The Wedge Driver

Aaron Perkins

Jan 9, 2006
I love all things Marshall. I defend all things Marshall. But now, there is a hard divide. Some things not on my side of the divide are:

Chuck Landon - I dont like when people rip on what I love. Makes it even more hard when it is done by someone you looked up to growing up, wanted to be like while growing up, and from someone with such a deep history with our programs. It hurts even more to see that Mr. Landon is able to use his position to voice opinions of others.

Bob Pruett - How in the world, could things be happening that would make me, of all people, talk ill will about Coach Pruett. Good Lord above, what am I thinking.

At the end of the day, I am consistent, and now that I am back on Herdnation, and I read peoples opinions of me, I KNOW, that I am the one that is consistent. I dont care what your name is, if you are a member of the Marshall Athletic department, I will defend you until the end. I will do my best to defend you even further, unless you fall into one of the above categories.

But, over the past decade I have learned, right or wrong, that there is one common denominator in our perfect little Marshall world. I can see it, do others see it? Or are others just ignoring it.

The D'antoni family.

Non existent for many, many years, at least as far as the public eye. Were they donating on the back side? I have no clue. All I know is that both our current, and former AD have had to deal with them, and they are controlling the program. Unfortunately for ALL Marshall fans, they only care about one sport.

Bob Marcum didnt, gasp, interview Mike D'antoni and offer him a job everyone knew he wouldnt take. D'antoni goes public about it. From that day on, Marcum was done. The internet community ran with it. "He's your problem now," was formed and that was the death nail for an AD that got us in a new conference, was paid only $70,000 a year, because he didnt want to tie up any more money with the program, and was a great ambassador for Marshall. Marcum was done well before any "bad" hires that he made.

Mike Hamrick hired Dan. Mike Hamrick took a TON of crap for hiring Dan. Mike Hamrick was hammered publicly by national writers for hiring Dan. But he did it. Mike Hamrick hired a Marshall guy, for you guys, and for me. We all loved it, and we love it now. How could you not like some of the success, the Hillbilly Ball, and the "ahh shucks" attitude. But, alas, all is not rainbows and sunshine now is it.

Nope. Our bball program has to share its facility with non revenue sports. Small disagreements become large disagreements, and large disagreements begin to drive wedges. People give information to some fans, and it is easy to see those opinions permeate message boards, forming opinions amongst fans, then EXPLODE onto social media. Fans reputations are being tarnished. Fans are being used as chess pieces in this game. I can see it. Others can see it.

Now we know that a D'antoni is on the BoG, and now, our AD's head is allegedly on the chopping block. For no reason, other than......

You can fill in the blank. But the blank is not filled with: a football reunion that some folks didnt agree with, backing a football coach who just won coach of the year and may not be retained, or not getting along with one of his major hires that he gave that person their first head coaching job.

There is one common denominator in all of this. Its pretty obvious.

The thing is, us fans on here, as long as we are on the right side of the grass, we are going to outlast everyone that comes and goes in these offices.

We all need to ask "who gets a pass," and "why." I am disappointed in so many people on here. There is no reason that people who love Marshall should disagree with me, and there is no reason that I should disagree with some of you.

At the end of the day, there is nothing we can do, and I am not going to change any of your opinions.

I love Coach D'Antoni the Head Basketball Coach at Marshall University. I love Doc Holliday the Head Football Coach at Marshall University. I love Mike Hamrick, the AD at Marshall University.

I just want normalcy again. I want to stay up and watch Hawaii lose a football game so Marshall gets to back into a bowl game at 6 - 6.

I want to print off signs and put in our car windows each week that say, "Beat LA Tech," or Beat WKU." All this started to fade at one point.

Like I said, you and I are going to outlast everyone involved in driving this wedge.

Stop letting it happen.

GO HERD...BEAT LA TECH!!! Twice this weekend please!!!
Very well said. We’ve been through coaching changes, administration changes all before. Some liked, some disliked. But there’s never been a sharp divide or wedge like this and it all goes to one person or family.

