19 Molesters and Counting


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
So, josh duggar, the 27 year old son out of the clown-car vagina of his mother, molested many of his underage sisters. That family is already fvcked up, and now the reality television Christians will be seen in the light they deserve.

Not so coincidentally, he is also the face of a well known anti-gay hate group. And he has children.

Even better, his father waited more than a year to report the incidents to authorities, thus continuing to put his daughters at risk.
If it makes you feel better the Duggar's are getting excoriated on right-wing religious blogs and sites.

The strangest tidbit about this is the state trooper that was responsible for investigating the case was convicted on child pornography charges in 2005 and sentenced to 56 years.
The real outrage by HP here, of course, is that he is anti-gay.... Had he not been a "conservative" or "anti-gay", the molestation story would most likely have been ignored, and his "apology" applauded.
The real outrage by HP here, of course, is that he is anti-gay.... .

And it's a fair and logical criticism by the HP if that actually happened to be the reason.

Child molestation is bad enough. Then, to take the hypocrisy of somebody who actively works against gay rights because he believes it is sexually immoral and perverted, yet he commits acts of molestation against multiple children, just adds fuel to the fire.
I had never heard of them or a tv show until yesterday, it all sounds just delightful.
This just keeps getting uglier for them. The kid is recorded making a joke about incest years after molesting his sisters. The father is said to have made a comment stating that those guilty of incest should be executed during his failed run at an office.
The father is as fvcked as the kid. Can he try justifying his son's actions anymore?

didn't read the full article, but just a reminder that ol' jim bob believes in the idea that singles, while dating, should have no physical contact. his one daughter (and a victim of her brother) just got married and after they were married was the first time they had hugged, or kissed (supposedly). so, if you're dating someone on your free will, no contact at all. if you're groping your sisters in their sleep, as long as it's not for an extended period it's okay.
Next thing you know this kid will go on and have sex change operation and become a woman. Then, the liberals will think he is a hero.

He was born that way. Leave him alone.
Next thing you know this kid will go on and have sex change operation and become a woman. Then, the liberals will think he is a hero.

He was born that way. Leave him alone.

No doubt...and if as a child, he was hitting balls off the fence in tee ball, while the other kids were out partying, he may be eligible to win the Arthur Ashe Award at the 2019 ESPY's.
Did he honk their boobies without permission or did he full on rape them?

I'm not saying it was right to fondle his sisters' tits, but some folks are suggesting he do prison time for being a horny teenager. He was also taught he wasn't supposed to masturbate. Hell, that's what got me through my early pubescent years till I had the means to get laid.
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At different times, he both put his hands on top and under clothing.

But, his dad claims it wasn't that bad because it was only for a few seconds and his sisters were sleeping many of the times.

To top it off, the elders at the church thought some good old fashioned work should cure the incest, sexually assaulting guy. So, they assigned him to work with a fellow church guy who was in the middle of building a dwelling. The parents told the police the molester was getting counseling which never happened. The detective who refused to press charges and instead just have a stern lecture is now serving 56 years for child porn.

Gotta' love the Bible Belt. I'm looking forward to more of the guy's jokes about incest.
Did he honk their boobies without permission or did he full on rape them?

I'm not saying it was right to fondle his sisters' tits, but some folks are suggesting he do prison time for being a horny teenager.

In one instance, he was 15 and his sister five. That's pedophilia, and he is a predator. I'd suggest he be shot.
Didn't Leena Dunham molest her younger sister? Anybody here watch that terrible HBO show, "Girls"?
Oh, look, Sarah Palin has joined us!

Let's look at the differences. If you can't see that they are entirely different, you too, are dumb enough to be a Palin.

Duggar was 15 and 16 at the time.
Dunham was 7.

Duggar had multiple incidents.
Dunham had one.

Duggar was doing it for sexual pleasure.
Dunham did it out of curiosity as a child.

What duggar did were crimes. His parents covering up the acts were also criminal.
On the other hand, The American academy of pediatrics states that it is "common, normal behavior" for children between 2-6 years old to look and touch the genitals of a new sibling, which is exactly the case Dunham wrote about; pure curiosity from a very young child.

