Any big plans this weekend?

I got this from Fresh Market. Wasn’t bad.

However, I got a quarter cow from White Oak pastures and it has been amazing. I can’t endorse them enough.

I'm headed to OW to take the thread derailers daughter to pound town.

I bet the old douche shits his depends when he sees me pull up next door.
I'm headed to OW to take the thread derailers daughter to pound town.
Philadelphia is a zoo.

I spent the last three nights there. Going in, it was my least favorite major city in the country. Leaving, it may be my least favorite major city in the world.

The only redeemable thing about it is that you can get to the stadiums without fighting downtown traffic. That's good for out-of-towners, but it takes away the ambiance of having a downtown stadium. It's a truly shitty city. They're obsessed with riding dirtbikes and four-wheelers down city streets doing wheelies in groups of 20+. You have to be a Philadelphia expert to find any part that has good housing. Their most popular place to go out is South Street, and it's a shithole.
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Sunday, headed down to see some kin near Fayetteville and go to a food truck market and outdoor market.
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"Extreeeeee's posts seem to be stuck on the same monotonous drivvel."

I'm not working this week, so today is going to be another Saturday. Probably get tanked and can't really say what that will lead to, but bought the old lady a bottle of New Zealand wine so hopefully she'll drink that today and stay off my ass with all this chores nonsense.