Have to be willing to check egos at the door and realize you may have to share facilities or share the spotlight with another program or coach. Like Aaron said the issue is people that may only be directly involved could only be in their position maybe a handful of years are causing many more years of destruction to Marshall and the programs we love
First, and foremost, I respect you (Aaron) and 98 percent of the posters on here as people... Being a fan of Marshall University is what unites us, despite varying ages, backgrounds, socio-economic statuses, occupations, etc.

But to think that we aren't going to have disagreements just because we root for the same university is naive. We all have different levels of connection to certain programs, players, coaches past and present, university officials, etc. And we all have different expectation levels for our athletic department... Some are not happy unless MU is winning CUSA titles in the two major sports every year. Others are seemingly happy with any participation at all – and every level in between.

At the end of the day, I want Marshall athletics to be the best it can be and right now we aren't. If that means that heads have to roll, then so be it. I appreciate the job that Doc, MH and Dan have done within their respective roles, but if any or all of them are dismissed I won't lose any sleep. I will wake up and root for Marshall tomorrow either way.

Major college athletics is a business, and it's time that Marshall starts acting like it. If employees are not capable of improving/selling the product, they are replaced accordingly. The BOG, University President, AD and coaches don't all have to get along and be buddies (there are far too many big egos in the room for that to happen) but they all need to row in the same direction. Right now we have guys rowing in every direction imaginable and some not rowing at all.
I agree with much of what you said.

that is my point. We are going to outlast everyone. So why are we letting people bad mouth is. especially our own people.

and there is clearly one common denominator setting many of the fires and stirring the pot.
I would say that most all people on this board love Marshall. I love all things Marshall. That doesn't mean I agree with all things Marshall, or that I agree with all things that some associated with Marshall does or say. I typically give people the benefit of the doubt until I see something first hand that would make me think otherwise. Obviously we all see and hear different things as we have different experiences and contacts.

I cheer for all Marshall teams. I hope they all succeed. I hope all the coaches and administrators make the best decisions for their respective teams. If teams don't meet with expectations that have been set for them, then the powers to be need to move on. That's not always an easy thing to do, but it is the right thing to do.

We all have a passion for Marshall and love to support all of our teams. I hope good decisions and the best decisions are made concerning the football program moving forward. I have my personal feelings as do all of us. This weekend I will be pulling for the basketball team down in Louisiana to pull out two wins. Go Herd and best wishes to all for 2021.
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I'm disappointed - I thought a new golf club had been invented!!
Your topic is an important one, but I fear the divide is too deep at this time to heal. Something/one is going to provide a catalyst which will allow for an easing of tensions. What/who will do it is undetermined.....
Aaron I used to really enjoy your posts even though many of them I disagreed with the one thing I never questioned was your love of all things Marshall and I always felt you were a huge fan. From defending Ron Jirsa, Mark Snyder Herrion etc you were always a fan of Marshall and Marshall alone.

Since you have came back to Herdnation you have changed. You are no longer a fan of Marshall but of individuals. You are the exact thing you chastise others about in the fact you are 100% agenda driven. You hammer the Dantonis because Mike Hamrick doesn’t like Dan. Don’t kid yourself the reason why he hired Dan was not because he was rolling the dice he did because the Chad Pennington of Marshall basketball Mike Dantoni pressured him to do it. Dan and Mike have been at odds since he started. I’m sure it’s both ways but to act like our AD is an angel in this and bares no responsibility in the bad relationship is beyond agenda driven.

Same with Coach Pruett. Coach Pruett isn’t perfect but to constantly disrespect the greatest coach in the history of our program is beyond comical. His records and achievements are unparalleled. In 9 seasons he was a FCS national champ, had 6 MAC East championships, 5 overall MAC championships, 3 heisman finalists, 2 of which were home grown not highly recruited players. His teams were in a bowl 7 of his 8 FBS seasons. The year we didn’t make a bowl we were 8-4 and the MAC only had 2 bowl bids for the MAC champ and the runner up. Incidentally that year we beat the number 6 team in the country on the road, a team who also won the Big 12 that year and played in a BCS game. Also the team we lost the MAC East to that year was to Miami of Ohio who happened to have a a future first ballot NFL hall of famer as their QB. He produced 3 first round NFL draft picks and over 20 players who actually played at least one season in the NFL.

