On the goal posts you can mock, but watch a game at Alabama or any other big time program... there’s no coincidence, the goal posts look freshly painted each year. Is it the biggest deal? No. But how hard would it be to paint those each year? Or heck... once. But instead we laugh at the idea of taking care of things like that.
I remember a few years ago it was the same with the turf at the Joan. Needed painting it looked bad. And we were told “oh come on!? It’s just field paint don’t get bent out of shape.”
So you’re telling me that because of insurance we can’t powerwash our stadium? That’s a terrible excuse.
As for the dried blood... yeah when there is dried blood all over a bench. That’s disgusting. What’s worse is who knows how long it has been there or will be there. Because again we do not take care of our stuff.
So again... why would I donate to help our athletic program build new facilities when we can’t even take care of what we have!? I mean... are we going to somehow have the insurance money for a new baseball field to wash that?
The athletic department needs to start budgeting money for the little things. To take care of our facilities.
Did you really just compare us to Alabama?
Funny how you said how hard would it be to paint those each year...well...
The amount spent on that could be used to fix the complaint of lack of paper towels in the restrooms...which you would complain, "Why are we wasting money on painting goal posts? Why not use it on the bathrooms!!!"
Its literally everything for people like you.
Yes, insurance was an issue, once more MU didn't want a lawsuit if someone got hurt...its a legal setback, it happens to MU all the time, quit acting like its something new.
Its also not something you should blame MU for either.
As for the blood, whatever it is, why didn't you bring it up with maitenance?
You could donate money with a note specifying "This donation is for new paint on the goal posts and to clean up the blood in Section _____."
Oh no, I know why, because complaining on an online forum is more satisfying...as is pointing out something MU may or may not be aware of, that you are, gives your life a little more meaning.
You talked about budgeting for the little things...MU can't always do that, and if we did, people like you, would complain about why MU isn't budgeting for bigger and better things.
You also answered my response in your complaint...Hamrick didn't just replace the paint on the field, he replaced the entire field itself. Knocked out 2 birds with 1 stone. It took a little longer but instead of fresh paint on a field that'd need replacing in 2 years, just replace it all.
I bet thats the same with the Cam ceiling paint...but maybe thats something for you to actually ask Hamrick about.
But the biggest problem with your complaint is the belief that MU can somehow afford to use money in the way Alabama does.
Newsflash: MU never will have that kind of money, ever!
Does MU WANT to paint the goalposts? Probably.
Does MU NEED to paint them? No.
Does MU WANT to replace Cam seating? Probably.
Does MU NEED to replace Cam seating? No.
Wants vs. Needs...MU doesn't have the luxury of focusing in the former, but it has the absolute obligation to focus on the latter.
Sad to say, MU may never get to focus on its wants because fans like yourself...all because of a little paint and bleachers. Maybe MU may someday become big time, but to get there requires donations and money, and with your mindset, we'll be slower in getting there.