Attendance/Gameday Excitement Ideas


Gold Member
Dec 13, 2021
I think there’s no question that many of us posting on this forum are Marshall fans to the core and are going to attend Marshall games regardless of the status of the program. That said, in recent years, I don’t know that I’ve had as much excitement as years past.

My question to you all is; what sorts of things would you like to see the athletic department do in order to bring life in the program?

A couple things I had on my mind:
1. Getting non Marshall fans talking about/wanting to attend games.
- Scheduling WVU is huge for both programs, it draws so much interest throughout the state. We really need to push this, honestly I’ve seen a decline in fan interest by not having this game.
- Keep pushing 2-1s or 1-1s for P5 programs, you never know when one of these teams could get hot before coming to Huntington. The 2016 Louisville game was one of the most enjoyable games of recent years, Lamar Jackson gave Marshall a lot of exposure through that game. Imagine having Cincinnati in town this year. I believe the Virginia Tech series is a huge win for Marshall.
- Lure Opponents in with free stuff. I think we should offer free tickets to opponent’s students and opponent’s season ticket holders. Heck even assist in chartering buses from bordering states. There’s plenty of open seats to give away tickets and I would personally donate to this cause. There’s so many things you can build on from getting opponent’s fans to attend games. I hope we can do something to fill the Joan for the 2023 VT game.
2. Establishing a rivalry we can count on every year, consistently. Nobody is excited by slapping the title “rival” on WKU or FAU games. Also really drains the rivalry excitement, by only playing rivals every few years or so, it needs to be consistent. There needs to be established history and relationships to draw us together. Heck look what WKU vs MTSU or Appy St vs Ga Southern have even on down years. Moving to the Sun Belt helps Marshall give a presence in Southern states, yet I wouldn’t be opposed to adding to that by playing ECU every year. Other good options would be in our untouched alumni hot spot of Ohio. Ohio U or Miami (OH), both have good mixing of alumni in the areas they recruit students from and are easily drivable both ways.
3. Winning, there’s no secret what winning can do for a program. That said we have to understand what limited resources Marshall has and be realist. There’s a reason why Boise St will never go to the Big12 or why North Dakota St is still playing in the FCS. My only hope is the college football playoff expands or the G5 splits off to have its own playoff. The current post season gives me little excitement compared to the FCS playoffs in the 90s.

What thoughts/ ideas do you guys have?
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We don’t seem to stay in one conference long enough to develop that one hated team rivalry.
In the MAC, it was kind of Ohio, Miami, and Toledo. Somewhat of a rivalry with Apply and Furman in the old Southern.
Western was developing in to a good game in CUSA, but that will soon end.
It is a shame that the two largest schools in the state don’t play, but that is what it is.
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I will say I’m pretty excited for the Appy St game, hope they feel the same about us. Honestly pretty excited for all the Sunbelt east teams, like the southern conference footprint. I don’t know that anybody from the Sunbelt West has excited me, but that’s just my opinion. I feel like all the big fish have moved on to the P5 or AAC. Thus with what’s left in the G5, I’m more excited for playing local teams.

Western was a fun game, but I just don’t know if I’d deem it a rivalry on the level WVU, ECU or Ohio would be.
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Bold idea for increased attendance: fire cramsey
I’m not one to have unrealistic expectations, but Huff needs to try something different otherwise there was no reason to let Doc go for someone whom has no ties to Marshall. Offense held us back, but who could we hire to replace him?
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I’d like to see us continue to play the Service Academies, maybe even add Air Force to the mix someday. Playing Louisville in the future along with Virginia Tech would put some fans in the stands.
There are a number of interesting teams in the region if only they would sign a one and one with us.
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WVU. Personally I’m over it. If a 2:1 or 1:1 were announced tomorrow I’d be excited, everyone on this board would be too. That’s the problem. WV can’t have anything nice or be like every other damn state where in-state schools play each other every year. Morgantown businesses thrive with Duquesne, Robert Morris and Albany playing in town same as MU does with VMI and Norfolk St. Disclaimer: MU will never be the “state flagship” in my lifetime but with annual exposure/excitement the gap shrinks. It has everywhere else. They know it, we know it. The legislature knows it. Used to care but realized backward thinking isn’t going to change overnight. I’m content being a MU fan paying taxes in VA watching WV’s economy spin it’s wheels. Is what it is.