You are willing to trash this coach and make little jabs in multiple posts simply because our Athletic Director doesn’t like him. No agenda there. Before you give me the Jim Justice stuff Hamrick didn’t like Pruett from the start, way before.
So lets see you trash 2 of the most popular coaches in our history. You trash one of the most popular basketball players in our history. You give no credence to the fact you seldom see some of the greatest football players in our history have anything to do with our program and now you consider them all malcontent ingrates. You do all of that because you have become not a fan but an agenda driven lackey. So please spare us all the agenda driven lectures and go back to being a fan of Marshall University not Mike Hamrick U or Doc Holiday U.
Something/one is going to provide a catalyst which will allow for an easing of tensions. What/who will do it is undetermined.....

If Mike is not retained for whatever reason I could never understand, and the rumored hires are made, the AD will fall apart from within. It'll be a nightmare. You think things are bad now........just wait and watch!
I read some takes and some like to bash Hamrick for a handful of former players not happy about a reunion or Chad, Byron and Troy not being around much as in years past....

Yes you throw those names out it will draw attention, but that’s about it and it’s what those people want to do.

As we all know Chad is now a HS head football coach, well there’s where his Friday nights are spent. On Saturday’s they do film review...I’m not going to question why Chad can’t find his way to Huntington on a Saturday afternoon when we all know Chad will put his team first and he should. But you’ll also know he’s very much involved and stays in contact regularly with people at MU.

Byron has been more involved in last 5 years than ever before. Thanks to Mike Hamrick. Mike has had to do a good repair job on that one. Remember when Byron stated after leaving here the only phone call he received for number of years was from Bob Pruett asking for checks. Having Byron with the team at the Military Bowl, last year in Tampa as well as other things he’s done without the fanfare and attention.

Troy spends majority of his time now around New England and is not in the area as much now as to when his kids were in elementary school.

Not only those 3 “names” but what Hamrick has done with the M-Club in recent years is amazing. That thing was pretty dormant for years and he’s grown that club and gotten more involvement from ALL programs and it’s great seeing all of the names and faces around again. I know some always like to throw around Chad, Byron, Randy, Troy, but they seem to forget about the Vinny Curry’s, the Albert McClellan’s, the Ryan Bee’s that have become involved, but maybe aren’t the names that draw the headlines or attention that some like to associate with.

I have no idea if we’ll have a new or the same football coach next year, I can see and understand both sides.

But for the betterment of Marshall and the athletic department as a whole and all of Marshall’s sports programs making a Athletic Director change would be a disaster and set things back for years!
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Aaron I used to really enjoy your posts even though many of them I disagreed with the one thing I never questioned was your love of all things Marshall and I always felt you were a huge fan. From defending Ron Jirsa, Mark Snyder Herrion etc you were always a fan of Marshall and Marshall alone.

Since you have came back to Herdnation you have changed. You are no longer a fan of Marshall but of individuals. You are the exact thing you chastise others about in the fact you are 100% agenda driven. You hammer the Dantonis because Mike Hamrick doesn’t like Dan. Don’t kid yourself the reason why he hired Dan was not because he was rolling the dice he did because the Chad Pennington of Marshall basketball Mike Dantoni pressured him to do it. Dan and Mike have been at odds since he started. I’m sure it’s both ways but to act like our AD is an angel in this and bares no responsibility in the bad relationship is beyond agenda driven.

