Zelensky is wearing on Trump's nerves.

The man refuses to negotiate. At some point his own people are going to turn on him as well. Much of the money we sent is missing. Russia now has the upper hand because Zelensky wouldn't negotiate when Ukraine was doing better.

This guy is going to get steamrolled. The longer he waits the Russian army is going to advance to the Dnieper River and then Ukraine is in a real world of hurt. Russia may go ahead and take Odessa along the way. The previous Mush Brains in DC encouraged this fool for not negotiating early on when the Ukrainians were doing better than the Russians. Now Russia has ramped up their war machine, industrial base, and is stronger now.


hahaha, the left throwing a fit over this organization.

Most of them have no idea what it is.

Let me tell you. It is a front for the three letter agency that starts with C and ends with A. The press and lefties are morons. It is under review because of the screw ups in the intelligence agency. They aren't just the Red Cross handing about baby diapers and cattle feed. Their main focus is something else. Idiots. Just like the DOD those agencies need fixed as well.

I hereby enter an official motion to change the name of Pullman Square to Trump Plaza.

Hear ye, Hear ye:

I, i am herdman, hereby do on this 19th Day of February in the Year of Lord, 2025 do enter an official motion to change the name of this very forum from "Pullman Square" to "Trump Plaza" in the sacred honor of the 45th and 47th President of these United States, Donald J. Trump.

It will now be open for public discourse and followed by official presentation to the Site Board of Directors.

In deepest and warmest regard, your faithful servant and People's Moderator.

i am herdman

SOCCER MSOC '25 (College Spring League)

Due to popular demand from @slyde12theherd

On a serious note, the CSL schedule should be releasing in the next few days, with our first match kicking off at The Vet, February 22nd at 2PM (according to @luckytoes99).

If I had to guess we will have either Michigan or Akron at home this CSL as well.

Here's to another kick ass season!
