Biblical inerrancy is an invention of late 19th Century and 20th Century Fundamentalists. I would point you to some books and history on this topic, but we already know you are not open to expanding your understanding of much of anything.
Faith is belief in the face of uncertainty. You take the leap with incomplete, imperfect evidence. Inerrancy is belief within a perfect reality of concrete proof. It is arrogant because it assumes one has all the answers even though real evidence points otherwise. The Bible is not an object of worship. It is simply a tool for gaining the wisdom to seek salvation through faith (2 Timothy 3:15). Wisdom, not knowledge. And no where does that verse say it is the only tool. God has granted us the intelligence to gain wisdom from experience and observation.
Do you honestly believe the exact story of Noah's Ark? It is preposterous on its face. Its lesson and wisdom is that God will grant refuge in the storm to those who have faith and call on Him.
You tell me which requires more faith: Accepting the Creation myth while damning all available and observable facts stating otherwise, or accepting all available and observable facts yet still having faith God had a hand in it? Which one requires the highest meaning of what it is to be human, the melding of intelligence and the soul?
Never mind that Christianity existed long before any man decided what writings should be Scripture. Never mind that Christians exist that never laid eyes on a Bible or that could even read one. Jesus is the salvation, not a book.
Now here is what I find mildly amusing. We know you adhere to TWO religions. One, you firmly believe every word in its instruction manual to be 100% inerrancy. The other, you either deny it's writings on some days, or on others use the lame excuse that you didn't get to those parts (didn't pay enough $$$$), and do both while claiming it is only a tool for something. There's a pretty strong logical disconnect there.