For the rivalries; I think we’ve found a great spot. We tend to develop animosity with a fan base that shows a little swagger (WKU/FAU) bc we haven’t had that with a majority of our conference peers in the past; fan support that is. Our new home has “regional” opponents with fan bases that give a damn. I think that takes care of itself over time. Didn’t take long with Lafayette (which is what they should be referred to on here :)

Game atmosphere improves with better opponents and butts in the seats. It’s not over complicated. I think the conference switch is a step in the right direction, start winning majority of those games you’ll see more butts. However, fighting game fatigue and retention starts with the big screen. I don’t know how to describe it or give directions so I’ll just say this…I have season tix at MU and VT. Their videos during the game, the content the graphics, the fan engagement-it’s just different. Do or learn what they do. Our crowd won’t go crazy seeing a horse run on a treadmill (some will get the reference) but maybe video of a squirrel running downfield being played during commercial before a big defensive series would. That type stuff instead of WV lotto.
I can't tell how much COVID is impacting attendance. I thought the crowd vs. WKU for the CUSA East title this year would have been a bigger crowd. It was cold, but not raining.
I like the train of thought here with a couple exceptions...

1. WVU ship has sailed... They don't need to play us, and doing so doesnt do anything for their program. They have fine attendance at home and they don't need to toss us a bone by playing in Huntington so we can have a sellout. Im fine with not playing WVU.

2. You are right about needing a true rival... The one we kind of messed up was by dropping Ohio for a decade. The Battle for the Bell is set to resume and its a series we should keep going every year. Close opponent, usually a good game, really no downside to scheduling them in the non conference. App State will be our new natural rival in the Sun Belt, and that is a good fit.

3. P5 teams in Huntington is a big deal... The Louisville game, Purdue game, etc. always have good crowds. We do have Virginia Tech coming in a couple years, but that is it for P5s at home through 2027 (we do still have a few open dates to fill). I've never understood why we can't get more games like that with regional P5s. I realize Ohio State, Bama, Oklahoma, etc. aren't coming to the Joan, but what about -- Virginia, Pitt, Purdue, Indiana, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, North Carolina, Duke, Kentucky, Maryland, etc.
I'd welcome some 2-1 with Indiana, Wake, Vandy, Duke, UVA, etc. Easy travel and winnable games for us if we play well. I would love to play UK but Hammie said they won't even return our calls. Maybe now that they are actually good, they may change their tune. Set up a series with Louisville as well.
Wins equal butts in seats But once you get them to come, they have to enjoy the experience and want to come back - we need to work on that aspect big time.
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- Scheduling WVU is huge for both programs, it draws so much interest throughout the state. We really need to push this, honestly I’ve seen a decline in fan interest by not having this game.

When WVU was in the Leastleftovers, a mid major conference, it needed MU to sell 20 to 30K seats it could not sell. When it joined the Big 12 2.0, which is to say the Big 2, Little 8, it no longer did. Now, it is moving down to the mid major Big 12 3.0, the Little 8 plus four mid major nothings. (Roll Tide). It will soon have 20 or more K seats it can’t sell.

But they would rather let those seats go empty than deal with us.

MOVE ON, we will never play WVU again in either FB or MBB.
- Keep pushing 2-1s or 1-1s for P5 programs, you never know when one of these teams could get hot before coming to Huntington. The 2016 Louisville game was one of the most enjoyable games of recent years, Lamar Jackson gave Marshall a lot of exposure through that game.
In other words, “I want to see MU play teams I approve of, I can’t get into MU vs peer institutions”.
Imagine having Cincinnati in town this year.
Cincinnati is not P5,
I believe the Virginia Tech series is a huge win for Marshall.
On behalf of MH, you are welcome.
- Lure Opponents in with free stuff. I think we should offer free tickets to opponent’s students and opponent’s season ticket holders. Heck even assist in chartering buses from bordering states. There’s plenty of open seats to give away tickets and I would personally donate to this cause. There’s so many things you can build on from getting opponent’s fans to attend games. I hope we can do something to fill the Joan for the 2023 VT game.
Welfare football? Are you really Joe Biden?
2. Establishing a rivalry we can count on every year, consistently. Nobody is excited by slapping the title “rival” on WKU or FAU games. Also really drains the rivalry excitement, by only playing rivals every few years or so, it needs to be consistent. There needs to be established history and relationships to draw us together. Heck look what WKU vs MTSU or Appy St vs Ga Southern have even on down years. Moving to the Sun Belt helps Marshall give a presence in Southern states, yet I wouldn’t be opposed to adding to that by playing ECU every year. Other good options would be in our untouched alumni hot spot of Ohio. Ohio U or Miami (OH), both have good mixing of alumni in the areas they recruit students from and are easily drivable both ways.
MU has no real “rivals”. We have teams we have both been good at FB or BB at the same time for a brief period in some league or another we are neither in anymore. That is not a rivalry. A rivalry runs back for decades and involves people who have to interact with one another.

