This is great. Kids need to know this stuff and appreciate the work that goes into farming. And they are learning that fresh local farm products taste better!
Okay, but is there childcare available? I'm gonna be there awhile, socializing.
This is great. Kids need to know this stuff and appreciate the work that goes into farming. And they are learning that fresh local farm products taste better!
Hell yeah, it is like a damn Special Forces raid when I go.
No, it's nothing like 'your' store. Your store is for the goodie-goodie type, the I'm better than you types, while mine is a true farmer's market, with real farmers, rednecks, blue collar workers, south of the border folks, and bruthas from the ghetto. Come as you are, as opposed to wondering which prissy friend you might run into and have an urge to impress by wearing Gucci while buying a carton of organic eggs, laid by a chicken named Wallace.Your store sounds exactly like Wegmans so thanks for the input
No, it's nothing like 'your' store. Your store is for goodie-goodie, I'm better than you types, while mine is a true farmer's market, with real farmers, rednecks, blue collar workers, south of the border folks, and bruthas from the ghetto. Come as you are, as opposed to wondering which prissy friend you might run into and have an urge to impress by wearing Gucci while buying a carton of organic eggs, laid by a chicken named Wallace.
Buffalo BastardYou’ve never been to Buffalo if you think this
If you live in a shit hole like Buffalo I can see a nice grocery store like Wegmans being an oasis.
*YoreYour store sounds exactly like Wegmans so thanks for the input
when driving the tractor to feed his pappy's cows, my kid saw a wall hanger buck, stopped the tractor, shot the buck with this bow, finished feeding the cows. said buck now hangs on his bedroom wall and we just had steaks from a beef we raised last weekend. that count?This is great. Kids need to know this stuff and appreciate the work that goes into farming.
No gay posts today? You finally come out of the closet? Good for you.
you hanging onto that gay theme as if it were Rifle's nuts
In the childcare center?Okay, but is there childcare available? I'm gonna be there awhile, socializing.