Same with Coach Pruett. Coach Pruett isn’t perfect but to constantly disrespect the greatest coach in the history of our program is beyond comical. His records and achievements are unparalleled. In 9 seasons he was a FCS national champ, had 6 MAC East championships, 5 overall MAC championships, 3 heisman finalists, 2 of which were home grown not highly recruited players. His teams were in a bowl 7 of his 8 FBS seasons. The year we didn’t make a bowl we were 8-4 and the MAC only had 2 bowl bids for the MAC champ and the runner up. Incidentally that year we beat the number 6 team in the country on the road, a team who also won the Big 12 that year and played in a BCS game. Also the team we lost the MAC East to that year was to Miami of Ohio who happened to have a a future first ballot NFL hall of famer as their QB. He produced 3 first round NFL draft picks and over 20 players who actually played at least one season in the NFL.

You are willing to trash this coach and make little jabs in multiple posts simply because our Athletic Director doesn’t like him. No agenda there. Before you give me the Jim Justice stuff Hamrick didn’t like Pruett from the start, way before.
So lets see you trash 2 of the most popular coaches in our history. You trash one of the most popular basketball players in our history. You give no credence to the fact you seldom see some of the greatest football players in our history have anything to do with our program and now you consider them all malcontent ingrates. You do all of that because you have become not a fan but an agenda driven lackey. So please spare us all the agenda driven lectures and go back to being a fan of Marshall University not Mike Hamrick U or Doc Holiday U.

I respect your opinion.

It is vastly incorrect, but perception is reality. Apparently I must do a better job of communicating in the future.

If you cant see what I was getting at, then again, I must do a better job of communicating, because it is pretty clear.
and one more thing @caliherd you are right. I am becoming one of those posters/fans that i despise. And I hate that. You know how I was. Do you not think that it is odd that a wedge is being driven so deep that it has someone like me talking like this at times? That has to say something, right. But, thanks for the reply. I respect your opinion of me.
and one more thing @caliherd you are right. I am becoming one of those posters/fans that i despise. And I hate that. You know how I was. Do you not think that it is odd that a wedge is being driven so deep that it has someone like me talking like this at times? That has to say something, right. But, thanks for the reply. I respect your opinion of me.

I can respect that. Where I guess my disagreement would be is that you see the wedge that has been driven as one sided and that’s what disappoints me. I feel there is a lot of blame to go around.

But honestly my opinion doesn’t matter and whether Doc is coach next year I’ll still watch every game and I’ll still bleed green.
If Mike is not retained for whatever reason I could never understand, and the rumored hires are made, the AD will fall apart from within. It'll be a nightmare. You think things are bad now........just wait and watch!

Do these "rumored hires" regard someone who's in house or someone outside brought in?
Landon: a dark hearted bitter old man who no one takes seriously. You win by ignoring him.

Pruett - he wanted to come back, to get into the HOF, for which he is one year short. His time is past.

Marcum - that sorry POS's departure had nothing to do with basketball or the D family. It was his abject open faced lying, theft, incompetence, and fundamental dishonesty. He destroyed what BP built.

D family - the issue is that people want DD to be a great story. They read way more into things than simply is there. Anti Doc people want to contrast our, totally mediocre, basketball program as this big thing. It isn't.
I should have said “hire,” and they would be outside.
Any connection with Marshall at all?

I find it hard to believe the Dantoni family is being fingered for the fall and demise of the Marshall University athletic department.

it’s to the point Marshall athletics isn’t a priority for me any more. I want our coaches, teams and athletes to be successful. This stuff is reading like a cheap soap opera. Geez.
Aaron I used to really enjoy your posts even though many of them I disagreed with the one thing I never questioned was your love of all things Marshall and I always felt you were a huge fan. From defending Ron Jirsa, Mark Snyder Herrion etc you were always a fan of Marshall and Marshall alone.

Since you have came back to Herdnation you have changed. You are no longer a fan of Marshall but of individuals. You are the exact thing you chastise others about in the fact you are 100% agenda driven. You hammer the Dantonis because Mike Hamrick doesn’t like Dan. Don’t kid yourself the reason why he hired Dan was not because he was rolling the dice he did because the Chad Pennington of Marshall basketball Mike Dantoni pressured him to do it. Dan and Mike have been at odds since he started. I’m sure it’s both ways but to act like our AD is an angel in this and bares no responsibility in the bad relationship is beyond agenda driven.

