Biden is pulling out

Her black vote (for and against) is already locked in. It will make literally no difference whatsoever if she’s the Presidential nominee as opposed to VP.
You can’t be serious. If you think that a Vice President is responsible for anywhere even close to the same number of votes that a President captures, then you probably thought the Earth was only 6000 years old well into your adulthood.
This thing is not over. IT is going to get crazy over the next few months. We are in a dangerous situation, domestically and otherwise. Also, remember I have stated they will do anything to win. Harris is an unlikeable bimbo. She is plain dumb. But, they will do anything to win. Hell, they just hid a President with cognitive decline and then forced him out. They cheated already once, big time. When I say anything I mean anything.
Dems should be mad. The guy they voted for and believed in just got pushed aside and sent to the basement. If they can keep him in the basement another week or two, he'll totally forget he was President anyway. Hasn't had a cabinet meeting in months. No wonder cabinet members can disappear for multiple weeks without being heard from.

The question I want to know is how much did Dr. Jill and the Biden crime family get paid to send ole Joe to the basement? The pay out had to be huge. It's probably what they were holding out for.

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