.

Where in the hell did I say when teams lose their fans won't show up? They have a reason to not show up, they went from #3 in the nation to actually re-scheduling their game against Delaware State so they can try to get bowl eligible.

Marshall went from the worst Doc season and overall season in years, to moving up to 7-3, and yet fans find reasons to discredit the team's turn around.
“Participation Trophy” mindset.

Well done.

No different than,
'We should go back to the MAC'

'We need to drop down to FCS so we can win a lower tier National Title.'

'I don't care how we win...I just want to win.'

'I've been going to Marshall games for 30 years!'
100% agree with you on all of these. Number 4 is probably the truest thing ever said. Heard someone sitting near me at the basketball game Friday night say: “we don’t know how to set a pick or get a rebound this season!” Literally 3 minutes and 15 seconds into the season.

Some fans, like many around the country, lead some pretty sad lives and can only blame MU when they watch them...for things totally unrelated subconsciously.
But I am adding to this...

11. Some fans have a narrative of Doc that he is a terrible coach and the worst we have ever had. Because of this belief, they attempt to rationalize it through wins and losses. Because that hasn't worked real well minus 2016, they have gone to statistical elements, which now helps them feel better. In many ways, they want MU to fail so they can climb up on a rock and proclaim how right and smart they were the whole time.
When Doc wins and the team defeats someone with a pulse?
"Their players were injured! They sooooo woulda beaten us with a healthy team."
"Thats not fair! Our defense did it all!!! Doc needs to be fired."

See...they want MU to win and be successful...but only win and be successful their way. If not? They get upset because they can't handle being the point where they actually get upset at us winning.
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My feelings aren't hurt at all...but you are complaining at 7-3, so I imagine your feelings are hurt...since I can't come up with any other reason why you would complain.

Fans do get affected by the weather, but when the team is doing well, they show up regardless. The fans use it to explain why they aren't at the game. This happens when your team is in 1st in the division...which is where we were...when people didn't show up.

Where in the hell did I say when teams lose their fans won't show up? They have a reason to not show up, they went from #3 in the nation to actually re-scheduling their game against Delaware State so they can try to get bowl eligible.

Marshall went from the worst Doc season and overall season in years, to moving up to 7-3, and yet fans find reasons to discredit the team's turn around.

Nowhere did I complain about being 7-3. My post was in response to your assertion that our fans suck since our attendance is low.

I will take 7-3 but at the same time, we shouldn't believe we have arrived considering who we have played and how poor our offense has played.

Good teams and coaches aren't satisfied with just a win. They continually try to improve. That's all we fans want to see. But instead we see a staff that isn't aggressive and a QB that seems to have digressed from his Freshmen year.
But we aren't allowed to air those concerns?
Nowhere did I complain about being 7-3. My post was in response to your assertion that our fans suck since our attendance is low.

I will take 7-3 but at the same time, we shouldn't believe we have arrived considering who we have played and how poor our offense has played.

Good teams and coaches aren't satisfied with just a win. They continually try to improve. That's all we fans want to see. But instead we see a staff that isn't aggressive and a QB that seems to have digressed from his Freshmen year.
But we aren't allowed to air those concerns?

The fact you're even "demanding" more from a team who lost their 2 better WR's and the QB just came from a 4 INT game and won is complaining.
Its one thing to want a team to score more points, its another to ignore reasons why that won't happen and use it to measure the team for literally decades to come.

Where did I say "we have arrived"??
I compare this team to last seasons...and in many ways, we have been better. Unlike some on here who want to compare us to 18 years ago.
A year ago this team lost games they weren't ever in.
If anything, all the losses were within grasp and with 1 or 2 possessions, in our favor.

When compared to 2016, I am very happy with the turn around this team has made. They actually had proven many wrong so far. Not many expected to be knocking on the door to 10 wins after losing 9 last year.

Does this mean they can improve? Yes.
Does this mean I still wonder why we ran 4 Jet Sweeps in a row during the game? Yes.

This team in 2016 was a junked out car.
2017 is the car having spent the offseason in a garage getting worked on.
I'm happy seeing it running better and not leaking oil and running much better than before. Knowing it can/needs to be improved.
You are pissing and moaning because the car isn't winning the Indy 500.
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The fact you're even "demanding" more from a team who lost their 2 better WR's and the QB just came from a 4 INT game and won is complaining.
Its one thing to want a team to score more points, its another to ignore reasons why that won't happen and use it to measure the team for literally decades to come.

Where did I say "we have arrived"??
I compare this team to last seasons...and in many ways, we have been better. Unlike some on here who want to compare us to 18 years ago.
A year ago this team lost games they weren't ever in.
If anything, all the losses were within grasp and with 1 or 2 possessions, in our favor.

When compared to 2016, I am very happy with the turn around this team has made. They actually had proven many wrong so far. Not many expected to be knocking on the door to 10 wins after losing 9 last year.

Does this mean they can improve? Yes.
Does this mean I still wonder why we ran 4 Jet Sweeps in a row during the game? Yes.

This team in 2016 was a junked out car.
2017 is the car having spent the offseason in a garage getting worked on.
I'm happy seeing it running better and not leaking oil and running much better than before. Knowing it can/needs to be improved.
You are pissing and moaning because the car isn't winning the Indy 500.

Who is pissing and moaning? I was offering my opinion what we could be better and hopes that we will get better. Do I settle for a win, yes, but I also have concerns about how we win and that against better teams, our current effort, mainly from the OC and QB, will not be good enough.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the mentality of those in the Schewey; just do your jobs good enough and hope the sheep follow without going astray or asking too many questions.
Just give more and shut up - that's what they want? Right?

Good debate. We'll have to agree to disagree on this topic. But we are both Herd fans - no question.
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Who is pissing and moaning? I was offering my opinion what we could be better and hopes that we will get better. Do I settle for a win, yes, but I also have concerns about how we win and that against better teams, our current effort, mainly from the OC and QB, will not be good enough.
Unfortunately, that seems to be the mentality of those in the Schewey; just do your jobs good enough and hope the sheep follow without going astray or asking too many questions.
Just give more and shut up - that's what they want? Right?

Good debate. We'll have to agree to disagree on this topic. But we are both Herd fans - no question.

The wording for your response, is whats needed more on here.
Instead, people scream to the skies proclaiming betrayal by Marshall and assuming there is a conspiracy.
Calling for the heads of everyone involved and wanting to start over.

I don't doubt there still needs work done and I am all for discussing it. But when compared to what was there last year and this year? There is much to positively focus on.
But for many, it can't be that way. Marshall needs to be perfect...and the pursuit of perfection, while a great thing, is never going to be fully realized by anyone.

But if we can get close, we already are better.
And we are closer than we were in 2016.

Twolf- "Whaddua think?"
Bbneutral- <Sigh> "Lets just declare a truce."
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JOSH I SAID marshall has no cash to pay there coaches more or fix stuff up but you say I said they have a lot of cash.Maybe sir you need to learn how to read. And why we are at it josh because YOU KNOW different please tell EVERYONE on here just what Marshall has cash wize? I think your a total homer for your check from marshall and if they told you (josh we are broke as shit and cant pay you anymore) you sir would say ok ill work for free.So josh give me and the rest of this site the inside info you clame to know or have. you have shit for info that most people don't already know on here.