12 sticks of butter over 17 bucks.

For that kid of money it should butter the bread for me.
i've hit the point in life that i don't give a shit what something costs that's within reason. i mean, i'm not paying $100 for a tub of land-o-lake, but i'm damn sure not bitching about $17. i drink up more $$$ than that on any given evening.

12 sticks of butter over 17 bucks.

Use either one of these for your holiday meals this year and it will knock your dick off.


i live in BFE-WV, i'm lucky to have land o lakes on the shelf at the grocery store. you really think one of those would be available in this po-dunk town? sheeeeeit. maybe @GeauxHerd can mail me one of each, he has my address. probly turn into butter soup on the UPS truck, though.

every time i see a food from ireland, it triggers memories of the food poisoning i picked up back in may from the bloody mary oyster shots at the temple bar in dublin and the resulting projectile vomiting the following day. that, along with the shit-taste of the irish black pudding that kept me heaving made for a long day driving as i was the only one allowed to drive the rental . . . that, and no way in hell was i trusting the wife not to hit someone head-on driving on the right side of the vehicle and left side of the road. hell, i almost ran into someone a couple times after leaving a couple different bars.

aside from that episode, i can't way to go back.
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Tampon Tim calls for elimination of Electoral College at California fundraiser, says 'it needs to go'

What does the Constitution say about the number of SCOTUS justices?

Has there always been nine justices?

Personally I think there should be 13, with random selection of nine to hear a case. This would be more interesting than knowing how a decision will go even before they hear it. But I also think it would lead to less bellyaching about decisions.

I also think we should do away with lifetime appointment, and this would take changing the Constitution. I simply don't believe anyone should be a for-life anything, especially when people routinely live longer now than in the 1700's.
People don't live longer now. The change in life expectancy is all about the survival of infants and toddlers. Jefferson was 83 when he died, John Adams was 90.
