• S
    I wonder what the response would be if a former white president chastised white men for not voting for a particular white candidate...
  • L
    luckytoes99 replied to the thread SOCCER 2024 MSOC.
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  • Josh Stowers
    Josh Stowers replied to the thread Who Starts Saturday.
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  • M
    Marshall Jeff replied to the thread Let us cheat! part 2.
    My guess is this falls flat. Just like most of the dems' frivolity.
  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread Who Starts Saturday.
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  • M
  • 30CAT
    Democrats have destroyed the media by taking control of it Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country...
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread Captain Edward Camden.
    He's a loser.
  • extragreen
    The audacity of a black man running for presidency, winning, and then winning a second term has immasculated the weak white conservative...
  • extragreen
    QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of...
  • extragreen
    extragreen replied to the thread Anybody know?.
    ^^^Concubines for Trump^^^
  • M
    Marshall Jeff replied to the thread Captain Edward Camden.
    No proclamation of heroism.
  • B
    Let's go Herd. Assume we get Braxton @ QB1 today. I would expect Ga Southern to spy him after last week's display. Need the WR group...
  • M
  • ThunderCat98
    Crazy that our first black president intentionally did more - and continues to do more - to drive a wedge in race relations in this...
  • E
    ekal replied to the thread Who Starts Saturday.
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  • T
    Yep. Newsflash: message boards, blog posts, Reddit, etc. are about opinions. If you want to discuss pure facts, watch CGP Grey or...
  • WV-FAN
    WV-FAN replied to the thread Anybody know?.
    that's a lie. they're just find with someone getting assassinated; in fact, they're disappointed when it doesn't happen.
  • 1
    In my opinion MU will never build a baseball facility despite all the objective evidence it's happening.
  • Aaron Perkins
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  • mlblack16.
    mlblack16. replied to the thread Anybody know?.
    Liberals cheat, lie, steal, and do anything possible to stay in control. They are all programmed to believe none of that matters...
  • i am herdman
    i am herdman replied to the thread Anybody know?.
    How could any man vote for her? Good gravy. She's terrible. She is cringe worthy. Then they put sissies in that ad. Bunch if limp...
  • Archetype XLIV
    Archetype XLIV replied to the thread Anybody know?.
    Even liberals see through the ad's scripted performance by obviously gay actors.
  • MichiganHerd
    If greed or raoul were in that cringe worthy 'man enough' ad kamala toe put out? Bunch of girlie men.
  • Herdpiper
    Herdpiper posted the thread GAME DAY in Herd Nation.
    LET'S GO HERD!!!
