Bernie Sanders’s estate tax plan would reduce the federal debt and help even the playing field

Man, you call someone else a "simpleton"? You want to try your definitions again?

Unfortunately, "empathy" isn't really "feeling" the exact same as the other person. Empathy is UNDERSTANDING what the others feelings, words, actions are.

After reading Greed's posts on here for years, I completely understand why he is the way he is. Its easy to understand why he is an asshole, (and why I actually have zero sympathy for him). However, maybe I should actually feel sympathy for you, attempting to join this thread and not fully understanding the concept you are desperately trying to discuss...and looking like THE idiot.

Before calling someone else a "simpleton" try performing the simple task of at least looking up the definitions. Here are a couple quick examples.

"Empathy is the experience of understanding another person's thoughts, feelings, and condition from his or her point of view, rather than from one's own."

To sum it all up …
The differences between the most commonly used meanings of these two terms is:

    • sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters
    • empathy is putting yourself in the shoes of another, which is why actors often talk about it.

You continue to show that, even after my lesson, you're clueless about the difference in those words.

Empathy is a far deeper, intense feeling than sympathy. It is putting yourself in somebody's shoes. Proof that you don't know the difference?

Your own definition of empathy proves what I called you out for. Empathy is "experiencing a fraction of their emotions and feelings . . . " In other words, you are sharing his feelings, which is what I said. Your claim to have empathy for him being an asshole based on Clinton losing the election, him being "semi-retired," and his hiatus from the board is incorrect. You don't understand why somebody would be an asshole simply because Clinton lost. You do feel bad for somebody who you believe has had a lot of bumps recently. That's sympathy.
What liarherdfan really meant to say: "I have syncope." At least that's the way I read it.
Your claim to have empathy for him being an asshole based on Clinton losing the election, him being "semi-retired," and his hiatus from the board is incorrect.

No it’s not. My definition on both actually explained why I can empathize (aka understand) what leads to someone (Greed) being an asshole. (But I don’t have to sympathize with it.)

I most certainly can understand (empathize) someone’s frustration following their favored political candidate getting beat(again). i too have had favored candidates lose. (But I got over it—-the reason I’m not sympathetic to his continued asshole whining)

I most certainly can understand (empathize) someone’s frustration/anger over market environments forcing his business into a decline and “semi retirement”. But I don’t have to sympathize with him being an asshole to other people because the other people didn’t cause him to run his biz into the ground.

I can even slightly understand (empathize) with someone who may decide to run and hide from the message board to avoid the potential ridicule because of all the things I’ve explained above. However, I don’t have to feel sympathy for someone being an asshole after they chose to come back.
No it’s not. My definition on both actually explained why I can empathize (aka understand) what leads to someone (Greed) being an asshole. (But I don’t have to sympathize with it.)

I most certainly can understand (empathize) someone’s frustration following their favored political candidate getting beat(again). i too have had favored candidates lose. (But I got over it—-the reason I’m not sympathetic to his continued asshole whining)

I most certainly can understand (empathize) someone’s frustration/anger over market environments forcing his business into a decline and “semi retirement”. But I don’t have to sympathize with him being an asshole to other people because the other people didn’t cause him to run his biz into the ground.

I can even slightly understand (empathize) with someone who may decide to run and hide from the message board to avoid the potential ridicule because of all the things I’ve explained above. However, I don’t have to feel sympathy for someone being an asshole after they chose to come back.

I neither sympathize or empathize with your absolute stupidity and inability to refrain from lying.
Extra, the government is not borrowing money to give it to anyone in the form of a tax cut. That line of thinking shows a complete lack of understanding of how our system works.

Our government gets money from several sources, the largest being personal income tax. The taxes you pay are a revenue stream to the government. It's like if you had a business that sold kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, and specialty cabinets. The government in essence "sells" its services and people pay the government for those services in the form of various taxes.

So let's say you sell $100,000 a year worth of cabinets. $70,000 comes from kitchen, $20,000 from bath, and $10,000 from specialty. Your costs are $130,000 a year. $50,000 for kitchen, $30,000 for bath, and $50,000 for specialty. Because your costs exceed your revenue, you are forced to borrower $30,000 to make ends meet. In an effort to boost revenue, you decide to cut your kitchen cabinet pricing 10%, so now you get $63,000 from kitchen.

So the question is, did you give the kitchen cabinet buyers money? If so, in your opinion, why did you decide to cut the price on your high margin business? What good could come from that?
You still don't understand that money borrowed by the government and given to you in the form of a tax cut was not your money.

The premise of this claim is completely false. It's complete nonsense. Then again. It's not a surprise. You don't understand basic levels of finance. I shouldn't expect you to even remotely be able to explain this
So let's say you sell $100,000 a year worth of cabinets.
Your costs are $130,000 a year.
Loss of $30,000.
Borrow $30,000 to make ends meet.
Still $30,000 in debt.
Cut prices 10% <<<< Did that 10% price cut originally belong to the client?

Tell the truth Mr."$15/hour minimum wage will create $13 happy meals"
The premise of this claim is completely false. It's complete nonsense. Then again. It's not a surprise. You don't understand basic levels of finance. I shouldn't expect you to even remotely be able to explain this

You're an idiot, and liar. You're the same guy that tried to sell us this little gem....
"99.9% of all retail workers are part timers"
Just another typical thread here on Pullman. Greed getting the beatdown of his life, but too stupid to give up.