Ohio is the closest other G5 school, but they are so fixated on OSU, they don’t care, and most of their students are there to drink anyway.

Miami, not the real one the one in Ohio, is a one sided hated from the ES days. They don’t care.
3. Winning, there’s no secret what winning can do for a program.
Not there is an idea. Win the football games.
My only hope is the college football playoff expands or the G5 splits off to have its own playoff.
Expanded playoffs will kill college football.

A G5 playoff is the SECOND DIVISION, no matter what you call it. You know who cared about MU in the I AA days? Nobody outside the I AA bubble and a few WVU fixates.

A G5 playoff is too many divisions. If you don’t want to be in I A, go to I AA. There is no need for an in between. It would be like WV SSAC adding a AAAA and a AAAAA to football. Everybody wins. Participation trophy.
What thoughts/ ideas do you guys have?



Have people buy into THIS CONFERENCE (SBC) and this level (G5) and stop belittling our wins (presuming we ever win again versus winning teams).
Expanded playoffs will kill college football.
I believe it is already dead. With conference realignment, the portal, paying players, and ESPN’s almost total control of the game, college ball is done. Or at least on life support.
Another ship that has sailed... The playoff will be expanding, it's just a matter of when. The arguing going on right now between the conference commissioners, ESPN, etc is what format is it going to take on.

A lot of people like an 8-team model with -- P5 champs, top ranked G5 champ, 2 at-large (second and third place SEC or Notre Dame)

Some people like a 12-team model with -- P5 champs, top ranked G5 champ, 6 at-large... In this model, the G5 commissioners are arguing they should get the two top ranked G5 league champs in and have 5 at-large teams.

There was a rumor earlier in the season that the TV execs were pushing for expansion as early as next year. It doesn't look like that is going to get done (An SI article a few weeks ago said talks have stalled as they argue over 2-3 different models) but when the current TV deal for the playoffs expires in 2024, expansion will happen.
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@The Real SamC

- WVU, Sure the Big12 lost a lot in Oklahoma and Texas, but I do think WVU fans should be happy with the additions of Cincinnati and UCF. Both have the abilities to grow into national brands and they are in areas West Virginia’s affiliate themselves with, I don’t think the expansion will hurt them. That said I will not back down on stating the game should be played, it does help both schools. Name one other rival or school that has fans you work with that you can discuss and enjoy a Marshall game together.
-Playing P5, brings in the average fans. Our largest attendances were against WVU, Louisville, Purdue and Kansas St. Depending on our die hard herd fans to show up to games against FCS teams are just going to give us 20k/game attendances.
-Free tickets to opposing fans is an investment. Let’s say we can get 1/4 of their fans to show up; that’s 15k for VT, 10k for ECU, 5k+ for Appy St, 5k+ for Ohio, etc. All of these fans in the stadium will improve Gameday experience, stay in our hotels, eat at our restaurants, shop at our stores, build relationships, spread our brand, etc. There are benefits to getting opposing fans to come to Huntington. If you’re not thinking out of the box and selling your school, you’re going to fall behind.
-Again rivalries are important, I would agree Ohio has to be our best bet. So easy to drive to and while I went to Marshall, most of my friends either went to WVU or Ohio U and that’s with rivalries are about reunions amongst opposing friends and history. ECU is our best bet as far as history.
CF playoff, if done right I think it helps college football. Look at March Madness, everybody is interested in how meaningful it makes conferences championships and post season games themselves. Forces college football fans to be interested in games between teams they would otherwise have no affiliation. Should have all P5 conferences champs, at large G5 school and throw some more at large bids in the mix to make it even games. You are right P5 school’s viewership is on a different level, but one G5 school won’t hurt it and gives G5 something to make their season games more meaningful.
I'm not sure we are in any position to demand 1-1 with P5 schools any longer. We just aren't. 2-1 with certain schools i am sure are feasible. Id love to see:

South Carolina
Wake Forest

Or if we could somehow fall into a deal with a blue blood.
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We should expect to go anywhere at anytime. At least that used to be our mindset. It was how we built our winning attitude. Now we actively have "fans" not wanting to play games.
We should expect to go anywhere at anytime. At least that used to be our mindset. It was how we built our winning attitude. Now we actively have "fans" not wanting to play games.
Again, I’m a Herd fan that will watch Marshall play anywhere at anytime. I just think after Marshall has peaked we are looking at things from a different perspective than what we have in the past, we’ve experienced what it’s like to have 40k in attendance. I don’t think there is anything wrong with discussing how we grow from here. In the 90s-00s it was about playing at the highest level. Now it’s about being the most exciting G5 team to watch and I believe the Sunbelt move and getting linked up with ESPN was a step in the right direction. I wanna be that underdog everybody is rooting for.
He never mentioned “average.” You were just in a hurry to try and prove him wrong.
I think he’s talking about growing from here. Just not sure what the point was. 2 of the 3 40k attendance games were in front of WVU.
Not sure what that has to do with playing anyone, anywhere as was stated. You’re apparently not in to that sort of thing now, so no worries.
I think he’s talking about growing from here. Just not sure what the point was. 2 of the 3 40k attendance games were in front of WVU.
Not sure what that has to do with playing anyone, anywhere as was stated. You’re apparently not in to that sort of thing now, so no worries.
I think my point is those games reveal our ceiling and that I’d rather see more games like that than 18k fans in attendance games. I will take any girl to the dance, but I’m going to ask the prettiest girls first.
You’re apparently not in to that sort of thing now, so no worries.
Of course. I want the same 5-6 thousand fans that attended games at old Fairfield when I was in school.
So much simpler then. Plenty of foot room, bathrooms hardly ever crowded.
Only played ten games then and never had to ever worry about a championship or a bowl game.
That was the pinnacle of Marshall football.
*Warning* sarcasm.
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Boys, unless we get a solid P5 in here, have good weather for every home game and flirting with the Top 25 most of the season, we'll be lucky to average over 27K ever again. Dying area, no student involvement at all, terrible game experience, and little to no marketing to the average fan. jmho
Boys, unless we get a solid P5 in here, have good weather for every home game and flirting with the Top 25 most of the season, we'll be lucky to average over 27K ever again. Dying area, no student involvement at all, terrible game experience, and little to no marketing to the average fan. jmho
Time to institute my plan for student involvement... 50 kegs of Natty or Keystone Light in a "free student only beer garden" pregame. We can put the DJ in there. Make it so the only exit from the beer garden is to enter the stadium.
Time to institute my plan for student involvement... 50 kegs of Natty or Keystone Light in a "free student only beer garden" pregame. We can put the DJ in there. Make it so the only exit from the beer garden is to enter the stadium.
Actually, that's not a bad idea.
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- WVU, Sure the Big12 lost a lot in Oklahoma and Texas, but I do think WVU fans should be happy with the additions of Cincinnati and UCF. Both have the abilities to grow into national brands and they are in areas West Virginia’s affiliate themselves with, I don’t think the expansion will hurt them. That said I will not back down on stating the game should be played, it does help both schools. Name one other rival or school that has fans you work with that you can discuss and enjoy a Marshall game together.

The reason Spamites hate us is that throughout the DN era, when the lapdog media era, when it was spewing the idiocy about what the various versions of the eastern littles were, WE, their betters, were here saying, no, really its nothing like the True Majors, and, no, you are not going to win the national championship.

That is why they hate us.

As to playing them, you can “not back down” all day. WVU is uninterested in playing us, has enough money to not need us (even after moving back down to the mid major level) and will never play us.

