A lesson to all the Progressives out there!

You must not know and really wont care until it comes your time to receive it . Then you will like it.
It all depends on how much the working taxpayers in the future are bilked and how much more debt our govt is willing to sell so I can get it.

Again. Just a "thank you" is all I need from you. My generation is paying you now. Seriously. Just a "thank you" from you would be very nice.
It all depends on how much the working taxpayers in the future are bilked and how much more debt our govt is willing to sell so I can get it.

Again. Just a "thank you" is all I need from you. My generation is paying you now. Seriously. Just a "thank you" from you would be very nice.
Get lost, punk.

Center for Retirement Research found the boomer cohort born between 1946 and 1964 will actually have paid more into the system than they will receive in benefits.
Get lost, punk.

Center for Retirement Research found the boomer cohort born between 1946 and 1964 will actually have paid more into the system than they will receive in benefits.
Thank you for agreeing with me groomer.

The way Oldie talks, I believe he is older than a boomer. He didn't fund "HIS" SS payments now.

You'll receive less....because Oldie's generation and now your generation have bankrupted it. As the number of working Americans declines, fewer pay into the ponzi. The number of boomers and younger leeches bellies up to the govt teet, the system gets drained. Of course, Obama taking hundreds of millions $$ out, to fund his "free" healthcare initiative didn't help much.
Thank you for agreeing with me groomer.
You're a lying idiot.
He didn't fund "HIS" SS payments now.
He funded the guys before him, which is the way it works.
because Oldie's generation and now your generation have bankrupted it.
Like I said, you're a liar. hocker.
The number of boomers and younger leeches bellies up to the govt teet, the system gets drained.
You're the leech, hocker.
It all depends on how much the working taxpayers in the future are bilked and how much more debt our govt is willing to sell so I can get it.

Again. Just a "thank you" is all I need from you. My generation is paying you now. Seriously. Just a "thank you" from you would be very nice.
I paid my way .You are paying for what can get later.
Then you will refuse your social security checks when the time comes to draw them? I think not future leech and welfare receiver as you call it.
As it stands currently, if reforms and savings are not made, there will not be a SS system as we know it leech. You and Greed's generation are bleeding it dry.
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That was not a good way of side stepping my question. It will always be there if the Republican whackos dont kill it.
My answer was 100% accurate. Repubs dont have to "kill it". Based on the current projections of # of future payors and # of current/future's already dead. We actually need guys like you to die, and a few more pandemics to kill off several million baby boomers. Thats about the only way the program, as it currently functions, will be able to survive.
My answer was 100% accurate. Repubs dont have to "kill it". Based on the current projections of # of future payors and # of current/future's already dead. We actually need guys like you to die, and a few more pandemics to kill off several million baby boomers. Thats about the only way the program, as it currently functions, will be able to survive.
That was a statement you will regret when you meet God on judgement day . Hoping others die to benefit yourself . What a horrible and self centered statement to make.
My answer was 100% accurate. Repubs dont have to "kill it". Based on the current projections of # of future payors and # of current/future's already dead. We actually need guys like you to die, and a few more pandemics to kill off several million baby boomers. Thats about the only way the program, as it currently functions, will be able to survive.
You're an absolute idiot and liar.
That was a statement you will regret when you meet God on judgement day . Hoping others die to benefit yourself . What a horrible and self centered statement to make.
Now you're figuring out who MANY of the conservatives on this board really are. Bravo.
My answer was 100% accurate. Repubs dont have to "kill it". Based on the current projections of # of future payors and # of current/future's already dead. We actually need guys like you to die, and a few more pandemics to kill off several million baby boomers. Thats about the only way the program, as it currently functions, will be able to survive.
So republicans do have a plan to fix SS!

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That was a statement you will regret when you meet God on judgement day . Hoping others die to benefit yourself . What a horrible and self centered statement to make.
Your faux outrage is laughable. I find your willingness to sit back and let someone else pay your welfare benefit much more self-centered than my accepting a human's guaranteed outcome. "Benefitting myself" by limiting my income potential from other sources and waiting on my govt handout is also an ignorant take.
Your faux outrage is laughable. I find your willingness to sit back and let someone else pay your welfare benefit much more self-centered than my accepting a human's guaranteed outcome. "Benefitting myself" by limiting my income potential from other sources and waiting on my govt handout is also an ignorant take.
You're an idiot and bald faced liar.
We're all going to die sometime and stop collecting SS. How many have passed and never collected a penny in SS benefits because they died before they could begin to collect?
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Those same "countless numbers" also died before they could pay into soc sec for a full working lifetime.
That was a statement you will regret when you meet God on judgement day . Hoping others die to benefit yourself . What a horrible and self centered statement to make.
If you think that's bad, you should hear the sort of shit Greed the inbreed says
Your faux outrage is laughable. I find your willingness to sit back and let someone else pay your welfare benefit much more self-centered than my accepting a human's guaranteed outcome. "Benefitting myself" by limiting my income potential from other sources and waiting on my govt handout is also an ignorant take.
You doing it yourself type of thing does not work for everyone. Again Raieigh is thinking of himself only.

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