Greed, just take the free economics lessons you're getting and shut up, before Banker and Raleigh start to charge you for them. And yes, it will be paid with YOUR money, not the government's.
^^^^Bunch of "fiscally conservative" trumptards attempting to convince people their tax cut paid for by increased debt was their money to begin with.
stopped reading here because of uncontrollable laughter.

trying wayyyy too hard.

Well, the man is a Grammy winning songwriter, just sayin'

I guess he's in touch with his sensitive side?
stopped reading here because of uncontrollable laughter.

trying wayyyy too hard.

Oh, the hillbilly wants to get owned in this thread, too.

Sympathy is a shared feeling, usually of sorrow, pity or compassion for another person. ... You may share a feeling of sadness with them, but you might not have empathy for their situation if you have not experienced, or cannot imagine experiencing, a death in the family. Empathy is stronger than sympathy.

Empathy vs. Sympathy. Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of another person. It goes beyond sympathy, which is caring and understanding for the suffering of others. Both words are used similarly and often interchangeably (incorrectly so) but differ subtly in their emotional meaning.

But…. If we go deeper and actually put ourselves into the shoes of the person in pain or suffering then that depth of feeling is far stronger than mere sympathy.

Clearly, I am not the only one claiming that empathy is a stronger feeling than sympathy.

Want to try again or are you wise enough to retreat?

Well, the man is a Grammy winning songwriter, just sayin'

I guess he's in touch with his sensitive side?

Nominated not winning. And as a producer, not a songwriter.

I love how some of you morons try contesting that as if it isn't true yet I have posted overwhelming evidence proving it. You realize that you cannot be a voting member of the Academy (votes for the Grammys) without having at least ten major label credits, right? Knowing that, how the hell was I approved as a Grammy voter in your feeble mind?
So let's say you sell $100,000 a year worth of cabinets.
Your costs are $130,000 a year.
Loss of $30,000.
Borrow $30,000 to make ends meet.
Still $30,000 in debt.
Cut prices 10% <<<< Did that 10% price cut originally belong to the client?

Tell the truth Mr."$15/hour minimum wage will create $13 happy meals"

Have you been to fast food restaurants lately? We (me, wife and daughter) stopped in Taco Bell the other day. Total was just over $27. Nine bucks a person for Taco Bell? The price of a fast food burger has increased 54% in the last decade, and that's without the $15 wage. What do you think it will be if it happens?
let me type another diatribe that WV-FAN, my hillbilly hero.
TLDR past hillbillly. hell, i'm not sure what part of not reading your last post you didn't get. another diatribe and you think i'm reading it? comprehension challenged.
Have you been to fast food restaurants lately? We (me, wife and daughter) stopped in Taco Bell the other day. Total was just over $27. Nine bucks a person for Taco Bell?

Maybe you should eat smarter, or less. You can purchase 24 tacos and 3 16 oz drinks for $28.15 plus tax.

Total was just over $27. Nine bucks a person for Taco Bell? The price of a fast food burger has increased 54% in the last decade, and that's without the $15 wage. What do you think it will be if it happens?

Well, according to your Happy Meal example, once the $15/hr wage kicked in your Taco Bell tab would be $108.00. Might want to pack your lunch.
You just proved his point moron.

Yup, and if revenue dips because they notice, all of the sudden, the only thing people are buying is $0.49 tacos, then guess what the hell is going to happen to the price of tacos. There will be steps taken to recoup losses, which could include a whole new menu revamp or tacos would only come with value meals, etc.

Greed has the mind of a child, in which he believes a business can be forced to increase its cost of wages and it will just sit back and do nothing in response. God, why do liberals have such naivety to how the real world works?
Yup, and if revenue dips because they notice, all of the sudden, the only thing people are buying is $0.49 tacos, then guess what the hell is going to happen to the price of tacos. There will be steps taken to recoup losses, which could include a whole new menu revamp or tacos would only come with value meals, etc.

Greed has the mind of a child, in which he believes a business can be forced to increase its cost of wages and it will just sit back and do nothing in response. God, why do liberals have such naivety to how the real world works?

You're an idiot, also.
Truth is that apparently you believe raising the minimum wage to $15/hour will cause the price of happy meals to $13, amirite. moron.

Hmmm...I can't see anywhere that I made that statement. You will not likely see such an extreme example, but to pretend that corporations that employee primarily a min wage workforce will just eat the cost of increased labor, that again shows either you're naive, retarded, or both. Which is it?
That taco bell costs about $9 a oerson

Yeah, IF you eat the equivalent of EIGHT tacos and a soft drink EACH. Which is why I said banker should either eat smarter, or less. And his absolutely idiotic remark that a $15/hr minimum wage would make $13 Happy Meals is just that, idiotic.
Yeah, IF you eat the equivalent of EIGHT tacos and a soft drink EACH. Which is why I said banker should either eat smarter, or less. And his absolutely idiotic remark that a $15/hr minimum wage would make $13 Happy Meals is just that, idiotic.

If you were to hire someone to answer the 3 phone calls you get a month at your cabinet shop, what would you pay that individual?

Nevermind, you'll just lie about everything. In your senile old mind the government should pay $15/hr for someone to work in your shop. You're all for spending, as long as its someone else's money.
Getting back to the title and subject of this thread; it’s safe to say Greed is delighted he doesn’t have to worry about paying estate taxes, based on the success of his business.

The end.
Getting back to the title and subject of this thread; it’s safe to say Greed is delighted he doesn’t have to worry about paying estate taxes, based on the success of his business.

The end.

How many people on this board do you think is worried about an estate tax on their possessions when it's exempt up to 11.4 million? Idiot.