11th circuit hearing Biden Admin’s plea to reinstate masks on airplanes

I dont know what you are talking about with the heroin thing, but if you dont like it here its a big world you know.
Wouldn't it just be easier for us to stay and leave freedom/constitution in place that built greatest nation in history of the world? And then those of you that need to be ruled can move to China, Cuba, Venezuela etc. plenty of socialist/commy places for you to go
Wouldn't it just be easier for us to stay and leave freedom/constitution in place that built greatest nation in history of the world? And then those of you that need to be ruled can move to China, Cuba, Venezuela etc. plenty of socialist/commy places for you to go
Then follow your authoritarian leader and those like him and see what that gets us. This country was built by hard work, shedded blood, love of your neighbor and a chance in life for most and real faith in God.
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a chance in life


Then follow your authoritarian leader and those like him and see what that gets us.

Ummm... You do know what authoritarian means don't you???

This sounds pretty authoritarian to me. Don't you agree?

Ummm... You do know what authoritarian means don't you???

This sounds pretty authoritarian to me. Don't you agree?

Evidently has a good reason for wanting to. If you are referring to the abortion thing above. You know where I stand on that if you have read my other posts.
Evidently has a good reason for wanting to.

Let's hear it. You have said people should be free to choose whether to wear a mask or not. Now it's acceptable to force those that don't to wear masks??? Make up your mind man...

If you are referring to the abortion thing above. You know where I stand on that if you have read my other posts.

Then condemn and denounce the Democrat Party's virtual universal acceptance of abortion. God or Party. The choice is yours...
Wouldn't it just be easier for us to stay and leave freedom/constitution in place that built greatest nation in history of the world?
This is awesome.

We have a big Trumper claiming that we need to leave the Constitution in place, and those who disagree with it, should leave. Yet within the last 60 days, Trump claimed that we should do away with the Constitution . . . after he trampled on it during his presidency.

The lack of intelligence among you dorks is great. At this point, bringing back Andrew Martin would elevate the IQ of this board.

Let them have their masks and safe heroin injection sites and multiculturalism and poison medications and leave us alone.
Agreed! Leave us West Virginians alone so we can have one the two least educated states, one of the two fattest/unhealthiest states, one of the poorest states, the unhappiest state, and one of the two most addicted to drugs states all to ourselves without all of the shit you people want to bring here, because it will ruin this utopia! But when we say "leave us alone," we don't really mean to leave us alone, because ya' know, we also are the most dependent of federal welfare in the country.

Middle Class Murox the Moron strikes again!
Then follow your authoritarian leader and those like him and see what that gets us. This country was built by hard work, shedded blood, love of your neighbor and a chance in life for most and real faith in God.
Your faith is in the corrupt Democrat Party and bloated government. Plain and simple. It is.
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This is awesome.

We have a big Trumper claiming that we need to leave the Constitution in place, and those who disagree with it, should leave. Yet within the last 60 days, Trump claimed that we should do away with the Constitution . . . after he trampled on it during his presidency.

The lack of intelligence among you dorks is great. At this point, bringing back Andrew Martin would elevate the IQ of this board.

Agreed! Leave us West Virginians alone so we can have one the two least educated states, one of the two fattest/unhealthiest states, one of the poorest states, the unhappiest state, and one of the two most addicted to drugs states all to ourselves without all of the shit you people want to bring here, because it will ruin this utopia! But when we say "leave us alone," we don't really mean to leave us alone, because ya' know, we also are the most dependent of federal welfare in the country.

Middle Class Murox the Moron strikes again!
Incredible you continue to post here after cowering and running away from your own bet proposal.

Tell you what, forget the appraisals and 2x value. I’ll post pics of my primary residence and you post pics of the nicest property you allegedly own. We will let the board vote on whose is worth more.

This is awesome.

We have a big Trumper claiming that we need to leave the Constitution in place, and those who disagree with it, should leave. Yet within the last 60 days, Trump claimed that we should do away with the Constitution . . . after he trampled on it during his presidency.

The lack of intelligence among you dorks is great. At this point, bringing back Andrew Martin would elevate the IQ of this board.

Agreed! Leave us West Virginians alone so we can have one the two least educated states, one of the two fattest/unhealthiest states, one of the poorest states, the unhappiest state, and one of the two most addicted to drugs states all to ourselves without all of the shit you people want to bring here, because it will ruin this utopia! But when we say "leave us alone," we don't really mean to leave us alone, because ya' know, we also are the most dependent of federal welfare in the country.

Middle Class Murox the Moron strikes again!
I didn't say anyone "should" leave I said they know freedom to choose idiot. You should learn to read. Rox is correct you are a coward for running away from his bet. Pathetic
This is awesome.

We have a big Trumper claiming that we need to leave the Constitution in place, and those who disagree with it, should leave. Yet within the last 60 days, Trump claimed that we should do away with the Constitution . . . after he trampled on it during his presidency.

The lack of intelligence among you dorks is great. At this point, bringing back Andrew Martin would elevate the IQ of this board.

