7-Eleven Pizza

30 years ago I would go into 7-Eleven, grab a large pizza and a 12 pack of beer, throw both on the hood of my '79 Ford pickup and stand in front of the store eating pizza and drinking beer. After eating a couple slices and drinking three or four beer I wouldn call my then-girlfriend, now-wife, who was in college from the payphone in front of the store and tell her that I was home getting ready to go to bed. Once, when a tractor trailer went by and pulled its Jake brake, she wanted to know what that noise was. I told her it was the television. True stories.

Hank Fitler

I haven't had Chick-fil-A in at least 12 years due to their support in fighting against gay rights. I frequently do the same for other organizations while supporting businesses that support what I do. As a white male, those things have no direct impact other than me, but it's the right thing to do, even if it hurts me personally. That's the complete opposite of "virtue signaling." But since you're a deplorable, you have no idea about having principle, morals, and taking a stand.

Want to see my interaction with the owner of Joe's Restaurant, the best local Italian place here, due to his stance on issues? It hurts me, personally, to not buy food from there, but it is the right thing to do.

That makes no sense, moron. Nick Goff's frequent racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments don't impact me at all. Further, I don't live in Huntington, so his support of a wanna'-be local politician doesn't impact me. My posting of this is a very appropriate way for me to make sure locals who are directly impacted by it are aware.

You want me to travel around the country and "settle it" with every racist in the country? Brilliant.

Now, are you going to answer the questions and speak out against Nick Goff's horrible comments or are you going to keep being a spineless coward? How about you, @big_country90 ?
Who is Nick Goff?

Hank Fitler

Rifle, you aren’t standing up for anyone because you really don’t care about anyone. We all know that your empathy ends with virtue signaling.
I haven't had Chick-fil-A in at least 12 years due to their support in fighting against gay rights. I frequently do the same for other organizations while supporting businesses that support what I do. As a white male, those things have no direct impact other than me, but it's the right thing to do, even if it hurts me personally. That's the complete opposite of "virtue signaling." But since you're a deplorable, you have no idea about having principle, morals, and taking a stand.

Want to see my interaction with the owner of Joe's Restaurant, the best local Italian place here, due to his stance on issues? It hurts me, personally, to not buy food from there, but it is the right thing to do.

. If you have a problem with someone go find them and settle it. Don’t be a Karen soccer mom on the internet.
That makes no sense, moron. Nick Goff's frequent racist, anti-semitic, homophobic, and sexist comments don't impact me at all. Further, I don't live in Huntington, so his support of a wanna'-be local politician doesn't impact me. My posting of this is a very appropriate way for me to make sure locals who are directly impacted by it are aware.

You want me to travel around the country and "settle it" with every racist in the country? Brilliant.

Now, are you going to answer the questions and speak out against Nick Goff's horrible comments or are you going to keep being a spineless coward? How about you, @big_country90 ?
