Keep Democrats Away From Guns

He's become a joke at this point. He's just as bad as Greed.

Imagine - a dude with an image of Hunter S. Thompson as his profile bitching about a family holding guns on a holiday card. Thompson would have thought that was awesome.
Imagine, a guy who runs around proclaiming his Christian faith only to run when asked about his lifelong friend's racism, anti-semitism, sexism, and homophobia.

CNN fact-checker says Tampon Tim's claim on Trump economy 'not true,' says manufacturing jobs rose under him

You all are morons.

For 3+ years, I have posted numerous screenshots of CNN writing articles about Biden, Harris, and other Democrats lying or misrepresenting things. I've referred to that many times over the last couple of years.

Now, you want to act like them doing it once again is somehow a bad sign for Dems? What about all of the times I posted them doing it over the past three years?

More, you deplorables never give any legitimacy to CNN's reporting. But suddenly they are telling the truth?

Intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy, and pure stupidity at its finest.


“Fvcking Mexican”

oh, contrare. rifle will come back in with a diatribe full of pure horse shit that nobody will read, explaining why his claim is absolutely correct.
Cha-ching. I'm got damn clairvoyant.

Did any of you deplorables actually read the article?

If this was a bogus hit piece, why would the writer go out of his way to detail the inconsistencies and/or people who claimed the things from the other sources wasn't true? If the writer's goal was to create a hit piece, why even include those comments?

He did it, because that is what reporters do. They gather information and report what they discovered. If he has multiple people claiming one thing and multiple people claiming another, he reports both of them, as he should.

Do any of you actually think before drooling on your keyboard? An average intelligence person would look at all of the verifiable things and actions trump has done going back numerous decades. Then, that person would assess why there are so many of these stories coming out from people who were, at one time, close to him. That doesn't happen to innocent people over and over again from different people.

CNN fact-checker says Tampon Tim's claim on Trump economy 'not true,' says manufacturing jobs rose under him

You all are morons.

For 3+ years, I have posted numerous screenshots of CNN writing articles about Biden, Harris, and other Democrats lying or misrepresenting things. I've referred to that many times over the last couple of years.

Now, you want to act like them doing it once again is somehow a bad sign for Dems? What about all of the times I posted them doing it over the past three years?

More, you deplorables never give any legitimacy to CNN's reporting. But suddenly they are telling the truth?

Intellectual dishonesty, hypocrisy, and pure stupidity at its finest.

“Fvcking Mexican”

oh, contrare. rifle will come back in with a diatribe full of pure horse shit that nobody will read, explaining why his claim is absolutely correct.
H&H keeps trying to parrot bullshit media claims, they blow up in his face, then he abandons the thread.

Today was Rifle's turn to look like an idiot.
riflepuss shot down.

Did any of you deplorables actually read the article?

If this was a bogus hit piece, why would the writer go out of his way to detail the inconsistencies and/or people who claimed the things from the other sources wasn't true? If the writer's goal was to create a hit piece, why even include those comments?

He did it, because that is what reporters do. They gather information and report what they discovered. If he has multiple people claiming one thing and multiple people claiming another, he reports both of them, as he should.

Do any of you actually think before drooling on your keyboard? An average intelligence person would look at all of the verifiable things and actions trump has done going back numerous decades. Then, that person would assess why there are so many of these stories coming out from people who were, at one time, close to him. That doesn't happen to innocent people over and over again from different people.

Keep Democrats Away From Guns

No shit, Sherlock.

I don't care what you do on your range. I'm not comfortable shooting steel that close with anything other than a bb gun. Maybe not even that, it might bounce back and take out your eye.

Not surprisingly I would use one that everyone with a pulse is aware of, moron.

Of course keeper couldn't post a Tweet here that isn't a lie, because that's what you do best on this board.
What was a lie? Are you saying "shot and "hit with a piece of the bullet because a Democrat with a gun is an idiot" are in conflict?

It's like saying someone wasn't killed by a fall, but the concrete.
