Absolutely, positively, 100% false. There are only 3-4 other people in my role that are Senior Vice Presidents. How on earth you can pretend to know otherwise shows you’re simply making things up.
Gayle C is a Senior Vice President/Small Business Leader in a region in Georgia.
Bernita B has the same title in the DC region.
Tracie D has the same title out of Luray, Virginia
Beth M has the same title out of Harrisburg
Jim F has the same title out of Allentown
Rochelle S has the same title out of Raleigh
Stacey C has the same title out of Atlanta
Eduardo E has the same title out of Miami
Darryl M has the same title out of Estero, FL
I can keep going if you want. Do you really think, as big as BB&T is, that they would have just four in your position and have one based in Hurricane fvcking West Virginia and Luray fvcking Virginia? If they only had four, they would have them in much bigger markets for them. Hurricane isn't one of them.
Another completely untrue statement.
No, it's not.
Gayle C is a Senior Vice President/Small Business Leader. She graduated with a Bachelor's from Georgia in 2006, her highest degree, and started working at BB&T in 2007. Eight years later, she was a senior vice president.
Bernita B's highest degree is a Bachelor's from an HBCU. She became a senior VP after four years at BB&T.
Eduardo's highest degree is a Bachelor's from FIU.
Rochelle's highest degree is a Bachelor's from Cal State Fullerton. She has 150 indirect reports over the 25 branches she is a Senior Vice President/Small Business Leader for.
Scott P's highest degree is a Bachelor's from William & Mary.
@Herdon2 once told all of us how bad W&M's academics were, but nobody listened to him because he is a deplorable.
Stacey C just received her Bachelor's from Campbell in 2012, and she is already a senior VP/Small Business Leader.
Again...100% false on so many levels.
Well, you may be right on this one. It appears that a lot of senior vice presidents have been at the company far less than ten years.
I’ve never said it was. Another example of you making things up. I simply pointed out how you continually dismiss it.
Of course I continually dismiss it. Spending six hours on the beach full of tourists a mile from the boat you just got off of doesn't result in somebody having lived in a country, been around different cultures, etc.
The fact that you keep bringing those excursions up as an argument of not having lived in the same small region your whole life is baffling.
Where did I ever say that? Geez rifle, is your reading comprehension that bad or are you simply continuing to lie? I’m not arguing that I have had a more experienced life than you. I’ve never once said nor implied that. I’m arguing that you do not have a “far, far” more experienced life than me. Try to keep up.
Then, argue against that. Having watched a baby being born doesn't quite add up to make the vast differences any closer. Your homogeneous life doesn't make you a bad person, doesn't make you unsuccessful, etc. If that makes you happy, then dammit, who gives a shit. My mom is nearing 70 and has lived in three places her entire life (excluding college). She lived in the house she grew up in as a child, the place she lived in after college until I was in middle school, then the house she has lived in for the last 25+ years. Three houses in three different cities over nearly 70 years isn't very many. I have tried guilt-tripping her into coming on trips with me to other countries, and she has no desire. Family is coming to stay with me this week, and I believe it will be just the fifth plane round trip she has ever been on (Hawaii, Florida once, Texas twice, LA with me). She is contemplating getting a place on the beach in Florida, but she just stays at my place now, so she doesn't need to. She is extremely content lounging in her pool every day and has no desire to go anywhere else. She retired on the very first year she was eligible so it's not a time or financial issue. She is just most happy in her own little bubble. And there's nothing wrong with that, but she isn't foolish enough to claim she has had more experiences in life than I have . . . and she has had more than you in terms of varied experiences.
To argue that you haven't had far less experiences and a far less experienced life when you have had the singular things I mentioned on so many major aspects of your life is absurd.
I’m not setting out to belittle your accomplishments with the company you worked for, but since you brought it up, you’re really not even in the same ballpark as me. Not on the same level at all. Apples to oranges. Sorry...that’s just a fact. The one section of WV I managed while you worked at that tiny company is 5-6 times greater in size than that entire company. Now, I manage an entire division that is far greater than even that. You’re the equivalent of someone claiming the title of president of a small bank, when they would simply be a branch manager at any moderate sized institution. You couldn’t do what I do, just like I couldn’t sell weed to rappers.
Nobody is arguing that BB&T isn't a far, far bigger company. But we both know banking margins are just a little bit smaller than service/product oriented margins.
Let's compare my colleagues - the four other partners/directors - with one of the dozens (yes, there are dozens) of senior VPs are BB&T.
Our Director of Finance/CFO had previously been the CFO for a company that owned over 70 franchises (Dominoes, KFCs, etc.). I'm sure he did well there, but he left for higher pay. Ten years ago, while I was there, he made over $200,000. The Director of Human Resources wasn't far behind. If they somehow had the banking experience to be offered one of the dozens of senior VP positions, they would turn it down. Why? Because 1) they make far more where they are now 2) they are big fish in a medium pond instead of being small fish in an ocean. Every single director/partner while I was there had been employed there for many years before me. Eight years later, they are all still there (other than the majority partner who just sold out).
You couldn’t do what I do, just like I couldn’t sell weed to rappers.
I don't have the banking experience to do what you do. But if I had a Bachelor's from an HBCU and five or six years of experience at BB&T, I'd be hired into that position.
And we are leaving out a huge portion of the equation: What company did you start that had $800,000 of revenue it its first full year? What company did you start that had over $2 million in year two? What company did you start that doubled from year two to year three in revenue at that amount? That success allowed me to leave a $150,000 job and quit doing anything that I didn't want to do, and being one of dozens of senior VPs at BB&T doesn't come close to any of that.