How would the US Power Grid Handle All of the EV Stuff?

No, moron. It's the complete opposite. west virginia gets the highest return per dollar sent to the feds. For ever dollar sent to the feds via from income tax, wv gets 2.36 back. In other words - to dumb it down for you - when west virginia sends $1 to the feds for income taxes, the state receives $2.36 back.

"No state is more dependent on the federal government than West Virginia, which gets 45.16% of its revenue from federal sources (the 10th-most). West Virginia receives 2.36-times more revenue from the federal government than its residents pay in income taxes . . . "

Okay. I stand corrected. Still, WV is better than Shithole, California, to me.

It's my opinion.
No, moron. It's the complete opposite. west virginia gets the highest return per dollar sent to the feds. For ever dollar sent to the feds via from income tax, wv gets 2.36 back. In other words - to dumb it down for you - when west virginia sends $1 to the feds for income taxes, the state receives $2.36 back.

"No state is more dependent on the federal government than West Virginia, which gets 45.16% of its revenue from federal sources (the 10th-most). West Virginia receives 2.36-times more revenue from the federal government than its residents pay in income taxes . . . "

Is a “for ever” dollar like the forever stamp?
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I left out the "y" so I could ask you Y are you making such stupid posts.
When I was in grad school and wrote my thesis, there were no personal computers or spell check. I had to hire a typist and then go over each line of the proof paper to look for any typos that needed correction.

The way you guys scrutinize each post for every possible mistake, you would have fit in that era just fine.
When I was in grad school and wrote my thesis, there were no personal computers or spell check. I had to hire a typist and then go over each line of the proof paper to look for any typos that needed correction.

The way you guys scrutinize each post for every mistake, you would have fit in that era just fine.
The difference is that I point out errors where people don't have the intelligence enough to know what is correct. Those morons point out typos where I hit the wrong key, forgot to hit a key, etc.

Jesus have you become corny.
No, he's still the basketball coach.
At least I have you guys thinking. Whenever your realize how full of shit some of this stuff is the better off you be. When you realize how out of touch DC is then you will see how full of shit they are. The nations best and brightest are not there. Throw in corruption and there you have it.
Blah blah blah ^^^ from Senor Whinever

There’s your answer herdman. Seems like the Left has everything under control.🙂

QUESTION: “What do we do if the energy grid shuts down from being overloaded with too many of those Electric Powered vehicles you are mandating?”

ANSWER FROM THE GREENIES: “Blah blah blah “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I’ve mentioned it before, but there is an enormous percent of people in my neighborhood with Teslas, the Porsche Taycan, or Rivians. Multiple times, I’ve seen up to four identical Teslas (same color and model) one after another.

All houses in my neighborhood are built with EV hookups. Most houses have significant solar panels on the roof. They all talk about how their electricity bill is drastically lower even while charging an EV, especially when they set the charging to be off-hours (lower rates by the utility companies).

It can be done and be done at a cost savings at the residential level.

What about all those people that have to park on the streets? Where do they get their “hookups”?
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What about all those people that have to park on the streets? Where do they get their “hookups”?
I don't think anybody "has" to park on the street. They choose to in order to make their garages into whatever additional room they make them into.

Those who have EVs use either the hookups throughout the neighborhood or the ones in their garages.

If you mean people in multi-family buildings, you shouldn't quote my post which was all about my neighborhood. You should specifically mention it. And those people are making due now. Many employer locations, apartment communities, parking garages, etc. have charging stations.

I was given a EV in three cities (actually, two cities but a total of three times): Miami twice and Park City. Each time, my hotel had a charging station which the valet moved after it was charged. One time, I needed a charge in Miami, so I went to speed one in a parking garage which was easy to find.
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I don't think anybody "has" to park on the street. They choose to in order to make their garages into whatever additional room they make them into.

Those who have EVs use either the hookups throughout the neighborhood or the ones in their garages.

If you mean people in multi-family buildings, you shouldn't quote my post which was all about my neighborhood. You should specifically mention it. And those people are making due now. Many employer locations, apartment communities, parking garages, etc. have charging stations.

I was given a EV in three cities (actually, two cities but a total of three times): Miami twice and Park City. Each time, my hotel had a charging station which the valet moved after it was charged. One time, I needed a charge in Miami, so I went to speed one in a parking garage which was easy to find.

Hmmm. I thought this thread specifically pertained to “The US Power Grid” as a whole. Not how a bunch of select rich people live.

My bad. Carry on.
  • Haha
Reactions: Jartard and 19MU88
There’s your answer herdman. Seems like the Left has everything under control.🙂

QUESTION: “What do we do if the energy grid shuts down from being overloaded with too many of those Electric Powered vehicles you are mandating?”

ANSWER FROM THE GREENIES: “Blah blah blah “ 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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