Agreed! Leave us West Virginians alone so we can have one the two least educated states, one of the two fattest/unhealthiest states, one of the poorest states, the unhappiest state, and one of the two most addicted to drugs states all to ourselves without all of the shit you people want to bring here, because it will ruin this utopia! But when we say "leave us alone," we don't really mean to leave us alone, because ya' know, we also are the most dependent of federal welfare in the country.

Middle Class Murox the Moron strikes again!
We can have one the two???? Man you really are slipping.
If they rule to bring back masks, I hope the airlines go broke or just shut down and the govt runs out of money to pay for Buttgagger's flights. Just shut it down. Over a stupd useless ass mask so Dems can virtue signal to idiots.
Incredible you continue to post here after cowering and running away from your own bet proposal.

Tell you what, forget the appraisals and 2x value. I’ll post pics of my primary residence and you post pics of the nicest property you allegedly own. We will let the board vote on whose is worth more.

You already lost on your own terms, Middle Class Murox. Your $318k residence has your wife - the one you got caught cheating on with a Hooters waitress - listed on it. You said that wasn’t allowed, yet you have her on yours.

You can’t fulfill your own terms.

But leave that for the thread on that. Let’s get back to your hysterical crying of “just leave us alone” in your wonderful state while then begging for handouts from us.
I didn't say anyone "should" leave I said they know freedom to choose idiot. You should learn to read.
Moron, that does nothing to change what I critiqued about your absurdly stupid comment. Go ahead and justify your comment in Telekom to trump wanting to eliminate the Constitution.
Moron, that does nothing to change what I critiqued about your absurdly stupid comment. Go ahead and justify your comment in Telekom to trump wanting to eliminate the Constitution.
It is ok for Dems to want to eliminate the elecotral college? Stack the bench? Ballot harvest?
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You already lost on your own terms, Middle Class Murox. Your $318k residence has your wife - the one you got caught cheating on with a Hooters waitress - listed on it. You said that wasn’t allowed, yet you have her on yours.

You can’t fulfill your own terms.

But leave that for the thread on that. Let’s get back to your hysterical crying of “just leave us alone” in your wonderful state while then begging for handouts from us.

I have other properties where I am the sole owner and have no mortgage that I will use against your premier property. Same terms. $500k bet.

Let's hear it. You have said people should be free to choose whether to wear a mask or not. Now it's acceptable to force those that don't to wear masks??? Make up your mind man...

Then condemn and denounce the Democrat Party's virtual universal acceptance of abortion. God or Party. The choice is yours...
Abortion should be legal if rape, incest or the mothers life is in danger . How many times must I repeat this.
The electoral college does not give the us the right to choose the majority vote. Republicans stacked the the supreme court with underhanded tactics. Everybody has a right to have their vote counted no matter how it is done.
Everyone’s legal vote is counted. That’s the beauty of our system we don not allow large states to only choose the President
The problem with that is the majority dont get their vote really counted and the small states have too many very predjudiced voters and are not as well educated.
Nope it gives a voice to the little guy, like was intended. Not perfect but better than letting NY, CA, Fl, and TX decide the President
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I’ll post pics of my primary residence and you post pics of the nicest property you allegedly own. We will let the board vote on whose is worth more.
This does not make any sense, your home "looks" more expensive than a million dollar property in some places. Is it nicer? Probably. on the flip side, I have seen houses just like yours in rural Kansas for much less that what you would sell yours for.
This does not make any sense, your home "looks" more expensive than a million dollar property in some places. Is it nicer? Probably. on the flip side, I have seen houses just like yours in rural Kansas for much less that what you would sell yours for.
It makes plenty of sense because I’m trying to give him the opportunity to prove how much better he is. He already forfeited his own challenge. He refused to entertain my real estate portfolio challenge. Now I’m offering him another opportunity.

This is all just to show how full of shit he is about everything. He will never accept any of these challenges because his world is imaginary.
Republicans stacked the the supreme court with underhanded tactics.
How did they do this exactly? Don't give some stupid MSNBC talking points to support your argument.

Openings came up while Trump was in office and he filled them as he was entitled to do. The only reason you think there was foul play is because the vacancies were filled with GOP picks, but you're too dishonest of a human being to admit this.
How did they do this exactly? Don't give some stupid MSNBC talking points to support your argument.

Openings came up while Trump was in office and he filled them as he was entitled to do. The only reason you think there was foul play is because the vacancies were filled with GOP picks, but you're too dishonest of a human being to admit this.
McConnell did not allow the then democratic president to fill the vacancy . Then with less time for the new president to take office he later allowed the Republican President to fill the vacancy. One time he says lets wait and another time he says lets fill it immediately. He is a hypocrite.
McConnell did not allow the then democratic president to fill the vacancy . Then with less time for the new president to take office he later allowed the Republican President to fill the vacancy. One time he says lets wait and another time he says lets fill it immediately. He is a hypocrite.
What would the dems have done? Same damn thing.
McConnell did not allow the then democratic president to fill the vacancy . Then with less time for the new president to take office he later allowed the Republican President to fill the vacancy. One time he says lets wait and another time he says lets fill it immediately. He is a hypocrite.
Again, they didn't do anything illegal. You just didn't like that it was the GOP in charge.