Same with Coach Pruett. Coach Pruett isn’t perfect but to constantly disrespect the greatest coach in the history of our program is beyond comical. His records and achievements are unparalleled. In 9 seasons he was a FCS national champ, had 6 MAC East championships, 5 overall MAC championships, 3 heisman finalists, 2 of which were home grown not highly recruited players. His teams were in a bowl 7 of his 8 FBS seasons. The year we didn’t make a bowl we were 8-4 and the MAC only had 2 bowl bids for the MAC champ and the runner up. Incidentally that year we beat the number 6 team in the country on the road, a team who also won the Big 12 that year and played in a BCS game. Also the team we lost the MAC East to that year was to Miami of Ohio who happened to have a a future first ballot NFL hall of famer as their QB. He produced 3 first round NFL draft picks and over 20 players who actually played at least one season in the NFL.

You are willing to trash this coach and make little jabs in multiple posts simply because our Athletic Director doesn’t like him. No agenda there. Before you give me the Jim Justice stuff Hamrick didn’t like Pruett from the start, way before.
So lets see you trash 2 of the most popular coaches in our history. You trash one of the most popular basketball players in our history. You give no credence to the fact you seldom see some of the greatest football players in our history have anything to do with our program and now you consider them all malcontent ingrates. You do all of that because you have become not a fan but an agenda driven lackey. So please spare us all the agenda driven lectures and go back to being a fan of Marshall University not Mike Hamrick U or Doc Holiday U.
Well said
Any connection with Marshall at all?

I find it hard to believe the Dantoni family is being fingered for the fall and demise of the Marshall University athletic department.

it’s to the point Marshall athletics isn’t a priority for me any more. I want our coaches, teams and athletes to be successful. This stuff is reading like a cheap soap opera. Geez.

The two names I've heard both have ties, and both would be nothing more than a "yes" man it seems.
The two names I've heard both have ties, and both would be nothing more than a "yes" man it seems.
So neither have AD experience? Do they any experience as a coach, player, etc?
Not that that qualifies them, it doesn’t but just curious.

Mike has done well as far as I am concerned. His only shortcoming in my mind is how he has dealt with the fan base in general. He been very good in all other areas. Jmo
The two names I've heard both have ties, and both would be nothing more than a "yes" man it seems.

I assume the two would favor more so in the direction of the basketball program then? If they seem to be "yes men" then I can only assume they'd be following the direction of what the two most popular sports want. And if Doc ends up going, a new coach wouldn't have much leverage, so that leaves Dan.
At the end of the day, I am consistent, and now that I am back on Herdnation, and I read peoples opinions of me, I KNOW, that I am the one that is consistent. I dont care what your name is, if you are a member of the Marshall Athletic department, I will defend you until the end.

And that is where your error is.

Marshall University (and Athletics) is far more than one person, far more than two people, and far more than every single employee in Shewey. The institution has to come first, not the individual. If an individual(s) is not good for the institution, then donors/fans/supporters continuing to support that individual(s) hurts the institution.

Let me give you an example from two months ago that I had to handle:

I, along with three others, own what is becoming a sizable company. Two of the partners are investors who aren't involved day-to-day. We have seen great growth and profit in the two years, and we are at a point where 1) bringing in VC money could grow us exponentially immediately, thus greatly increasing the valuation of the company and allowing all of the partners to make a nice profit 2) bringing in an experienced CEO to lead us through any potential VC (or not) and taking us to the next level could yield faster results than what my partner and I have previously done.

Now, personally, I'd love to continue doing what I have been and growing at the current pace, but I simply can't continue doing all of the legal/compliance/sales as we grow nationally, and my partner can't continue doing all of the product development as we grow nationally while also having us do what is needed for us to grow to a different level. For the sake of the company, it was wise to hire an experienced CEO who has been at a bigger company to get us to the level that the partners want.

