Sicko Democrats force lawmakers to invoke these laws...It should have never come to this.

I never said the marine veteran was disgusting . I am saying your post is disgusting and you never served your country. Why? You dont even qualify to comment on it. I spent 3 years in Vietnam. You did nothing.
If greed were still posting here I would expect you to say the same to him when he comments on military or veteran affairs. That guy hates military members.

Sicko Democrats force lawmakers to invoke these laws...It should have never come to this.

Whatever, drama queen. You saw what a 22-year Marine vet said about veterans' benefits not what I said. Are you calling him disgusting?

My father served in the Army. Several of my family members have, as well as a lot of my friends, so just CTFD.

I said, entitlements are out of control and like the Marine veteran was quoted above, all of us will be affected.

Get your story straight.
I never said the marine veteran was disgusting . I am saying your post is disgusting and you never served your country. Why? You dont even qualify to comment on it. I spent 3 years in Vietnam. You did nothing.
