Arch vs. riflearm2


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
At this point, it seems that threads started by Arch end up being more popular and definitely have more longevity (staying power for Nascar fans).

murox is probably still the king though, not including herdman and myself within the hierarchy, due to fairness factors.
At this point, it seems that threads started by Arch end up being more popular and definitely have more longevity (staying power for Nascar fans).

murox is probably still the king though, not including herdman and myself within the hierarchy, due to fairness factors.
I met Arch at blockbuster once with his GF at the time. He seemed like the kind of guy that thought about women instead of men when getting BJs. Rifle is questionable in that regard.
I met Arch at blockbuster once with his GF at the time. He seemed like the kind of guy that thought about women instead of men when getting BJs. Rifle is questionable in that regard.
Did he ask to take a picture with you or does he only do that with his heroes?
I just looked. It’s been 11 days since he has posted pictures of his house/decorations on social media. That may be a record. Let’s hope he is alright.
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I can remember when Arch began posting back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. He wasn't too popular back then, having to deal with the likes of HerdChemist and others. Quite the turnaround though, to become more popular than rifle on this forum. Guys like murox warned us though.
I can remember when Arch began posting back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. He wasn't too popular back then, having to deal with the likes of HerdChemist and others. Quite the turnaround though, to become more popular than rifle on this forum. Guys like murox warned us though.
I can remember when Arch began posting back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. He wasn't too popular back then, having to deal with the likes of HerdChemist and others. Quite the turnaround though, to become more popular than rifle on this forum. Guys like murox warned us though.
Herdchemist….. that’s a name we haven’t seen in a while.
I met Arch at blockbuster once with his GF at the time.
This was in 2012 and it's hard to believe it's been that long. I actually drove through Morgantown last week to see the WVU team doc (again) for what will likely be another surgery from a deadlifting injury. Blockbuster is some kind of sketchy massage parlor now.
Did he ask to take a picture with you or does he only do that with his heroes?
This was a year prior to the above, and taking the picture was honestly one of my biggest regrets next to not keeping the picture of Toes in shoulder pads that was on the same computer. Both are history.
That was still in the flip phone era before selfies were a big thing.
Not true. I had a Motorola touch screen at the time and it sucked. I use an iPhone and Samsung S22 Ultra nowadays and the Samsung is far superior. However, the MacBook Pro I'm typing this on blows away my other PC. Not even close. However, it's plugged into a 49" curved Samsung, so I have the best of both worlds. Samsung displays are what I prefer.
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Here's the thing. Back when iPhone launched, Apple had an exclusivity deal with ATT so the only way you could get one was to switch service. Back then, ATT service was dog shit where I lived so the only option was to try Android. By the time iPhone was an option on other carriers, I was already too invested into Android.

Sure, Android had plenty of issues in its infancy, but flagship devices (particularly through Samsung) are now equal (if not better) in terms of innovation and quality.

The are people in this world who are dogmatic about using iPhone only and get their pussy wrecked whenever they see Android launch something new that they know Apple won't even try for a couple years afterward.

Who gives a shit what phone someone uses? Only Apple faggits, that's who. Android users by in large do not care.
Not true. I had a Motorola touch screen at the time and it sucked. I use an iPhone and Samsung S22 Ultra nowadays and the Samsung is far superior. However, the MacBook Pro I'm typing this on blows away my other PC. Not even close. However, it's plugged into a 49" curved Samsung, so I have the best of both worlds. Samsung displays are what I prefer.
What does any of that have to do with what he posted other than you wanting to boast about your electronics?
^^^definitely a ghey apple fan boy^^^

probly all he could afford from taz's black market grab bag after spending all his money on those cubic zirconias.
^^^definitely a ghey apple fan boy^^^

probly all he could afford from taz's black market grab bag after spending all his money on those cubic zirconias.
I bought about 200 Samsung phones and another 200 Chromebooks and/or non-Apple tablets for my employees . . . . I went with another iPhone, MacBook Pro, and iPad.
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I bought about 200 Samsung phones and another 200 Chromebooks and/or non-Apple tablets for my employees . . . . I went with another iPhone, MacBook Pro, and iPad.
taz cut you one hell of a deal, huh? buy one "legit", throw in dozen hot ones for $1/ea.

legit . . .

I bought about 200 Samsung phones and another 200 Chromebooks and/or non-Apple tablets for my employees . . . . I went with another iPhone, MacBook Pro, and iPad.
Damn, Tyrone down in the hood was happy. Or what was his name? Tazz? Jizz?
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Here's the thing. Back when iPhone launched, Apple had an exclusivity deal with ATT so the only way you could get one was to switch service. Back then, ATT service was dog shit where I lived so the only option was to try Android. By the time iPhone was an option on other carriers, I was already too invested into Android.

Sure, Android had plenty of issues in its infancy, but flagship devices (particularly through Samsung) are now equal (if not better) in terms of innovation and quality.

The are people in this world who are dogmatic about using iPhone only and get their pussy wrecked whenever they see Android launch something new that they know Apple won't even try for a couple years afterward.

Who gives a shit what phone someone uses? Only Apple faggits, that's who. Android users by in large do not care.
I carry two phones: the S22 Ultra and the iPhone and the Samsung is far and away better. Display is superior and the camera features are a magnitude better. I had a Verizon rep tell me that Samsung sells some of their tech to iPhone, but I never read into it. All I know is when it comes to displays, cameras, and televisions—Samsung is king and all I'll buy.
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Are you from Wayne County, into photography, and a huge fan of Apple products?
Creep Stalking GIF by Warner Music NZ

Careful, his home security cameras already recorded your Peeping Tomfoolery. Question is, did he view such footage from an Apple device?!?

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