If Abortion is your #1 issue

It’s a slippery slope for sure. You know it’s gotten bad when self proclaimed “Christians” support a party that murders babies, can’t define a woman, and is ok with pedophilia. How long before they fight for the rights for people to marry their pets?

These people are the enemy within.
They will do anything. They will get to the point of locking political opponents up. I am telling you. They want to fundamentally change this country.
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If Abortion is your #1 issue

Yeah, clearly people using bathrooms different from the sex they were born, allowing both of the college athletes who played a sport against a sex opposite what they were born, and hanging the Ten Commandments in every public school room are far more important issues.
Why do you guys support that crap?

I even called it when the gay marriage thing came out years ago. old herdman called it. I said wait until they do all this other crap. years ago I called it. Even the pedo thing.
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If Abortion is your #1 issue

I agree. The problem that you're too stupid to recognize is you Thicket of Idiots talk about abortion pretty much all the time. So for once you're right, you idiots need your head examined.
No we don't. Every damn 30 seconds there is a tv ad here about taking abortion rights. They even lie and say there is an abortion ban which is not true. Democrat ads about abortion all the time. If I watch a one hour podcast the Dems run an ad about that shit 8 times at least. Maybe 10.
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Trump waxes poetic about another man's dick

In a thread about dicks, started by a bleater.

You don’t mind those dicks hanging out with women and little girls in showers and restrooms, sicko.

Trump’s wild and lewd rhetoric reaches a new extreme​

The former president this weekend described Harris as a “sh*t” vice president, opened a rally with a rambling and explicit story about late golfing legend Arnold Palmer’s anatomy, and justified his previous threat to use the military on enemies “from within” even as House Speaker Mike Johnson insisted in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Trump meant nothing of the sort.


NO PROOF that anything you say is true. Just like the "other" poster who started these lies.

Bluff called.

You failed.

I could killfile you, and should. But I'm going to give you one last chance based on the testimonial.

Grow up. If I, or anyone, about MU sports, or any subject, say something you disagree with, HAVE A TAKE. Show me why I am wrong. Have an adult conversation.

Spewing LIES that you picked up from a now killfiled troll, isn't useful. If you think CH is the greatest things since sliced bread, then SHOW ME THE REASONS, don't spew lies about me that you cannot prove, a, because they are not true, and b, you wouldn't know me if I walked past you.

Grow up.

If Abortion is your #1 issue

Yeah, clearly people using bathrooms different from the sex they were born, allowing both of the college athletes who played a sport against a sex opposite what they were born, and hanging the Ten Commandments in every public school room are far more important issues.

Well, considering little girls and women have already been assaulted by men, thanks to these Democrat policies, they are certainly more important than mothers killing their children, no?
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Today and tomorrow, I will be sitting in prime seats watching the Mets beat the Dodgers to advance to the World Series.

Will I sit with the 95th wealthiest man in the world again? Will I sit next to Mets great David Wright again? Maybe they will put me next to Jason Bateman, Dave Winfield, Brat Pitt, or Gabrielle Union. They try to keep people of the same wealth level, celebrity status, and life means with each other so that we aren't bothered by plebeians.

"Jesus is Lord!" That is what someone yelled out at a Commie-Toe rally. What did Commie-Toe say in response?

So you should have no problem telling us the second mark that you can “clearly” hear it in your video.

Take it up from the people who were there, moron. Like I said. Take it up with your ears and now eyes.

It's not "my" video, genius

Again, she claims her rally is bigger than Trump’s. In this video, you can see just how small her rally was. Tiny, compared to Trump’s.

Pro-life protesters shift the spin with 'God' message after Commie-Toe mocks them


the 2010/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24 world series champs fail once again. what were you, like 4 or 5 when they won the last of their two world series? one of my best friends because a huge mets fan then, too. he moved on to pittsburgh after the mets started shitting the bed after that.

the real team from NY will be battling for what, their 40th or 50th? nah, just their 28th, 6th since the best part of you was left on the back seat of a station wagon.

If Abortion is your #1 issue

you need your damn head examined. There are 100 things more important in the world, easily.
Yeah, clearly people using bathrooms different from the sex they were born, allowing both of the college athletes who played a sport against a sex opposite what they were born, and hanging the Ten Commandments in every public school room are far more important issues.