And here is what Dunham wrote in her book:

"Do we all have uteruses?" I asked my mother when I was seven. "Yes," she told me. "We're born with them, and with all our eggs, but they start out very small. And they aren't ready to make babies until we're older." I look at my sister, now a slim, tough one-year-old, and at her tiny belly. I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte's Webb, and her uterus, the size of a thimble. "Does her vagina look like mine?" "I guess so," my mother said. "Just smaller." One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked. My mother came running. "Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!" My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.
First off, I'm not defending Duggars. And I've never voted for any ticket with Palin on it. But it seems your leaving something out of your defense of Dunham, rifle.
Didn't Leena Dunham molest her younger sister? Anybody here watch that terrible HBO show, "Girls"?

According to the author, it's OK because she was 7 (this continued on till she was 17).

Both Josh Duggar and this sick bitch are wrong. I'm amazed how this bitch author wants to spin it and leave out the rest of the details about how/what she did to her sister throughout their childhood.
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And now, as Paul Harvey said "the rest of the story": Dunham also admitted to using her sister as a "sexual outlet," bribing her to kiss her, and masturbating while in bed with the child - every bit as disturbing as Duggar's actions. Both should be condemned. The fact that Rifle would even try to justify one over the other is proof of his ridiculous agenda. Both should have faced consequences for their actions.
No, apparently it was multiple incidents from Lena for years.

Rifle, I agree, Josh is fvcked in the head. Please don't try and spin what Lena did for the sake of arguing against anyone else on here who does not wholeheartedly follow a liberal point of view.

She's just as fvcked up as the Duggars.
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And now, as Paul Harvey said "the rest of the story": Dunham also admitted to using her sister as a "sexual outlet," bribing her to kiss her, and masturbating while in bed with the child - every bit as disturbing as Duggar's actions. Both should be condemned. The fact that Rifle would even try to justify one over the other is proof of his ridiculous agenda. Both should have faced consequences for their actions.

can we all agree, as the american academy of pediatrics states, that the incident at 7 years old is "common and normal" for children to do? if so, lets discuss the other two incidents that im aware of:

1) she bribed her sister with three pieces of candy to kiss her on the lips for five seconds. how old were they? if kissing on the lips, closed-mouth, with a sibling is considered inappropriate/abuse, im pretty sure we all are guilty of it as children.

2) masturbating while in the same bed as her sister; unless the girls are touching each other, making the other watch, etc., this leaves a lot of unknowns. is the younger sister asleep and dunham rolled over facing away from the sister? does the presence of the younger sister have anything to do with the masturbation or was it simply a coincidence/norm that they slept in the same bed? an ex of mine used to have an issue because she babysat twin girls (from the ages of 6-8). one of the girls would constantly grind her genitals against the arm of a couch. she would literally straddle the couch arm and grind back-and-forth against it. she had been scolded about it and knew she wasnt supposed to do it, but she did anyways because she said it felt good. was this girl inappropriate by doing this in front of her sister and others? show me these book excerpts.

taking those two instances and trying to tie them into the same thing as what the duggar guy did is quite a huge leap without more information than what was reported. the duggar kid, many times, would put his hands on the genitals of four of his younger sisters and a younger girl they babysat both on top of and under their clothes, both while the girls were asleep and awake.

without even discussing the disgusting actions, or lack thereof, of his parents, you think duggar's actions are anywhere near dunham kissing her sister on the lips for 5 seconds and masturbating while in the same bed (which could be very innocent to very bad depending on the unknown details of it).
I've been weirded out by the Duggers ever since I saw a promo for their show. There's an old line about the brighter the picture, the darker the negative - & they seem to be a shining example. I'm weirded out by Romney's family too because they're too perfect.

What the Duggar kid (& anyone who aided or supports them) is far worse than Dunham did. That said, a lot of Dunham's own statements, regarding her own actions are disturbing & can't be washed away due to youth. They may have started at 6 but they didn't end there. I've been pulling entire pages to read & she's got some serious issues. And once a girl is old enough to truly masturbate & not grind on a couch, if she's doing it with her little sister laying beside her into her late teens, clearly there's something darker going on. Dunham states Grace & her shared a bed until Lena was 17. Not out of necessity, but it reads like co-dependency. Lena states that she was there as she read Anne Sexton (huge red flag #1) wached SNL or "slipped my hand into my underwear to figure stuff out." Doesn't matter if it's her sister or not, she's doing this next to a child.

And Dunham falsely accused a guy of being a rapist & attacking other women. I question anyone's judgement who defends the Duggars. Or Lena Dunham.
Notice you skipped over the part where she referred to her sister as a "sexual outlet." And for that matter, there is no justifiable situation in which a teenager is masturbating in the same bed with a child.
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