About That "1-in-4 College Females Are Sexually Assaulted" Statistic...


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
I'm not the biggest fan of the Freakonomics books (they're just not that well written) but they did mention something in one I read earlier this year that dealt with how groups use faulty statistics to push their agendas. Basically that some groups rely on bad data to push a good cause & if you question the data, you get attacked as being against the cause. The one that always stuck out to me was the 1-in-4 women on college campuses are sexually assaulted. That number has always sounded absurdly high to me.

Earlier this year I got into a debate with a female friend of mine who went to a female college & who I met through friends at CofC (which is about as close to a women's college as you can get without actually being one.) I brought up this statistic & she defended it fiercely.

Turns out, you still can't trust anything a woman says as evidenced by a recently released study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Instead of the 20 to 25% that feminists like to site ad nauseam, the number is actually 0.61%.

Is sexual violence on college campuses bad? Of course it is. Does questioning the data if it sounds like complete horseshit make you against the cause? Of course not.

This post was edited on 12/13 3:00 PM by wisemaniac

Bureau of Justice Statistics Report
I can't believe you do not care that women are being sexually assaulted on campuses across the country.