• Archetype XLIV
    It's [sic].
  • R
    Yeah, dumnass [sick]. Do your homework, dumnass! So your argument is that due to the federal government being distracted by Covid in...
  • 30CAT
    For the first time since 2016, they're unburdened by what has been.
  • M
    They just got nothing left...
  • M
    mufan08 replied to the thread Well ****.
  • 30CAT
    You see, dumbass. Just because they didn't start tracking until 2020 doesn't mean no one had it in 2019. Do your homework, dumnass.
  • H
    herdfan06 replied to the thread JD Vance 2028!!**.
    Damn, everyone in the ground did not believe in him.
  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread JD Vance 2028!!**.
    Well there you have it folks. Doc Fungus has been scary accurate with his predictions on Trump, so you can take this one to the bank!
  • C
    I gotta say I’m a sucker for LoTR memes.
  • S
    They will conjure up a new crime, conspiracy or assassination attempt soon. They are fked in the head. Look no further than the board...
  • C
    -CarlHungus- replied to the thread JD Vance 2028!!**.
    That is definitely in my Overton window via death, health issue, assassination, or some other bat shit crazy timeline thing. Vance ...
  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread JD Vance 2028!!**.
    Is that a Pulp Fiction reference? I've seen the movie but don't recall. Mine was a Soundgarden reference.
  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread Where is the coward?.
    @i am herdman can we get this post pinned so @extragreen the coward and liar won't overlook?
  • R
    Give them a few days. Their liberal virus does have a tendency to go dormant at times.
  • R
    Rock98Dog replied to the thread JD Vance 2028!!**.
    Whoever believes in me shall not perish, but have everlasting life. So no.
  • M
    It is easy to see that they Just don't have the energy to keep fighting him.
  • R
    You're a moron. This site tracks cases of Covid in the U.S., and their count doesn't even start until March 2020 (shocker, the exact...
  • H
    herdfan06 replied to the thread JD Vance 2028!!**.
    Death is inevitable.
  • H
    herdfan06 replied to the thread Well ****.
    Wait, we can post "****" in the subject line?
  • MichiganHerd
    Great job, Lara. Those Trump men only score with 10s.
  • MichiganHerd
    MichiganHerd replied to the thread Huntington City Council.
    I called out this post early this morning, several hours before he made it. Diversion.
  • M
    muthed replied to the thread Bad General Managers.
    It's working. Amirite?
  • i am herdman
    i am herdman replied to the thread Huntington City Council.
    You got em now.
