Rights are fine as long as they are not used to harm others. All of our rights imply this. If you are not using your weapon to harm others, you should have no concern, especially if you are a law abiding citizen. If you have multiple legal/law enforcement contacts, in which anti social behavior has been demonstrated on many occasions, then you could lose that right. Domestic violence, bar fights, drug dealing, sexual assault, robbery, breaking and entering, property destruction are examples of behavior can be considered irresponsible warranting loss of some rights. This would be just like someone incarcerated except, they would be followed by the court system, with required meetings with judge and/or other court personnel to evaluate progress in making life changes, i.e., working in a stable job, going to school, participating in counseling/social work/rehabilitation program to improve earnings potential and employment options.
They can earn the right to own a gun, if that is their goal. I would believe that structured social interventions might help folks to recognize the need to change or end up in jail. That is same option in Drug Court and they tend to have more favorable than unfavorable outcomes. Society is safer, people are kept out of jail. They receive services to improve their chances of staying out of jail.
Now if you have better ideas, I'm all for listening to you. If you want things to remain as they are, then the conversation is not very productive.