Xenu Approved Holiday Catalogue

I looked up & read about Scientology’s role in Operation Snow White & the arrests that were made. It’s not some cooky conspiracy, it’s very real & a lot of Scientologists went to prison over it. J6 sounds right up their alley, actually.
We don't want to talk about your orange jesus inciting an insurrection and attempting to overturn the results of a free and fair election?? Yep, you're an independent
"....herself and $6,000 on psychiatric treatment."

Whoa whoa whoa!!!!! The leader of the church sends his old lady to a psychiatrist, but tells his legion of retards you dont need them??? Shocked!!
"....herself and $6,000 on psychiatric treatment."

Whoa whoa whoa!!!!! The leader of the church sends his old lady to a psychiatrist, but tells his legion of retards you dont need them??? Shocked!!
I'll be honest, I haven't really weighed in on the Scientology mainly because South Park did an excellent job laying out the absurdity of it all. To be fair (sorry Mormons) they also did a great job with Joseph Smith. However, I had no idea about Operation Snow White. If Scientology isn't a church, it's a terrorist organization that sought to infiltrate & undermine the government.
You're a lying idiot, oath breaker. THE thing that eradicates your stupid attempt to remove your orange jesus from guilt is the fact that he watched the insurrection on tv for 3 hours before lifting a finger. YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT AND LIAR.
Not lying at all there was a guy there telling the crowd that they need to go in.
"....herself and $6,000 on psychiatric treatment."

Whoa whoa whoa!!!!! The leader of the church sends his old lady to a psychiatrist, but tells his legion of retards you dont need them??? Shocked!!
You're an idiot as always, phlegmwad. Re-read the article. Get someone to explain it to you.
Not lying at all there was a guy there telling the crowd that they need to go in.
You're a lying idiot, oath breaker. THE thing that eradicates your stupid attempt to remove your orange jesus from guilt is the fact that he watched the insurrection on tv for 3 hours before lifting a finger. YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT AND LIAR.
"....herself and $6,000 on psychiatric treatment."

Whoa whoa whoa!!!!! The leader of the church sends his old lady to a psychiatrist, but tells his legion of retards you dont need them??? Shocked!!
That one wasn't his wife. Those $6,000 in psychiatric fees were from something far more sinister. Scientology stole a notepad from an author critical of them & CRIMINALY FRAMED her by making bomb threats in her name. Effing psychos. Part of the damage done to this innocent woman (the courts cleared her) included her paying $6,000 in psychiatric fees among other damages those psychopaths inflicted on her.

Scientologists started this shit in the early 60's & it wasn't just an American operation. This is some Hyrda level shit. Watergate pales in comparison by a country mile to what they did.
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You're a lying idiot, oath breaker. THE thing that eradicates your stupid attempt to remove your orange jesus from guilt is the fact that he watched the insurrection on tv for 3 hours before lifting a finger. YOU'RE AN ABSOLUTE IDIOT AND LIAR.
What's he supposed to do? Prior to the day he offered the NG but Nancy turned it down.
You're an idiot, a liar, a trumptard, and an oath breaker.
Jack Nicholson You Cant Handle The Truth GIF
If you’re familiar with Operation Snow White, you’ll understand why Xenu is the least bonkers thing with their religion. Scientologists treat Xenu like Americans treat our gubment saying aliens are real (the irony). Yeah, we hear the unbelievable shit you’re saying, but we’ve got real problems right now so we’re just gonna act like you’re not full of it.
If you’re familiar with Operation Snow White, you’ll understand why Xenu is the least bonkers thing with their religion. Scientologists treat Xenu like Americans treat our gubment saying aliens are real (the irony). Yeah, we hear the unbelievable shit you’re saying, but we’ve got real problems right now so we’re just gonna act like you you’re not full of it.
You're an idiot. A really stupid idiot.
Gents, on second thought, if your office is having a Secret Xenu gift swap, opt out. Why risk getting a note pad from them? If you decide to go through with it, just make sure all the pages are there. Wouldn’t want someone sending those in your name making bomb threats.

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Gents, on second thought, if your office is having a Secret Xenu gift swap, opt out. Why risk getting a note pad from them? If you decide to go through with it, just make sure all the pages are there. Wouldn’t want someone sending those in your name making bomb threats.

You're an idiot. Really stupid idiot.