Final Selzer Poll in Iowa is a Disaster for Trump
- By riflearm2
- Pullman Square - Non Sports Talk
- 62 Replies
Do your homework, dumnass.
Yeah, dumnass [sick]. Do your homework, dumnass!
So your argument is that due to the federal government being distracted by Covid in 2019, it led to them ignoring the border in 2019 and allowing record-breaking illegal immigration.You see, dumbass. Just because they didn't start tracking until 2020 doesn't mean no one had it in 2019.
I'll leave this here for you:
"COVID-19 first appeared on a small scale in November 2019 with the first large cluster appearing in Wuhan, China, in December 2019."
Coronavirus History: Origin and Evolution
Coronavirus history: Coronaviruses are a large family of different viruses and have coexisted with humans for a long time. The leap from animals to humans, however, is new.
This is one of the reasons why you ruin the board, Crispy Lips. Instead of just saying "yeah, that was a stupid argument by me" when I first called you out and then it being done, you've continued to argue an absurdly stupid stance while trying to criticize the intelligence of others. Your first error was bad enough. Your strategy since then has made you look even dumber while also hurting the board.