My point is basic maintenance and upkeep of buildings should be something that is in our budget for our athletic department. If it’s not there is a problem.
The maintenance issues at our athletic facilities are embarrassing. And there’s “no money” to fix them? Come on. We have to be better than that. That is the main job of your AD. If he can’t budget out maintenance for our athletic facilities than he’s unqualified.
Last week there was dried blood all over a bleacher in the Cam. Who knows how long it’s been there. But that kind of thing is allowed to just be there. Paint is chipping off the ceiling in the cam. The Joan is never power washed, so grime builds up. The goal posts in the Joan are faded and look awful And so many more issues.
We have to be better. It’s not our job to raise money for that stuff. There’s a biblical principle that fits here: if you can be trusted with a little, you’ll be given a lot.
When the athletic department starts to show they can take care of the basic needs of our facilities... then I will feel comfortable giving them money for bigger facilities.
Look at our athletic facilities and what shape they are in. Why should I give them money to build more?
You could just say, "I don't want to donate...but I'm gonna complain anyway" instead of trying to mask your ability to be objective and willing to consider it.
Sounds like a whole lot of complaining through nitpicking to me.
Dried blood? How do you know? Did you take a forensic murder kit with you? It could have been a half a dozen other things.
The maitenance crew is meant to pick up and wipe anything they can. Mop the floors, and clean the bathrooms. They aren't sweeping the place for microbial contaminants.
You're also referencing something several hundred people routinely step on during games to move about, bleachers.
I don't know when the last time the bleachers were replaced...but I doubt it was you're complaining about something that is naturally going to look worn.
You also can't just get people to clean certain things...powerwashing the stadium hit a roadblock because if I'm not mistaken, it was said MU had to get special insurance policies for the volunteers who wanted to powerwash the stadium to avoid any legal action in case of an accident.
Next time I go to a place like Death Valley or The Big House, I'll be sure to make a critical note of the conditions of the goal posts, because thats the big thing now...couldn't be anything else.
Try it, I can see you now,
"Hey guys, your stadium sucks! Your goal posts are faded!"
As you're laughed out of the tailgate, try to consider this...
What do you think "upgrade" means? Because an upgrade would/could be to replace said bleachers with either better and more durable ones or just chairbacks. In either case, it helps cut down maitenance needs and costs by replacing inefficient parts, with more efficient parts.
I imagine a decent ventilation and A/C system would also help a new coat of paint from wearing as much due to reducing moisture from the heat of a packed crowd?
I will admit, the paint is a problem and the A/C is a huge project and certainly no fault of the current AD...we all know if he were in charge when the Cam was being built, he'd have made it better.
But thats what a gofundme would do, for the paint...however, you tighten MU's efficiency by expanding your areas to complain.