The partners/investors are like donors/fans/supporters. They don't want my partner and I to fail, they continue to support us, but they also don't want continued 100% growth annually. They want 1000% growth annually. Supporting us, at least as leading the company, hurts the institution in their eyes, because we can grow a lot bigger a lot faster with the right experienced leadership. Even though I am an owner of the company, I will be technically "reporting" to the new CEO we hired. My partner and I agreed to that because the institution is more important than any one (or two or 50) individuals. Likewise, you need to realize that Marshall as an institution is more important than any one (or two or 50) individuals. Continuing to support everything inside of Shewey, just because it is part of the institution and avoiding the reality that the individual is harming the institution, is illogical.
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I should have said “hire,” and they would be outside.
The concern is a new AD with basketball first agenda will harm the football program. There are lots of things to sort out. All of this has stirred passions in both camps. ( Football and Basketball). Most of us want both sports and all HERD sports to be successful. Hats off to men’s soccer and women’s softball teams for raising the roof. Whatever the outcome in the days ahead I will support Marshall sports 100%. I think the process will yield good results and in the end there will be a good product on the field/ court.
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So neither have AD experience? Do they any experience as a coach, player, etc?
Not that that qualifies them, it doesn’t but just curious.

Mike has done well as far as I am concerned. His only shortcoming in my mind is how he has dealt with the fan base in general. He been very good in all other areas. Jmo

To my knowledge, neither has experience as the lead athletic director of a university.
If Mike is not retained for whatever reason I could never understand, and the rumored hires are made, the AD will fall apart from within. It'll be a nightmare. You think things are bad now........just wait and watch!
Hamrick let the football program slip into mediocrity and it became stale. Not hard to figure out. Business is Business. Marshall needs new life blood
Wow! That’s pretty crappy and scary. So I am assuming a donor, D’Antoni friend or possibly Cathy Dantoni.

It's not scary at all. I'd guess that the majority of G5 and FCS programs have an AD who was not previously the "lead athletic director of a university." Many G5 and FCS ADs were previously assistant ADs at a peer institution or at a P5 institution.

Let's look at Coastal Carolina. They seem to have grown, athletically, quite a bit over the last decade, right?

In 2015, they promoted their current AD from his previous position of "Associate Vice President of Marketing." He spent 17 years as the voice of CCU doing their sports broadcasting and more years as their assistant SID and then Associate AD for enhanced media. He had no experience as "lead athletic director of a university."

Yet, 1.5 years after his hiring, CCU won the College World Series. We know what their football team was able to do with his hiring of Chadwell. Their football stadium has greatly improved since his appointment. He seems to be doing well in his position.

Coach Stowers has an agenda. Don't let his comments ("neither has experience as the lead athletic director of a university") impact you, as the things he says really make no sense considering our peer schools hire ADs with the same characteristics/experience.
It's not scary at all. I'd guess that the majority of G5 and FCS programs have an AD who was not previously the "lead athletic director of a university." Many G5 and FCS ADs were previously assistant ADs at a peer institution or at a P5 institution.

Let's look at Coastal Carolina. They seem to have grown, athletically, quite a bit over the last decade, right?

In 2015, they promoted their current AD from his previous position of "Associate Vice President of Marketing." He spent 17 years as the voice of CCU doing their sports broadcasting and more years as their assistant SID and then Associate AD for enhanced media. He had no experience as "lead athletic director of a university."

Yet, 1.5 years after his hiring, CCU won the College World Series. We know what their football team was able to do with his hiring of Chadwell. Their football stadium has greatly improved since his appointment. He seems to be doing well in his position.

Coach Stowers has an agenda. Don't let his comments ("neither has experience as the lead athletic director of a university") impact you, as the things he says really make no sense considering our peer schools hire ADs with the same characteristics/experience.
Certainly valid point. My greater concern is someone being appointed the AD who may have an agenda. That could indeed wreck the AD at a school like Marshall.
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And that is where your error is.

Marshall University (and Athletics) is far more than one person, far more than two people, and far more than every single employee in Shewey. The institution has to come first, not the individual. If an individual(s) is not good for the institution, then donors/fans/supporters continuing to support that individual(s) hurts the institution.

