Halloween Costumes

I didn't dress up this year. I do pass out candy every year. I am just wondering what the point of your post is.
The point is shaming grown men who wear costumes just because they think they will get laid by the end of the year if they do. If you're doing it for your children, you're excused. If you're doing it so your wife can fit her fat ass in a leotard that she shouldn't be wearing and go to that adult party, then you're a moron.

The too-many-in-number realtors here frequently have these type of parties. Last month, it was an 80s party. I grew up in the 80s. Why the fvck would I want to dress in those outfits again if I am not still wearing them?

Huge Win

a civic duty, like honoring the draft
Unless you have heel spurs, in which case, you can get deferments not once, not twice, not three times, not four times, but five times (especially if your daddy is rich, and even more if daddy leases office space to the doctor who notes the medical issue). This is all hypothetical of course, since we can't imagine a U.S. citizen would ever do that.


Who the fvck are you kidding? Not a single person in the eternity of this planet has ever argued that Marshall's fan base is sophisticated, let alone "very sophisticated," let alone in all caps to further emphasize that point. I don't care what you're talking about: general intelligence, demeanor, how to tie your shoe, or football. Marshall fans aren't "VERY SOPHISTICATED," because there is an aptitude deficiency in the state.

You do realize that all of the states below WV in all those bad statistics are in the SEC, right?

"All of the states"? There are usually no states below west virginia or just one or two. Not sure "all" makes sense to use.

Huge Win

We see in this thread the many tired themes of the blame everyone but those in charge cadre.

- Blame the fans. People are just supposed to show up because it is somehow a civic duty, like honoring the draft or paying taxes. Nope. MU sports is a BUSINESS. To get CUSTOMERS' money, it is CS job to convince people that they will receive value for what their money. He has not done that.

- Rah Rah superfanism. "Don't you realize that if A beat B and B beat C and C beat D and we win out... we can go to the pre-Christmas Happy Hooligans Pub and Piano Bar Bowl, presented by Kia." Nope. No one cares. MU has a VERY SOPHISTICATED fan base. It knows what good, and great, football is, and what is not. THE FANS, and not CS, nor keyboard warrior superfans, nor sportswriters, decide how important each game is, and how much each matters. MU, in the opinion of most who follow it, has ended the important part of the season. They cannot be fooled. They are not buying the snake oil that CH and CS are selling. That simple.

- "Why don't they...?" The typical Huntington attitude, wanting to give away other people's money (never defined, just a "they" that is some combination of big companies, rich people, the state, and whatever.) Nope. The price of tickets is what is needed to pay the freight for a I-A program. Don't want to pay, then don't come. You cannot give away unsellable tickets for $X and still expect the remnant few to pay full price. It cost what it costs. And every empty seat is a testimony about one man. CS.

- Demographics is destiny. Blame the state's economy. You do realize that all of the states below WV in all those bad statistics are in the SEC, right? Put a program out there that the FANS perceive as worthy and we sill sell every seat. They don't.
