• Chris McLaughlin
    Chris McLaughlin replied to the thread Ralph Street.
    Street is a very good recruiter, too.
  • greengeezer
    greengeezer replied to the thread The morning rant for Oct 18.
    Actually, I have none. I’m fairly moderate, have a wide range of beliefs, and I have been known to change my mind on major issues.
  • WV-FAN
    WV-FAN replied to the thread Hard to watch..
    does the below look like a kid? there, you now know whether they/them is a kid or mentally limited.
  • WV-FAN
    WV-FAN replied to the thread The morning rant for Oct 18.
    tell me your political affiliation without telling me your political affiliation.
  • WV-FAN
  • B
    BUFFALO LION replied to the thread Hard to watch..
    So why did MSNBC in your own linked clip “cut out the question” being asked??? Yep! You got it. “Because it didn’t fit their agenda”...
  • greengeezer
    I looked out my window this morning to see heavy frost on the rooftops. My outdoor thermostat said the temperature was 31 degrees. The...
  • T
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  • T
    TwolfHerdfan replied to the thread SOCCER 2024 MSOC.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • mlblack16.
    Hyena Jesus didn't go because she can't handle her temper. She's one of those sensitive people like Rifle, who loses their mind over the...
  • greengeezer
    I read yesterday that Disney is again raising the price for admission to their theme parks. One special day pass that allows the...
  • Jbabbington
    Jbabbington replied to the thread SOCCER 2024 MSOC.
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  • MUMAN3419
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • HerdThat14
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • MUMAN3419
    MUMAN3419 replied to the thread What BS.
    This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.
  • Herdpiper
    Herdpiper posted the thread MATCH DAY in Herd Nation.
  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread Hey Michigan.
    It's a new feature and functions as a chat room. The icon you're referencing is for conversations that you can't utilize even with an...
  • MichiganHerd
    Spoke with greeds son and other family members, and all are Trump voters, MAGA members, with strong conservative values. Hearing greed...
  • R
    riflearm2 replied to the thread DOD Directive 5240.001.
    They terminated the parts of it that trump said he wanted to. Hey, how about the question about Bradley Smith that you keep ignoring...
  • extragreen
    Trump has said he would consider bringing Flynn back to the White House if he wins in November, even though Flynn was recorded saying...
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread Regarding SNOTLICKER.
    sign here, coward >>>> ________________________ 🐔 🐔 🐔🐔🐔 extragreen signature>>>> extragreen landslide definition: 304 electoral votes...
  • extragreen
    Here's the funniest're defending and supporting a CONVICTED FELON FOR PRESIDENT.
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread DOD Directive 5240.001.
    ^^^says the lying idiot that supports and defends an election denier, an inciter of insurrection and attempts to illegally overturn the...
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread Hard to watch..
    Like I said: "You're a bald-faced liar." They cut out the question because it didn't fit their agenda. The clip of your orange jesus...