Let me give you an example from two months ago that I had to handle:

I, along with three others, own what is becoming a sizable company. Two of the partners are investors who aren't involved day-to-day. We have seen great growth and profit in the two years, and we are at a point where 1) bringing in VC money could grow us exponentially immediately, thus greatly increasing the valuation of the company and allowing all of the partners to make a nice profit 2) bringing in an experienced CEO to lead us through any potential VC (or not) and taking us to the next level could yield faster results than what my partner and I have previously done.

Now, personally, I'd love to continue doing what I have been and growing at the current pace, but I simply can't continue doing all of the legal/compliance/sales as we grow nationally, and my partner can't continue doing all of the product development as we grow nationally while also having us to what is needed for us to grow to a different level. For the sake of the company, it was wise to hire an experienced CEO who has been at a bigger company to get us to the level that the partners want.

The partners/investors are like donors/fans/supporters. They don't want my partner and I to fail, they continue to support us, but they also don't want continued 100% growth annually. They want 1000% growth annually. Supporting us, at least as leading the company, hurts the institution in their eyes, because we can grow a lot bigger a lot faster with the right experienced leadership. Even though I am an owner of the company, I will be technically "reporting" to the new CEO we hired. My partner and I agreed to that because the institution is more important than any one (or two or 50) individuals. Likewise, you need to realize that Marshall as an institution is more important than any one (or two or 50) individuals. Continuing to support everything inside of Shewey, just because it is part of the institution and avoiding the reality that the individual is harming the institution, is illogical.
I have a question. Do you feel better about yourself by talking about you life on here? You need approval in the worst way. What is your expected response to your analogy in this post? “Wow! He must be credible about this topic, because his unrelated work analogy is so cool! I wish I was as cool as him!” Get out of here.
Wow! That’s pretty crappy and scary. So I am assuming a donor, D’Antoni friend or possibly Cathy Dantoni.

I don’t think that’s scary at all. I’d rather have someone who has been successful as an associate AD than someone who has been a head AD and and failed (thus looking for an new job). Every head coach and AD was an assistant when they were first hired. If you don’t take a chance with a new approach, you’re going to keep getting the same results.
I guess I’m confused about many things in the Marshall athletic program. I love our history, tradition and success over the years and program officials should be given the respect they deserve. But it’s correct to say officials come and go. I was a director in my profession and I succeeded and was succeeded by individuals who accomplished a lot. That’s the way it works. Let’s give credit and move on. I totally enjoy Doc’s success and I’m upset he didn’t win more but success as well as failure should be shared. Officials move on because they want to and some because they are asked. Every decision must be made with the best interest of the organization. I sincerely hope that happens here.
I have a question.

You don't have to preface your question by telling us that you have a question. Do you feel better about yourself by telling us that you have a question before asking the question, or are you just a moron with a shitty ability to communicate?

You need approval in the worst way.

If I needed approval in the worst way, I would have started by posting my life, like where I've been and with whom over the last week . . . or by showing the screenshot of the Vice Chairman of a billion dollar company who messaged me saying that he'd love to meet for breakfast or lunch in Cabo, only to then invite me to LA for dinner when Covid restrictions relax after I told him that I left for Park City this morning.

What is your expected response to your analogy in this post? “Wow! He must be credible about this topic, because his unrelated work analogy is so cool! I wish I was as cool as him!” Get out of here.

The expected response, at least among educated people (like Weirgreen posted), would be along the lines of "Yeah, that makes sense. The organization is the most important thing, and no person or collection of people takes precedence over that. So if somebody is destructive or holding back the institution, that person needs to be replaced and not shown blinded loyalty and support."
I don’t think that’s scary at all. I’d rather have someone who has been successful as an associate AD than someone who has been a head AD and and failed (thus looking for an new job). Every head coach and AD was an assistant when they were first hired. If you don’t take a chance with a new approach, you’re going to keep getting the same results.
We took a chance on Lance West and that was a big time failure.
It’s like running a business. I don’t want someone’s buddy who has no to very little experience running a business, let alone an AD with a 30 Mil. Budget

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