You can go to McDonald’s and “not back down” from wishing they had steak. They ain’t getting steak
-Playing P5, brings in the average fans. Our largest attendances were against WVU, Louisville, Purdue and Kansas St. Depending on our die hard herd fans to show up to games against FCS teams are just going to give us 20k/game attendances.
Yes, and? If you own the KA theatre and could get world premieres every weekend, you would do well too. It can’t and we can’t. We are what we are. Embrace it and support the Herd.
-Free tickets to opposing fans is an investment. Let’s say we can get 1/4 of their fans to show up; that’s 15k for VT, 10k for ECU, 5k+ for Appy St, 5k+ for Ohio, etc.
No, its welfare. This is a business. The only schools that market towards away fans are losers. Memphis comes to mind.
-CF playoff, if done right I think it helps college football. Look at March Madness, everybody is interested in how meaningful it makes conferences championships and post season games themselves. Forces college football fans to be interested in games between teams they would otherwise have no affiliation. Should have all P5 conferences champs, at large G5 school and throw some more at large bids in the mix to make it even games. You are right P5 school’s viewership is on a different level, but one G5 school won’t hurt it and gives G5 something to make their season games more meaningful.
A playoff makes 95% of the regular season meaningless. And, ONE, at best G5 will get the bottom seed and be assreamed by the SEC champ, every year. No thanks.
Get White Claw to sponsor a "ladies bar" so girls can get their drinks without frat boys pouring them keg beers... Pump in the Morgan Wallen... Bam, suddenly we have 5k students (for the 1st quarter at least).
You may have an impromptu wet t shirt contest breakout in that scenario. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Lol!
I think we will see a boost in attendance when we go to the Belt simply due to new blood and old rivals, especially if we have the right cross-division opponents. Imagine a conference schedule looking like this:



Three of those four teams on the home slate could easily be ranked (and possible two at the same time) coming into The Joan.

As long as the Belt keeps winning OOC, this is gonna be a fantastic move.
I think we will see a boost in attendance when we go to the Belt simply due to new blood and old rivals, especially if we have the right cross-division opponents. Imagine a conference schedule looking like this:



Three of those four teams on the home slate could easily be ranked (and possible two at the same time) coming into The Joan.

As long as the Belt keeps winning OOC, this is gonna be a fantastic move.
I agree with you that the Belt should be better in terms of attendance for league games (it can't be any worse than CUSA)... But the chance we get those four teams all at home in the same year are about nil.

I would assume the league will split up App and JMU so one is home, one is away every year. Same with Ga State and Ga Southern.

More likely the conference schedule will look something like this --

App State (alternates with JMU)
ODU (alternates with Coastal)
Ga. Southern (alternates with Ga State)
Random west team

@ Coastal
@ Ga. State
@ Random west division team
I think our attendance will get a nice boost from the newness and teams like App, JMU, Coastal and Louisiana being known to our fan base. And Ga Southern to an extent as well.
I agree with you that the Belt should be better in terms of attendance for league games (it can't be any worse than CUSA)... But the chance we get those four teams all at home in the same year are about nil.

I would assume the league will split up App and JMU so one is home, one is away every year. Same with Ga State and Ga Southern.

More likely the conference schedule will look something like this --

App State (alternates with JMU)
ODU (alternates with Coastal)
Ga. Southern (alternates with Ga State)
Random west team

@ Coastal
@ Ga. State
@ Random west division team
You may be on to something. Let's hope the Belt doesn't screw it up like CUSA and schedule the same west division teams a couple of years in a row.
I agree with you that the Belt should be better in terms of attendance for league games (it can't be any worse than CUSA)... But the chance we get those four teams all at home in the same year are about nil.

I would assume the league will split up App and JMU so one is home, one is away every year. Same with Ga State and Ga Southern.

More likely the conference schedule will look something like this --

App State (alternates with JMU)
ODU (alternates with Coastal)
Ga. Southern (alternates with Ga State)
Random west team

@ Coastal
@ Ga. State
@ Random west division team
I don't disagree with you.

To the other poster, I think the belt will do similar to CUSA for ease of scheduling regarding west division teams, ie:

2023 - ULL, @Troy , so next year we know:
2024 - Troy, @ULL

Then a new set of two teams the following year. It seems to be the easiest way to schedule so schools and fans know what is going on. AND, if one cross-divisional game is a barn-burner in the first year, the second year gives us a day on the calendar to circle for the second.

Just my two cents.
Marshall needs to implement a incentive system for attending sporting events for students. Marshall is one of the only campuses in the country where the students Id card is on their phone. They use their phone to open their dorms, pay for their meals and even at vending machines. It was a pilot program through Apple that is growing across the country. They have the ability to track attendance and incentivize through giveaways like custom shirts, hoodies and other premium items.

Improve cell service on game day, it’s not very good

If they are keeping the DJ let him be more involved in the flow of the game vs 1 appearance per half. if it stays at that, it’s really a waste and not worth the effort.

Bathrooms must be upgraded. The urinals are almost as bad as the “pee on the wall” days of ole Fairfield.

lastly, Win and they will come.