Trump Says He’ll Impose Felony Sentence…

Particularly when you fill your days with screaming racial epithets at them, but if they had kept their traps shut they probably could’ve made a pretty interesting first amendment case and claimed it wasn’t an effort to get their neighbors to move, it was just their expression of (insert bullshit here.)

It’s a very interesting first amendment edge case.
I don't know many overt racists that can keep their mouths shut.
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Trump Says He’ll Impose Felony Sentence…

When the neighbors are black, it's kinda obvious what you are up to.
Particularly when you fill your days with screaming racial epithets at them, but if they had kept their traps shut they probably could’ve made a pretty interesting first amendment case and claimed it wasn’t an effort to get their neighbors to move, it was just their expression of (insert bullshit here.)

It’s a very interesting first amendment edge case.

Who' starting at QB

Yes and no.

If Stone continues to start and plays well then I doubt we'll see anyone else behind center.

What I do know is this......if we play 3 quarterbacks anytime soon (possibly for the remainder of the season) in one game then things have likely went REALLY bad for us.
Agreed. I can't stand this switching stuff and you're seeing it more and more often. Pick a guy and stick with him and if during the game you feel he's not getting it done and make the switch then stay with that switch going forward.
